The centre can support research teams in project start-up coordination, signposting to processes and departments playing key roles in an initial project set up.
Legislation and Conduct of Research Projects
The guidance on the UK and EU legislation pertaining to research involving humans can be found on the Research Regulation and Compliance Office website. Researchers can find information about:
Writing Participant Information Sheet and Consent Guidance
Creating a well-structured Participant Information Sheet (PIS) and Consent Form ensures that participants fully understand what to expect during a research project. These documents must provide clear and accurate details about the study's procedures while considering the complexities of data and biospecimen use, both now and in the future. This guidance document includes adaptable scenarios and example text, helping to address various aspects of data and sample management based on specific project objectives.
Partictipant Information Sheet and Consent (data and biospecimen use) Guidance
Delivering Research Projects
The delivery of research projects is a multilayered process from the moment the research idea is born until the delivery of the final report. Navigating through all phases of Research Project delivery can be complicated. We recommend consulting the NIHR routemap for general process information. The researchers are invited to consult our Glasgow support toolkit designed to navigate researchers through the available support in the Glasgow context.
The Integrated Research Application System (IRAS)
The Integrated Research Application System (IRAS) is the system that allows researchers to apply for relevant permissions and approvals to conduct health and social care research in the UK. The IRAS Completion Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions are designed to support researchers to complete the form.
Writing Protocol
Creating a clear and comprehensive study protocol is crucial for the success of any research project. While the HRA offers a protocol template for Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs), we provide a proposed templates for trials and studies that fall outside this scope (Non-CTIMPs). We are also rolling out proposed template for medical device studies and preparing data-only research protocol template, giving researchers structured guidance tailored to their specific study type.
CETC_ Non-CTIMP Trial__Study_Protocol Template_V1.0_07 Mar 2025.docx
CETC_ Clinical Device Protocol Template_V1.0_24 Mar 2025.docx