Information for applicants


Applications from undergraduate and postgraduate students

The MVLS College Ethics Committee no longer accepts applications directly from undergraduate or postgraduate students; applications must instead be submitted by an academic supervisor who is a member of staff at the University of Glasgow. This decision was taken with reluctance as a result of the Committee receiving a large number of incomplete or poor quality applications, some of which had been submitted without the knowledge or approval of the academic supervisor. The iterative process of drafting and redrafting an ethics application to bring it to an acceptable standard for submission is an important element of research training. However, the responsibility for such training rests with the academic supervisor and not with the Ethics Committee. For clarification, students are permitted to upload onto the online application system all the documents relating to an ethics application, but only a member of staff with a GUID can press the submission button. By making the submission, the academic supervisor takes responsibility not only for the quality of the application but for the proper conduct of the study. Students whose supervisor is not a member of staff at the University of Glasgow should contact the MVLS Ethics Committee administrator for advice on how to submit an application.


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