MVLS Engagement Reporting

The MVLS Engagement Team have created an online form to collect data on all public and community engagement activity delivered by MVLS staff and students. We are seeking to collect data on engagement events, activities & projects from across the college - including information on the type of engagement, audiences, delivery teams, and any impacts of the engagement. We encourage all staff involved in public and community engagement to submit data using the form, so that we can create an accurate picture of the engagement work happening across the college.

MVLS Engagement Reporting Form 2024/25

Please read the following instructions before submitting the form:

• Please provide information on all public & community engagement projects you have delivered, managed or organised over the past academic year – from August 1st 2024 – July 31st 2025. This includes schools engagement.

• Please submit one form per unique project, event, or activity. Longer term projects (like a yearlong series of events) can be submitted as one form if appropriate – please use your judgement on how to split things up.

• If anything is unclear or you have any feedback on the form, please email

Further instructions can be found in the Reporting Guidance doc

Please note, this form will close for submissions on 30th September 2025.