MRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Award

The MRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) award is a strategic award aimed at accelerating the translation of discovery research towards impact, by supporting proof-of-concept studies, pump-priming and feasibility studies. IAA aims to accelerate development by providing locally administered, responsive and flexible funding to support preliminary translational work. Projects are required to align with at least one of the IAA core objectives.  

Call open to researchers for:

  • Development Projects up to £50k in value, to support the progression of an innovation along the translational pathway. Applicants will be asked to demonstrate how the IAA award would facilitate this and clearly identify the next steps in the translational pathway after completion of the IAA-funded work. Projects can be up to 9 months in duration.
  • Partnership Projects up to £20k in value, to develop new academic and industry interactions and enable knowledge exchange, events, collaborative working and cross-sector skills flow as well as funds towards thematic partnering events and enterprise and/or industry secondments. Projects can be up to 9 months in duration.
  • Early Concept Projects up to £20k in value, to support translational projects at an early stage of development or to generate evidence to support a later stage translational award. These awards are intended to bridge the gap between discovery research and early-stage translation and are suitable for projects that are considered too early stage for a full IAA development award. Projects can be between 3-4 months in duration.
  • IAA funds can also be used to support market assessment, mobility, development of business cases and access to external expertise.

Please note that there are institutional rules and processes relating to formal staff secondments which must be adhered with. In particular, the visa and immigration status of the proposed secondee must be considered. If you are unsure please contact your local HR Advisor for advice.

Application forms must be submitted via email to

The main Development Grant Funding Application Form can be used for all 4 IAA objectives (including Partnership and Early Concept projects). However, if you are applying for an event only, please use the lighter touch application form below.

Events, Engagement & Training Application Form

It is important that applicants can demonstrate how their project fits within the remit and provide a short background of their underpinning research, explaining how the funds requested can contribute towards the successful progression of their work with a focus on clear outcomes.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to reach out to the TRI and their local school IEE Director to discuss their project proposal prior to submission.

If within remit, multiple IAAs can be applied for from one application. For more information, access the drop-down menus below and read the full T&Cs. Please also watch our Applying for TRI Funding Video for advice on your application.

Project & Applicant Eligibility

This support scheme is focused on the translation of research towards impact. Fundamental or discovery research is out with remit.

It is important that applicants can demonstrate how their project fits within the remit and provide a short background of their underpinning research, explaining how the funds requested can contribute towards the successful progression of their work with a focus on clear outcomes.

Collaborations with external partners is encouraged, but not necessary for your funding application. Examples of eligible partners include private sector, government bodies, public sector organisations including the NHS, charities, NGOs and other third sector organisations. If such a collaboration is proposed in your applications, you must ensure that formal collaboration agreements are in place with any external partners before the beginning of your project. This can be included as a letter of support. The TRI recommend that you discuss this with your external partners or collaborators at an early stage of the proposal development and before applying for funding.

Principal investigators of IAA awards must be a University of Glasgow employee and have a staff number, as well as being contracted for the duration of the project. Early Career Researchers can apply for standard IAA funding as the principal investigator of a project. Written approval of their line manager will be required.

For secondment projects, all secondees must comply with visa and immigration requirements. Please check with the MVLS HR team prior to applying.

Application Criteria

Funding proposals must:

  • describe the area of knowledge, including the underpinning research and the anticipated innovation to be developed;
  • have a single, named PI who is responsible for the project, who must be a member of staff at the University of Glasgow;
  • briefly outline the background research on which the proposed work is based on;
  • describe the current stage of development and how it will be moved forward by the funding requested for the proposed IAA project;
  • provide details on the existing needs for this work and the opportunities that will be addressed by this project. This can be backed up by evidence derived from the market, existing or identified stakeholders or any other impact drivers, where appropriate;
  • outline the current barriers to impact;
  • describe any competing technologies and the advantages of the proposed innovation;
  • clearly present a budget breakdown per milestone, with timescales, including the value of contributions in-cash or in-kind from partners;
  • describe the risks involved with each milestone and the mitigation plans in place to address these;
  • provide details of anticipated project outcomes and impacts, including the way of achievement, anticipated timescales, and how the anticipated outcomes will be measured;
  • demonstrate that all appropriate agreements and contracts are in place and an appropriate IP strategy is being considered or adopted (where applicable);
  • state clear next steps, should the project be successful, along with potential benefits to the University of Glasgow;
  • outline how responsible innovation, sustainability and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) principals will be incorporated into your project.

