Trusted Research

Image of the cloisters

The University of Glasgow is operating in an increasingly global capacity in respect of our international research collaborations and our interactions with global research funders and other organisations. The University encourages and values international engagement in all its forms and our international profile, partnerships and relationships are crucial to our ability to carry out research that transforms lives and changes the world. As a world-leading institution engaged in research and knowledge exchange with partners across the globe, we must, however, be alert to the possibility of our research and outputs being misused when exported. It is therefore essential that we comply with all relevant national and international legislation and requirements relating to export control insofar as these relate to the activities of the University and its people (staff, students, visiting academics and contractors).

Trusted Research is advice and guidance published jointly by NPSA and the NCSC which supports the integrity of the system of international research collaboration. Designed in partnership with the sector, it provides guidance to researchers, university staff and funding organisations to help keep sensitive research and intellectual property secure from theft, misuse or exploitation. (NPSA). The aim is to protect the UK from hostile states/actors whose democratic and ethical values are different and whose strategic intent is hostile to the UK. 

The Trusted Research agenda is particularly relevant to researchers in STEM subjects, dual-use technologies, emerging technologies and commercially sensitive research areas, but everyone involved in research should be aware of these issues. Researchers are ultimately responsibility for compliance with the legal frameworks in the UK. These web pages refer specifically to strategic Export Control legislation and the National Securities and Investment Act (NSI) which fall under the Trusted Research remit. GDPR and Cybersecurity are other areas of concern. 

Find out more about the Trusted Research agenda on the National Protective Security Authority website. We acknowledge NPSA’s Trusted Research Guidance for Academia in developing our processes.