Student Publications
Oluwaseun, O, Storm, Z, Fu, C, Cortese, D, Munson, A, Boulamail, S, Pineda, M, Kochhann, D, Killen, SS. (2023) Capture and discard practices associated with an ornamental fishery affect the metabolic rate and aerobic capacity of three-striped dwarf cichlids Apistogramma trifasciata. Conservation Physiology
Jones, NAR, Cortese, D, Spence-Jones, H, Munson, A, Storm, Z, Killen, SS, Bethel, R, Deacon, R, Webster, M, Závorka, L. (2023). Maze design: size and number of options impact performance in cognitive assays. Journal of Fish Biology. 105:974-984.
Tiddy, I.C., Schneider, K. and Elmer, K.R. (2023), Environmental correlates of adaptive diversification in post-glacial freshwater fishes. J Fish Biol. Accepted Author Manuscript.
Algueró-Muñiz, M., Spatharis, S., Dwyer, T., de Noia M., Chaib, B., Robertson, B., Johnstone, C., Welsh J., Macphee A., Mazurkiewicz, M., Bickerdike, R., Migaud H., McGhee, C., Præbel, K., Llewellyn, M. (2023). High resolution longitudinal molecular and morphological tracking of planktonic threats to salmon aquaculture: new candidates and old players. bioRxiv 2023.09.04.556215
Dahms, C., & Killen, S. S. (2023). Temperature change effects on marine fish range shifts: A meta-analysis of ecological and methodological predictors. Global Change Biology, 29, 4459–4479.
Migiani, G., Smout, J. L., Recknagel, H., & Elmer, K. R. (2022). A hypomelanistic common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) from the Alps. Herpetology Notes, 15, 447-451.
Crotti, M., Bean, C.W., Gowans, A.R., Winfield, I.J., Butowska, M., Wanzenböck, J., Bondarencko, G., Præbel, K., Adams, C.E. and Elmer, K.R., 2021. Complex and divergent histories gave rise to genome‐wide divergence patterns amongst European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(12), pp.1954-1969.
- Apostolopoulou N. G., Smeti E., Lamorgese M., Varkitzi I., Whitfield P., Regnault C., Spatharis S., (2022). Microalgae show a range of responses to exometabolites of foreign species, Algal Research, 62, 102627.
- Tiddy I, Kaullysing D, Bailey DM, Chumun PK, Killen SS, Le Vin A, Bhagooli R (2021), Outplanting of branching Acropora enhances recolonization of a fish species and protects massive corals from predation. Coral Reefs 40, 1549-1561.
- Burns, T.J., Thomson, R.R., McLaren, R.A., Rawlinson, J., McMillan, E., Davidson, H. and Kennedy, M.W. (2020) Buried treasure - Marine turtles do not ‘disguise’ or ‘camouflage’ their nests but avoid them and create a decoy trail. Royal Society Open Science, in press.
A select list of Zoology and Marine & Freshwater Biology undergraduate student research papers that have been published in scientific journals
These publications are the result of honours projects, summer internships, and expedition work associated with the courses.