Translational funding opportunities
MVLS has secured approximately £2m of translational funding from the BBSRC and MRC Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAAs) to help support the translation of research. The Translational Research Initiative (TRI) coordinates access to these funds to help:
- De-risk innovations to secure next stage grants (e.g. MRC DPFS), industry collaborations (including Innovate UK funding), or investment for spin out company formation
- Up-skill academic researchers engaging with impact and commercialisation
- Deepen and expand external partnerships with industry and investors
- Develop the MVLS technology pipeline
Development grants
Through the TRI, funding is available for research projects with high potential for translation and impact. Applicants should clearly outline the unmet need, the unique benefits of the solution, the route to market and the next steps in the translation pathway for the work to be funded.
Funding opportunities available from MRC IAA and BBSRC IAA.
For more information, please watch our Applying for Translational Research Funding Video and contact
MRC & BBSRC Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAAs)
The TRI provide access to MRC and BBSRC IAA awards, aiming to accelerate the transition from discovery research towards impact generation. Funds can be used for proof-of-concept, pump-priming & feasibility studies aiming to generate impact.
Translational Research Funding Calendar
Visit our calendar for a full list of awards and deadlines.
BBSRC Excellence with Impact (EWI)
The Excellence with Impact (EwI) Legacy Fund is open to all MVLS staff and postgraduate research students. Collaborative applications involving other University of Glasgow staff/students or external partners are welcomed, but the lead applicant must be part of MVLS.
Advice on Applying for Translational Funding Awards
Watch our video and learn more about translational research, available funding, and how to apply.