The University of Glasgow and NHSGGC Trusted Research Environment Challenge

The oGRE Challenge aims to develop a dynamic, scalable and adaptive health data analysis platform to rapidly answer questions of clinical and public health importance.

A partnership between the University of Glasgow and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, the oGRE Challenge aligns with the triple helix partnership approach of the Digital Health Validation Lab and Living Laboratory, bringing together clinicians, academics and industry partners to explore health data resources, utilising its potential to bring patient benefit to Glasgow and beyond.

oGRE will leverage the data science, analytical and computational capacities at the University of Glasgow and utilise the safe access to routinely collected electronic health record data of patients across Greater Glasgow and Clyde through NHSGGC SafeHaven and the UofG Robertson Centre for Biostatistics.

The oGRE Steering Group has selected 20 research questions from 43 high-quality applications based on suitability to the available data, potential impact and analytical capacity. Over the next 12 months, cross-disciplinary groups of investigators and analysts will collaborate in a team science approach to answer these questions and publish their results.

Find out more and follow the progress of the oGRE projects below.