Policies and procedures

There are numerous policies and procedures given in the University Fees and General Information for Students section of the University Calendar, which also contains information on Hardship Funds, the Code of Procedure for Appeals and the Complaints Procedure.  It also sets out the University's policies on 'Sexual or Racial Harassment' and 'Plagiarism'.

The College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences section of the Calendar provides the definitive regulations governing admission, award of degrees and degree regulations.

Additionally, the PGR Code of Practice sets out the policy of the University of Glasgow with regard to good practice in all matters relating to postgraduate research students.  Its aims are to ensure that consistent, high standards are set and achieved across the University and to define clearly the responsibility of all parties, including students and their supervisors.  

Further information about the Code of Practice can be viewed on the Research & Enterprise Postgraduate Research Service website.

Bench Fee Charges

A bench fee relates to PG student projects and is to cover specific additional costs associated with laboratory or field work and to determine an amount to reflect the funding required.

In order to provide a more structured and standardised approach to calculating bench fees, MVLS College has agreed a maximum charge for bench fees, these are:

Wet lab projects    £12K

Dry lab projects      £5K

An indication of allowable costs can be found on the Bench Fee Proforma.

This form should be used in all cases where a bench fee applies and is included with the admission instructions when a new student is made an offer. The completed form and admission instructions are returned to admissions (External Relations) to process. Your local admin support will be able to give further information regarding this process.

Please be aware that increasingly international sponsors request a breakdown of expenditure each year against the charged bench fee, therefore it is important to ensure that accurate recording and monitoring of spend is in place.

PGR Clinical Fees

This tuition fee pertains to a student who will be working on a clinical project. From the 1 September 2018 supervisors will be required to apply for clinical tuition fee.

To apply please complete  Clinical Tuition Fee Form and return it to Lesley Dinning. Your request will then be considered by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Research furth of Glasgow

Doing research or fieldwork away from your University base.

Graduate students are expected to be based at the University throughout their studies unless there is a specific arrangement for locating at a recognised institution (listed below) or local NHS hospital.  In cases where the location is not University premises, permission should be sought in advance.  Special permission must also be obtained in advance for any work undertaken away from the usual location.  This applies whether the remote work is in another academic or research institution, or industrial laboratory, where supervision levels and facilities and safety are at least equivalent to those here; or whether you are doing fieldwork.  Permission is required, under the University’s guidelines, for any period of over a month away.  Permission is not withheld unreasonably but we do have to ensure that students are appropriately supervised, are safe, and that facilities are adequate. 

Further Information

Research Furth of Glasgow

Research Furth Application Form

Research Furth Fieldwork Risk Assesment

Absence Policy Including Suspension of Study

The University expects students to complete their study in a single continuous period.  Absences from research degree studies may, however be appropriate when a student needs to suspend or interrupt studies, for example, as a result of maternity leave.  In such instances a Suspension of Studies form should be completed for a prospective suspension of study.

Students should be aware that relevant funder guidelines and visa restrictions will take primacy over University Regulations.

Please return the completed form to the Graduate School.

Travel insurance

It is important that  the Finance Office is notified of staff and postgraduate student business travel for insurance purposes.

The travel insurance policy covers staff and postgraduate students travelling on University business if the journey is either (i) outside the UK or (ii) within the UK and involves either air travel or an overnight stay (in the case of an overnight stay the mode of travel is irrelevant).  An online form must be completed for each journey at least seven days prior to departure.  An insurance cover note will be returned via e-mail.

Further information on travel insurance can be found here

Suspension of Studies

Students should record short periods of absences from their studies, e.g., a short period of illness, in MyCampus as detailed in the Student Absence Policy, to have an ongoing record of any negative impacts on their ability to fully participate in their studies.

While students sometimes resist this so that they don’t appear to be struggling, a thorough absence record can support requests for extensions, or a case for a change in status from full time to part time.

Where students are experiencing periods of mental or physical ill health or are experiencing any issues or pressures that affect their ability to fully participate in their studies, they are encouraged to seek appropriate support and, where needed, a period of leave from their studies. Students may request leaves of absence (suspensions of study), or extensions as detailed in Section 9.22 - 9.34 of the PGR Code of Practice .