IAA applications will be assessed by the TRI Management Review Panel and will consider the above criteria. Proposals that fail to address these criteria will be deemed ineligible for funding and may by rejected, or feedback given for resubmission. It is strongly encouraged that you discuss your proposal with the TRI management team before submitting your application.

Guidance on Assessment Criteria

Following submission, all applications will be assessed by the TRI Review PanelBelow is a list of criteria that the panel will use to assess and score IAA applications. These are included here for your guidance only and not all questions under each criterion will apply to every proposal. Please contact the TRI team at if you have any queries: 


  • If a project involves collaboration, are they appropriate and justified? Are there clear benefits to both the partner AND the University? Have the contributions of the partner been articulated and quantified?
  • Are letters of support with tangible contribution to project and / or evidence to substantiate claims made in proposal provided?
  • If subcontracting, consultancy, or the commissioning of an external consultant is proposed, have the required capabilities / skillsets been defined? Have any suitable potential suppliers been identified and / or approached?
  • Is the project team appropriate and able to carry out the work effectively? 


  • Does the proposal demonstrate an understanding of the opportunity and the market/end user need, and provide evidence for this?
  • Is there evidence of a demand for the proposed solution from relevant stakeholders (customers, industry, end users, clinicians, patients, etc)?
  • Is the approach adopted to address this need appropriate and justified?
  • Have competing technologies or solutions (on the market or under development) been considered and assessed? Is the current state of the art well understood?
  • Does the proposal consider the current state of the art and does it demonstrate how this project will move beyond the state of the art?


  • Is there a strong likelihood for impact to be realised (i.e., new products or processes, jobs created or safeguarded, cost savings, increased profits, new policies, improved healthcare, etc.);
  • Is there a clear path from research outputs to impact? Has an appropriate route to market for the technology/solution been identified and is there an suitable roadmap?
  • Are project risks identified, assessed and appropriately mitigated?
  • Are appropriate project objectives, tasks, deliverables, milestones and expected outputs and outcomes described in the proposal?
  • Are the plans for the next phase of the project beyond the IAA reasonable, and have suitable and realistic funding mechanisms identified?
  • Has the project IP strategy been considered and are the plans outlined appropriate?


  • Is the proposed project plan and implementation of the project appropriate and well described in the proposal? Are there defined tasks, outputs and milestones and does the proposal explain how these will all contribute to meeting the need / opportunity identified?
  • Consider the level of IAA funds requested compared to external partner cash and in-kind contributions as well as any third party funding leveraged.
  • Is the scale of the potential impact in proportion to the level of IAA funds requested?
  • Are there clear and reasonable potential benefits to the University of Glasgow, project partners, external stakeholders or end users?
  • Does the proposal demonstrate potential to leverage further funding or investment?

Funded Projects & Case Studies

Please see links to case studies of some of the previously funded MRC IAA projects, and a full list of funded projects below, listed by parent award round.

