NorthWestBio (NWB) is a new BBSRC-funded Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) delivered between the Universities of Glasgow, Lancaster, Queen’s Belfast and Strathclyde.
Applications for our programme are now CLOSED.
About the Programme
NWB is a new BBSRC-funded Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) delivered between the Universities of Glasgow, Lancaster, Queen’s Belfast and Strathclyde. Each partner has proven expertise in research that addresses global challenges and provides access to outstanding research facilities and infrastructure. The programme is further enriched through our associated partners iBioIC, the Moredun Research Institute and the James Hutton Institute, expanding the collaborative options for joint PhD projects, industrial connectivity and entrepreneurship and placements.
Our People
The programme is primary overseen by the NWB DTP Executive Committee, with support and input from our Co-ordinating Committee. Both have reprentation from lead partners and associate partners to ensure a collegiate approach to progressing the programme.
Our Partners
The NWB DTP is founded upon four institutions, University of Glasgow, University of Lancaster, Queen's Belfast University, and University of Strathclyde, and our associate partners, the James Hutton Institute, Moredun Research Institute and IBioIC.
Our Programme
NWB DTP recognises the potential synergy in research and training between our complementary research communities and our areas of research excellence, including the balance in our respective expertise, facilities and resources that add value to students’ opportunities and experiences.
Professional Internships for PHD Students (PIPS)
The opportunity to apply your training to broaden your skills and networks in years 2 or 3 of the PhD, with a placement for 3 months.
Our Students
Two of our 1st Year students tell us why they picked BBSRC NorthWestBio PHD.
Profiles of our NWB Cohort 1
Our Student Liasions
We are committed to providing a safe, secure environment for all of our students.
Our Partnership
Our partnership encompasses three key elements:
- Research Expertise - Research Expertise and focus in sustainable agriculture and food, healthy ageing, an integrated understanding of health and the development of new pharmaceuticals.
- New Technology - New tools and technologies that are essential for cutting edge research. Our integrated approach will offer doctoral students the chance to learn from and utilise world-leading technology across all our partner institutions.
- A Collaborative Environment - The NWB DTP will foster collaboration among partners that embrace team science approaches, and nurture entrepreneurship, innovation and the necessary training to allow you to emerge as broadly skilled and highly employable bioscientists.