Periods of suspension or extension are not granted retrospectively, e.g., on return to study, except where this was unavoidable.

Students who are in receipt of scholarship funding to support their studies should be mindful of any terms and conditions of their funding and how a period of absence might affect stipendiary or other payments.

The University is unable to continue stipend payments out with the 13-week period set out in the Student Absence policy unless individual funders make specific provision for this. Students should seek advice from their Graduate School and/or the Student Services Enquiry Team who may be able to direct them to hardship or emergency funding, where this is available.

A suspension of study usually cannot extend beyond 12 months. Beyond this original 12-month period, a second period of suspension (also only up to 12 months) will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Students must provide appropriate documentation to support any such requests.

International Students - Suspensions of more than 60 days

If your student has approval to be absent for more than 60 days, the University is required to withdraw sponsorship of their visa. If they are in the UK, they will need to leave the UK and apply for a new visa when they are ready to return and resume their studies. Please note that this also applies to suspensions of study requested for maternity leave.

If your student is considering suspending or deferring their studies, they, and you, can contact International Student Support who can offer further advice.

Responsibility of the Supervisor:

  • Support your student and have a good line of communication with them.
  • Have a chat with your PG Convenor.
  • Ensure the student completes a suspension form below, which you and the PGC need to approve and sign.
  • Send the form into the MVLS Graduate School for review at the next Higher Degrees Committee.
  • The grad school will inform the student and yourself of the outcome and undertake any changes on MyCampus.

Deadline Date for Submission to the HDC Committee

Extension/suspension/HDC requests have to be submitted to mvlsgradschool@glasgow.ac.uk by the 15th of each month, not to the chair of the HDC. 

Any requests received before/on the 15th will be processed and added to the current months agenda. 

Requests received after the 15th will be added to the following months agenda (there will be a level of flexibility for any urgent requests). This will allow for items to be added to the agenda accordingly and give the HDC members time to review the items before HDC meetings.

Suspension of Studies

Extension to Thesis Submission

If a student and their supervisor(s) perceive that the original submission date may not be achievable, they may apply for an extension, or suspension of studies, no later than 3 months prior to the planned submission date. 

An extension, or suspension, to a student’s submission deadline may be granted subject to approval by the Higher Degrees Committee and in compliance with any funder terms and conditions.  Read the Code of Practice for more information.

Extensions are not normally granted for a period in excess of 12 months and are considered on a case by case basis.

Eligible reasons for granting an extension / suspension include: ill health (accompanied by medical certification); death of a person with whom a close relationship can be demonstrated (e.g. immediate family member; spouse); delay to data gathering/analysis due to lack of operable equipment; dramatic change in circumstances.

The application should be written and submitted by the student and include:

  • an account of the reasons for the application
  • a plan and timetable for the revised submission
  • sufficient evidence to support the application (medical certificates, evidence of relationship)
  • letter of support from the principal supervisor.

The Graduate School shall inform the student in writing of the outcome of the application for extension with the reasons for the outcome with any revised submission dates if applicable.

Deadline Date for Submission to the HDC Committee

Extension/suspension/HDC requests have to be submitted to mvlsgradschool@glasgow.ac.uk by the 15th of each month, not to the chair of the HDC. 

Any requests received before/on the 15th will be processed and added to the current months agenda. 

Requests received after the 15th will be added to the following months agenda (there will be a level of flexibility for any urgent requests). This will allow for items to be added to the agenda accordingly and give the HDC members time to review the items before HDC meetings.

Choose the appropriate form and email back to the MVLS Graduate School:

Extension to Thesis Submission


Change of Academic Load (Full time/Part time)

If a student wishes to request to change their academic load from full time to part time, or vice versa, follow these instructions:

  • Send the Graduate School an email to make this request. Mvls-gradschool@glasgow.ac.uk
  • The email should contain the reason for the request and the date for the change to begin.
  • Copy in the supervisor and the PGR Convener for the school
  • The supervisor and the PGR Convener will also need to send emails to the Graduate School to support the request.

