UK Ultra-High Field pTx Workshop hosted in Glasgow

Published: 17 June 2024

The ICE MRI Physics team hosted a two-day workshop on parallel-transmit (pTx) imaging techniques for ultra-high field imaging in Glasgow on 10-11 June 2024. The event brought together 7T MRI Physics experts from across the UK and Europe in order to network, exchange knowledge and develop new collaborations.

The Imaging Centre of Excellence, represented by Dr Sydney Williams, Prof David Porter and Dr Kristin Flegal, along with Dr Aaron Hess from the University of Oxford and Prof Chris Rodgers from the University of Cambridge, hosted a 7T MRI Physics workshop in Glasgow on 10-11 June 2024. Organised on behalf of the UK 7T Network, the event was attended by around 70 participants from other 7T MRI sites across the UK and mainland Europe. The attendees had the opportunity to hear from twelve invited speakers, including keynote speaker Franz Schmitt, who played a pivotal role in the development of 7T MRI and Parallel RF Transmission (pTx) at Siemens Healthineers HQ in Erlangen, Germany.

First published: 17 June 2024