Innovation, Engagement & Enterprise Roadmaps

Inspired by the MVLS Innovation, Engagement & Enterprise Strategy, developed to create partnerships, deliver skills and fuel innovation to create positive socioeconomic and environmental impact for Glasgow, Scotland and the rest of the world, the Translational Research Initiative (TRI) created a number of informational roadmaps to help support a wide variety of projects throughout the college. 

Based on previously funded research, we are developing six translational research roadmaps; ‘Therapeutics’ (drug discovery and development), ‘Medical Devices and Diagnostics’ (assays also included in this), ‘Bioinformatics and Software’, 'Policy' and ‘Animal Health' and 'Plant Science and Crop Protection.’ 

For each of these innovation themes, roadmaps can help researchers achieve maximum impact from their projects, providing information on experimental considerations and business development advice along with internal and external funding and contacts, contacts and facilities, regulatory signposting and training. These roadmaps are a visual plan for how research projects can create impact through their work, outlining key stages, requirements, and structured activities that will enable teams to drive and support research translation and innovation. 

Please note, that your research proposal does not need to fit within one of these classifications to apply for funding. Please see links to support available within the roadmaps or contact


While each roadmap is divided into key stages, this is not a linear process and may differ from project to project. The information provided here consists of generalised, high level guidance and pointers on how to navigate different methods of support and some key project considerations to help researchers form the next steps and seek the appropriate support, when required.

The research translation journey often requires input from a variety of specialties, including professional staff and consultants, and is a team effort between the researchers, support staff and advisors. The college of MVLS offers a wide support framework, and a number of teams to help guide and advise researchers. Contact details of all relevant support teams can be found at the quick links, contacts dropdown, and throughout the roadmap. For more information and to contact the appropriate team, please visit the Research Innovation & Engagement Support pages here.