Once we have received the request and supporting emails from the supervisor and PGR convener, we can submit the request to the Higher Degrees Committee for consideration.

Late thesis submission

Under the Regulations for the various types of research degrees (PhD, MD, MSc), there are strict time limits for submission of theses.  Some funding bodies have imposed penalties on institutions showing poor rates of timely thesis submission.  Once such a time limit has passed, the student (or former student) loses the absolute right to submit a thesis and be examined.  Graduate Schools do have discretion to allow late submission.  However, there does have to be a convincing case made.  Criteria from the University’s Code of Practice are listed below:

Applications for extension will be considered on a case by case basis. Please see the Extension to Thesis Submission for eligibility criteria.

In this Graduate School, applications for permission to submit a thesis late are considered by the Graduate School Board which meets 4 or 5 times annually.  Applications should be lodged with the Graduate School Office a fortnight in advance of the relevant meeting.  The Supervisor’s letter is particularly important in informing the Board’s decision.  The Board will not normally consider a second application if a degree candidate fails to meet an extended deadline.  If permission is granted for a late submission, payment of the late fee is required.

Note that, in the specific case of international students who have not submitted a thesis on time and whose visa is approaching expiry, a very good case will need to be made in order to justify the University sponsoring a visa extension to enable thesis submission.

Plagarism Statement

You can find Plagarism Satement on the University Regulations web pages, in the section on Student Support and Conduct Matters.

This information is also outlined for students in Appendix 6 of the PGR Student Handbook .

Appeal procedures

Before submitting an appeal students should be encouraged to consult their Adviser of Studies, Supervisor, Course Leader or School/College Administrator for advice and to explore whether there is a possible resolution without proceeding to a formal appeal.

The SRC Advice Centre is available to advise students. 

You should encourage students to consult the SRC, as they can provide invaluable independent advice on the grounds for appeal and on the appeals process.

When a student is considering appealing against their final award, you should remind them that if they graduate they are deemed to have accepted the award; if they wish to appeal they must therefore withdraw from graduation.

The first stage of the Appeals Procedure is to appeal to the College Appeals Committee. The student must submit a letter intimating an intention to appeal within 10 working days of publication of the decision that they wish to appeal. This should be submitted to the College’s Head of Academic and Student Administration, Alison Wallace.

The student then has a further 20 working days to submit full grounds for appeal and any necessary supporting documentation.

There are three permitted grounds for appeal:

i) unfair or defective procedure;
ii) a failure to take account of medical or other adverse personal circumstances;
iii) relevant medical or other adverse personal circumstances which for good reason have not previously been presented.

The College Appeals Committee Convener will decide whether to consider the appeal by full hearing (which the student may attend) or by preliminary disposal (which is held in private).

The College Appeals Committee will consider the grounds for appeal and will take account of a response from the School/Subject Area. If you are asked to provide such a response, please bear in mind that this will become part of the appeal papers and will be made available to the student. The Committee may dismiss the appeal, uphold it or refer the case back to the Board of Examiners/Progress Committee for further consideration.

If the appeal has been considered by preliminary disposal and the student believes that some element of the appeal has been overlooked they may request reinstatement of the appeal for further consideration by a full hearing of the College Appeals Committee. If they wish to seek reinstatement, they must do so within 10 working days of the Appeals Committee’s decision being issued, explaining what they believe has been overlooked. A member of the College Appeals Committee who has not been involved in the case will decide whether there are grounds to permit reinstatement.

If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome from the College’s consideration of the appeal (whether or not they sought reinstatement) they may be able to proceed to the Senate Appeals Committee.

PhD Student Maternity, Paternity, Parental, Adoption Pay and Leave Policy

This policy should be read in conjunction with the University's Student Maternity Policy as outlined by the Senate Office.

Scope of the Policy

This policy covers any registered PhD student in the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences who is pregnant during the period of PhD study; whose partner is pregnant; and for those who become a parent through adoption, whilst receiving a stipend from the University.

There is no maternity, paternity or adoption pay provision available for students who are self-funded or in a writing-up status after funding has ceased.


There is no qualifying period for maternity, paternity, or adoption leave e.g. a student can take leave regardless of when they commenced their studies.