  • Nebu~Flow: Next Generation of Nebulisers for Efficient Respiratory Drug Delivery
  • VascuSens: Self-Reporting Vascular Graft Development
  • Portage Glasgow Ltd: University of Glasgow Partners with Portage Pharmaceuticals
  • Mitotargin: Developing novel diagnostics and therapeutics targeting the mitochondria
  • Disruptyx Therapeutics: Developing the next-generation of precision peptide therapeutics against cancer

MRC IAA Project Development

Qammer Abbasi Non-Invasive Glucose Level Monitoring System
George Baillie 5th Generation CAR-T Cell Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Vignir Helgason Clinical inhibitors of mitochondrial pyruvate carriers as therapeutics against AML
Kevin Rattigan Therapeutic enzyme to exploit tyrosine dependency in leukaemia
John Mercer VascuSens - Larif and Auto Calibrating Implants
Kostas Tokatlidis Mitotargin ADME 
Connor Blair Optimisation of c-RAF inhibitor peptide for KRAS-driven pancreatic cancer
Gang Li Reducing VR motion sickness using a built-in neurostimulation module
Ed Hutchinson Virus Dashboards: Preparing for Pandemics
James Brewer Development of a novel class of vaccine adjuvants to industrial readiness
Sheila Graham BioMARSC: RNA Biomarker Matrix for Risk Stratification of Cervical Disease
Kostas Tokatlidis Mitotargin (and ADME Top Up)
George Baillie Charles River DMPK Services
Andrew Roe The anti-virulence compound aurodox: a pathway to translation - Follow On 
John Mercer VascuSens Follow On
Nigel Jamieson AI-Pancreas - Integrating spatial multi-omics 
James Brewer Market-led proof of concept data generation for vaccine adjuvant portfolio
Jon Cooper Antimicrobial peptides as designer drugs
Connor Blair Inhibiting c-Raf activity and treating pancreatic cancer – Follow on 
Dan Walker A platform technology for engineering therapeutic protein antibiotics
Qammer Abbasi Non-Invasive Glucose Level Monitoring System
Andrew Roe/Amy Cattanach Identification of a unique metabolic signature associated with bacterial sepsis
Tiziana Lembo   Empowering engagement for antimicrobial resistance policy change in Tanzania
Jo Halliday Human brucellosis policy in Tanzania: Evidence based update of clinical guidance
George Baillie 5th Generation CAR-T Cell Therapy for Prostate Cancer
James Brewer/Amy Cattanach Targeting the T cell/Dendritic cell synapse to treat inflammatory diseases.
Vignir Helgason Clinical inhibitors of mitochondrial pyruvate carriers as therapeutics against AML
Kevin Rattigan Therapeutic enzyme to exploit tyrosine dependency in leukaemia
James Brewer Development of a novel class of vaccine adjuvants to industrial readiness
Shajan Gunamony Developing a next generation RF Coil for neurovascular imaging with 7T MRI systems
Jim Brewer Image based screening of aptamer libraries for novel immunomodulators
Andrew Tobin Targeting the malaria protein kinase PfCLK3
Vignir Helgason Combining TKI Treatment with Novel Autophagy Inhibitor (MRT403) for Eradication of Leukaemic Stem Cells 
Rick Maizels Therapeutic application of a novel parasite-derived immunosuppressive protein
Xu Huang, Wheadon, Jorgensen Target validation of the critical epigenetic regulator, KDM4A in acute myeloid leukaemia
Karen Keeshan Developing TRIB2 as a predictive biomarker for acute myeloid leukaemia sensitivity to the clinical covalent multi-ERBB compounds
Dan Walker Inhaled Pyocins for the Treatment of P.A. Infection
John Mercer Smart Stent
Kostas Tokatlidis Mitotargin
Graeme Milligan Developing antagonists of the G protein coupled receptor GPR84 with improved drug-like properties
Lilach Sheiner Enhancing the pathway to commercialisation of a new potential anti-malaria and anti-toxoplasmosis family of compounds 
Elijah Nazarzadeh/Andrew Tobin Novel Platform for Precision Pulmonary Delivery of High Value Therapeutics
Ruth Zadoks/Julien Reboud Translation of origami LAMP research into a novel point-of-care diagnostic for Group B Streptococcus 
Jose Penades/Victor Rodrigo Ibarra Chavez Development of a novel biotechnology-derived antimicrobial approach for therapy and diagnostics using synthetic Phage-Inducible Chromosomal Islands 
Dan Walker Identification, characterisation and engineering of highly specific protein antibiotics active against Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus
John Mercer/Nosrat Mirzai Smart Stent
George Baillie Enhancing Mas:ETB receptor interaction: A novel therapeutic target promoting vascular health: implications in pulmonary arterial hypertension
Jo Halliday BACTOCAP: Sequence capture for multiple bacterial zoonoses of international health importance 
Carl Goodyear Epigenetic stratification of rheumatoid arthritis patients for response to biological Disease Modifying anti-Rheumatic Drugs
David Robertson GLUE: a software framework for hepatitis C virus genotyping / drug-resistance detection in a clinical setting
Michael Barrett The Tryp Chip
Susanna Cooke Validation of a sequence capture assay for homologous recombination deficiency in pancreatic cancer Need and rationale
Dan Walker/Gerasimidis Konstantios Precision engineering of the human gut microbiome
Rhian Touyz Enhancing Mas:ETB receptor interaction: A novel therapeutic modality for pulmonary hypertension.
Lee Cronin Time-modulated programmable multi-drug treatment for the suppression and reversal of antibiotic resistance
Carl Goodyear/Nikolaj Gadegaard Translation of nanotechnology for improved bone regeneration
Carl Goodyear/Nikolaj Gadegaard Prognostic biomarkers in rheumatoid arthritis
Keith Muir/Rhian Touyz Validating molecular targets in the vascular pathophysiology of CADASIL
George Baillie Targeting the PKD1-HSP20 axis in heart disease

