09:00-09:30: Registration

Session 1

09:30-09:40: Opening Address
Professor Iain McInnes - Vice Principal and Head, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences

09:40-10:00: Introductory Remarks
Professor Gerry Graham, Dean of Research, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences

10:00-10:30: Liverpool Shared Research Facilities: why, how and what next
Professor Ian Prior, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor, Technology Infrastructure and Environment Directorate, University of Liverpool

10:30-10:50: Whole Body Imaging Facility
Dr Kristin Flegal, Research Development Manager

10:50-11:30: Coffee Break and Networking

Session 2

11:30-11:50: Neil Bulleid Integrated Protein Analysis Facility
Dr Mads Gabrielsen, Technical Lead

11:50-12:10: Mass Spectrometry Facility
Dr Katie Kennedy, Technical Lead

12:10-12:30: Cellular Analysis Facility
Dr Leandro Lemgruber, Technical Lead 

12:30-13:50: Networking Lunch

Session 3

13:50-14:20: Starting a Core Facility Programme: Lessons from our Journey
Dr Danielle Hoyle, Head of Research Operations, Babraham Institute, Cambridge

14:20-14:40: Sequencing, Bioinformatics in the Molecular Analysis Facility
John Cole, Technical Lead, Molecular Analysis Facility

14:40-15:00: Data Analytics
Dr Ronan Daly, Head

15:00-15:30: Coffee Break and Networking

Session 4

15:30-16:00: Research Technology Platforms and Technical Specialists: 10 years of developing facilities and opportunities for technical staff
Dr Ian Hancox, Director of Research Technology and Technical Strategy, University of Warwick

16:00-16:20: Research Software Engineering
Iain Barrass, Head

16:20-16:30: Closing Remarks
Dr Phillip Whitfield, Director, MVLS Shared Research Facilities

16:30-18:30: Networking Reception