Students should contact their supervisor initially, or where necessary the funding organisation, for advice and guidance.

It is recommended that students discuss this with their supervisor at the earliest opportunity so that provision can be made available.

Should funding not be found, students will be entitled to the following:

  1. 52 weeks of maternity leave. The first 26 weeks are paid at the full stipend rate. The following 13 weeks are paid at a level equivalent to employee SMP. The final 13 weeks are unpaid. Current rates for employee SMP can be found on the GOV.UK website - Statutory Maternity Pay and Leave: Employer Guide.
  2. Partners are entitled to up to 10 days paid ordinary paternity leave on full stipend.
  3. Submission dates can be amended for periods of maternity, paternity, or adoption leave and if the student changes to part-time study; however, a formal request must be submitted in advance to the Higher Degrees Committee.
  4. There is no limit to the number of periods of maternity, ordinary paternity, shared parental or adoption leave that can be taken during a studentship.
  5. Students may opt to study part-time (normally 50%) following a change in their personal circumstances, a request for which must be submitted in advance to the Higher Degrees Committee.

Where no funding is found local PGR administrators should be advised. They will then liaise with the MVLS Financial Aid tram to arrange payment.

Policy on student surveys

Approval for internal student surveys that form part of an externally funded research project should be sought before the funding bid is submitted.  Surveys that form part of either an undergraduate or postgraduate project should also be approved before the project is initiated. For surveys that will only involve students from within one School or College, permission for the survey should be obtained from the relevant Head of College.  For surveys that will involve a broader cross-section of the student population, permission should be sought from the Clerk of Senate who will make the decision whether or not to grant permission in consultation with the President of the Students Representative Council.  Approvals of this type should be sought prior to submission of the project for ethics approval.

All requests from external organisations to survey any group of students of the University should be referred to the Clerk of Senate who will make the decision whether or not to grant permission in consultation with the President of the Students Representative Council.

For further information click here

Note: “University Supported” projects (such as NSS), that include a student survey element, are exempt from this policy as appropriate mechanisms are already in place for their approval.  If there is any doubt whether a project is “University Supported”, the matter should be referred to the Vice-Principal (Learning and Teaching) for decision.

Visiting Researcher Application Procedure - Two Step Process

Applicable to the College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS) only

 If visiting researchers are coming for 1 year or less:

  1. Applicant, Supervisor and School / Home Institution must complete a downloaded application form 
  2.  Students then apply via via Direct Admissions
    • Students should then complete an online application where they will upload a copy of their completed Visiting Postgraduate Researcher application form as part of the process.
    • https://www.gla.ac.uk/study/applyonline/?CAREER=PGR&PLAN_CODES=AC31-1501
    • This should not be framed as making a ‘second’ application but rather to complete a process to create their student record and address any visa or other requirements.
    • The application will be routed to an appropriate contact within the College, who will add relevant information to the form (such as the plan number and the applicable fees) and sign it off.
    • If the request is not acceptable, the decision to refuse Visiting PGR status will be communicated to the applicant in writing by the appropriate School/Research Institute.
    • The Admissions Team will contact the School in any cases where the completed visiting researcher application form is not provided with the online application.
    • Students should be aware that applications for a ‘visiting’ period of longer than 6 months may have Tier 4 visa implications.
  • The Admissions Team will provide the student with an offer letter and a Certificate of Acceptance for Studies (if applicable).
    • Admissions issue them with a CAS once they've applied.
    • If they are from a non-English speaking country they will need to provide an acceptable English test before they will be issued a CAS.

  • The School will issue a welcome letter with any additional relevant information.

 To find out more about the universities visiting researcher policy go here.

Annual Leave

PGR students are entitled to take a maximum of eight weeks annual leave, including public holidays. Please see your local School or College guidance to confirm annual leave procedures. 

Annual leave may be taken in accordance with a funder or employer's regulations and in line with any visa requirements or restrictions with which a student must comply:

  • Funder, visa or employer terms and conditions overrule University Policy regarding periods of leave. By accepting a studentship/employment/visa, students are agreeing to these specific terms and conditions if they differ from University policy.
  • Always refer to the funder/employer/visa terms and conditions in the first instance and contact the Graduate School if further clarification is required.
  • If a student is subject to visa restrictions, inform the Graduate School and your local PGR admin of the dates of absence once a period of annual leave is agreed with the student.

