Two new MVLS professors appointed Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences
Published: 11 May 2018
Two professors from the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS) have been appointed Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS).
Two professors from the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS) have been appointed Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS).
The new Fellows are Professor Mandy Maclean, Professor of Pulmonary Pharmacology at the University’s Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences; and Prof Rick Maizels, Professor of Parasitology based at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Parasitology within the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation.
Prof Maclean and Prof Maizels are part of 48 of the UK’s world-leading researchers newly-elected to join the prestigious Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
Founded in 1998, the AMS is the independent body in the UK representing the diversity of medical science. The new Fellows have been elected for their outstanding contributions to biomedical and health science, leading research discoveries, and translating developments into benefits for patients and the wider society.
Prof Mandy Maclean’s research has focused on the role of serotonin in the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). More recently her work has focused on gender effects and interactions between serotonin and oestrogen metabolism in PAH.

Prof Maclean said: “I am truly honoured to be elected into the Fellowship of The Academy of Medical Sciences. This election also reflects the dedication of my research group, who are committed to discovering new therapies for pulmonary vascular disease.
“The Academy plays a crucial role in supporting early career researchers through the real challenges they face in their career. I look forward to working with the Academy on these initiatives. Our early career researchers are the future for clinical breakthroughs and the Academy plays a key role in supporting them. The Academy also recognises that public dialogue remains essential for well-informed policy making and encouraging trustworthiness with the public. I look forward to working with the Academy in promoting public engagement.
Immunologist Prof Maizels’ work is centred on the fundamental questions of how and why parasites manipulate the sophisticated mammalian immune system, and how that system has evolved in the face of parasite immunomodulatory strategies. His laboratory focuses on the most complex parasites to invade the body – multicellular helminths – which cause widespread tropical diseases while displaying profound immuno-regulatory capability.

Prof Maizels said: “It’s a great honour to be elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences, and especially exciting as my own work is moving from fundamental biology to medical translation.
“Members of the Academy are all outstanding colleagues with a wealth of experience and insight, and I am very much looking forward to working with them in the coming years.”
Prof Dame Anna Dominiczak, Vice Principal and Head of the College of MVLS, said: “I am delighted by the news that my MVLS colleagues, Prof Maclean and Prof Maizels, have been elected to the AMS.
“It is an incredible achievement which recognises the huge contribution each of them has made within their respective fields, as well as being a reflection of the talent we have within the College of MVLS. On behalf of everyone at the College of MVLS, and the University as a whole, I wish to extend my congratulations to both of them.”
Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences said: “The Academy simply could not tackle major health and policy challenges without our dynamic and diligent brain trust of Fellows. I extend my warmest congratulations to all who are joining us this year, each of whom has earned this prestige by advancing their own field of biomedical science.
“Later this year the Academy will celebrate 20 years of supporting the translation of biomedical and health research into benefits for society. As we celebrate this special anniversary we stand at a crossroads of both enormous health challenges and great opportunity for medical sciences. So I am delighted to see the remarkable breadth and depth of the expertise within our 48 new Fellows. We look forward to these experts joining us in addressing the health challenges we face head on and exploiting opportunities to improve health in the UK and internationally.”
The new Fellows will be formally admitted to the Academy at a ceremony on 27 June 2018.
This brings the total UofG Fellows to 25. The others are: Sir James Armour, Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Parasitology; Professor David Barlow, Emeritus Professor, previously Executive Dean of Medicine, The University of Glasgow; Professor Andrew Biankin, Regius Professor of Surgery, Director of Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre; Sir Kenneth Calman, Chancellor; Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak, Regius Professor of Medicine, Vice Principal and Head of College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences; Professor David Graham, Emeritus Professor of Neuropathology; Professor Peter Kennedy, Honorary Senior Research Fellow; Professor Eddy Liew, Gardiner Professor of Immunology; Professor Laura Machesky, Senior Research Group Leader; Professor Rona MacKie, Senior Research Fellow; Professor Kenneth McColl, Professor of Gastroenterology and Consultant Physician; Professor James McEwen Emeritus Professor in Public Health; Professor Iain McInnes, Professor of Experimental Medicine / Director of Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation; Professor John McMurray, Professor of Medical Cardiology & Honorary Consultant Cardiologist Queen Elizabeth University Hospital; Professor Graeme Milligan, Professor of Molecular Pharmacology and Gardiner Professor of Biochemistry; Professor Massimo Palmarini, Professor of Virology and Director of CVR; Professor Jill Pell Director of Institute of Health and Wellbeing; Professor Owen Sansom, Interim Director Beatson Institute for Cancer Research; Professor Naveed Sattar, Professor of Metabolic Medicine; Professor Rhian Touyz, Director ICAMS and British Heart Foundation Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine; Professor Graham Watt, Professor of General Practice; Professor Brian Whiting (Retired); Professor John Wyke, Emeritus Professor.
First published: 11 May 2018
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