MRC IAA Partnership Development

George Baillie Biotheryx Collaboration
Donal Wall Glasgow University Microbiome Initiative (GUMI) inaugural symposium
Ronan Daly Polyomics Affinity Biomarkers
Katie Robb Screening Action Model (I-SAM) to improve cancer screening access - Market and Commercial Assessment
Kirstin Mitchell Software tool to assess outcomes of sex therapy: market viability
Sandosh Padmanabhan Industry led cross-college digital health innovation opportunity events
George Baillie Portage Glasgow Ltd
Neil Hawkins Health Economics for Precision Medicine
Lilach Sheiner FutuRX
Julian Dow/Shireen Davies Market research - Kidney nephrotoxicity
Eric Kalkman Autophagy Conference
Craig Daly Market research
Maria McPhillips CVR Industry Workshop
Andrew Tobin/Sarah Hesse Assessing the effect of targeting the M1 muscarinic receptor in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Jim Brewer Road-mapping for image-based screening
Ruth McLaughlin Health Innovation Hub
Shajan Gunamony/David Porter  Enabling specialist coil design to facilitate advanced imaging using 7T MRI
Kostas Tokatlidis Market research for commercial development of a novel peptide tool for external payload delivery to mitochondria in cells
George Baillie BioTheryX
Jane Townson/Jo Edwards/Gerard Lynch Enhanced project management support for integrated diagnostics
George Baillie Enhancing Mas:ETB receptor interaction
George Baillie Developing a joint venture with Portage Pharmaceuticals Ltd (PPL): staff visit/exchange 
Ruth McLaughlin Discovery Science Surgeries
Lilach Scheiner Validation of ATrx2 as a tractable anti-malarial target to enable drug discovery work
Carolyn Low Sequencing Consortium
Sara Macdonald HW - public patient interaction
James Brewer Developing a strategic relationship with GSK in adjuvant evaluation and mechanism of action. 
Gerard Graham Basic Science Surgeries 
Tomoko Iwata Exploration of Perkin-Elmer Quantitative Pathology Imaging (QPI) for clinical diagnosis 
Caroline Woodside Industry Day: Future of Biomedicine 27th September 2015  
Rhian Touyz Histoindex-Clinnovate Health UK