Healthcare Innovation Symposium Poster Session

We invite you to join our Healthcare Innovation Symposium, where delegates from across academia, industry, and healthcare will come together to explore cutting-edge developments, emerging opportunities, and key challenges in the healthcare innovation landscape. 

As part of the symposium, we will be hosting a poster session and are delighted to announce that submissions are now open!

Posters will be displayed for the duration of the symposium, with prizes for the top three posters being awarded at the end of the day.

Who Can Enter?

We invite submissions from PhD students and early career researchers (defined by career stage, up to and including Research Fellows).

Research Themes

Your research area must be in healthcare innovation such as:

  • Digital Health technology
  • AI adoption in healthcare
  • Medical Imaging
  • Precision Medicine
  • Sustainable healthcare solutions
  • The use of VR/Robotics/3D printing in healthcare

This list is not exhaustive but as a general guide, your healthcare innovative research should create solutions which can be adopted into clinical setting, would deliver savings for the NHS and improve outcomes for patients.

Submission Guidance

Abstract submissions should be no longer than 200 words.

Poster proposals should be submitted to Amy Fagan at You may only submit one abstract.

Please ensure you include your name, department, and job title when submitting your abstract.

The poster abstract submission deadline is Thursday 3 October 2024, 17:00 (BST).

Any submissions made after this date and time will not be accepted for consideration.

You will be informed of the outcome of your abstract submission by Monday, 14 October 2024.

Successful Entries

If your abstract submission is successful, please confirm your intention to present no later than Friday, 18 October 2024.

Please note that posters should be portrait and designed to be printed at size A0. You will be required to bring your poster along with you on the morning of the symposium and to display this on your assigned poster board (Velcro will be available on the day and poster board number will be provided in due course upon confirmation of poster acceptance).

The Living Laboratory will not cover the costs of poster production.

Successful entries will have their submission included in a book of abstracts, to be shared ahead of the symposium taking place.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Fagan ( who will be able to assist.