MVLS Shared Research Facilities Launch Symposium

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all delegates to the Launch Symposium of the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS) Shared Research Facilities (SRF) at the University of Glasgow. With the rapid advance in the complexity of technologies, having a cohesive technical infrastructure opens new directions to the way in which bioscience and biomedical research is conducted. The MVLS SRF offer high level expertise and state-of-the-art instrumentation across a range of facilities to support the activities of researchers at all levels as well providing training opportunities. Whilst accessible to MVLS and the wider university we also work with external academic institutions, the NHS and industry.

The opening address of our symposium is being delivered by the Head of College and will be followed by the Dean of Research who will outline the strategy that has led to the establishment of the MVLS SRF. We will hear from colleagues that lead our facilities, many of whom are Research Technical Professionals (RTPs) and they will provide an overview of available technologies and techniques along with the knowledge and skills of their teams. I am also delighted to welcome our keynote speakers from leading centres of research who will share their experiences of developing innovative facilities structures and initiatives aimed at promoting recognition for technical specialists. I very much hope that you enjoy the meeting and please do take the opportunity to speak with staff from the MVLS SRF throughout the day.

Phillip Whitfield
Director, MVLS Shared Research Facilities