Be aware that students may experience workload requirements which make taking annual leave impractical at certain times. Discuss this with your students.

If a period of annual leave cannot be agreed upon, contact your School.

Should the situation remain unresolved the issue should be brought to the attention of the Graduate School office and the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

FindaPhD Advertising

I have a funded studentship and need to advertise for a PhD student?

Please download the Findaphd Advertising Form and send to the MVLS Graduate School: anil.george@glasgow.ac.uk


Pay particular attention to the eligibility requirements and whether only UK students can apply or all students can apply.

The default position of the Graduate School is that individual funded studentships which include home tuition fees only are only advertised to home fee-eligible applicants.

If the Supervisor chooses to advertise and offer to an international candidate, they must secure funding to cover the difference between the home and international fees before an offer is made, otherwise the international applicant will be required to self-fund this portion of the fee.

See UKRI.org for more information.


Dispute Resolution and Dealing With Problems

Most students experience problems at some time during their studies. Most will be concerned with the work itself but some may experience personal problems too. Remember that it is important that you encourage them to talk to someone at an early stage when the problem is often easily overcome.

First Level - Raise an Issue/Complaint/Dispute at the Local School Level

Project matters should be discused with you as the supervisor(s), There should be two supervisors. However, what happens if the student has a problem with one, or both, supervisor(s)?

In the first instance, try to sort this out with your student. If this is not possible, students can speak to the second supervisor, or the Postgraduate Convener in your school.

Second Level - Taking it Higher

If your student is unhappy with the help you, the second supervisor, PG Convneor, are giving, advise them they can talk to someone outside the school, please contact the MVLS Graduate School, your PG Convenor or the Dean of Graduate Studies. You may contact the Dean at any time to discuss issues that concern you.

Third Level - Making a Formal Complaint

If students don't feel they can talk to anyone in their school, their supervisor(s), PG convenor or the graduate school, they have other options.

The University has a duty to maintain and enhance the quality of its provision and to provide an effective system for handling complaints.

The University has a Complaints Procedure which allows complainants to raise matters of concern without fear of disadvantage and in the knowledge that privacy and confidentiality will be respected.

Information about making a complaint can be found on the university’s complaints web page.

For completely independant advice, students can contact the Student Representative Council (SRC). They also have a complaints procedure in place to support them.

Have you completed our mandatory supervisor training?

Support for Supervisors

If you are having isuues with a student, please talk to your PG Convenor, MVLS Graduate School or Dean of Postgraduate Studies, in the first instance.

UK Export Controls and “Trusted Research” Governance

We have information on the website and an introductory Moodle course on the challenges of the Export Controls / government Trusted Research agenda.

Quick overview: UK Export Controls

Export Controls apply when there is a transfer of items, research, data, IP from the UK to contacts, collaborators or audiences in :

  1. Countries where the UK has trade restrictions and where the work might have dual use potential (for military purposes or human rights abuses). Interactions with countries under full UK sanctions (e.g. Russia, Iran, Iraq) come with additional challenges and barriers.
  2. Any country, if the work is on the UK list of controlled technology = the Strategic Export List (PDF). A licence must be in place before any data or research is started.

Activities potentially in scope: research, publication, visiting scholars, conference presentations, overseas travel, teaching partnerships, supervision etc.

Which areas of MVLS are in scope for this?

From 2022 there was an assessment which highlighted:

  • Centre for Virus Research: Viruses, Pathogens, Vaccines
  • School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine: Anthrax?
  • UofG Genetically Modified Organisms Committee
  • Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology: viruses, materials

Generally: “biochemistry, biotechnology, instrumentation, materials technology, micro-organisms and toxins, some chemicals with toxic properties; some viruses, pathogens and vaccines; some sensors and lasers etc.”.

  • Collaborations with countries with trade restrictions, a broad indication of scope is given by the 17 areas of the economy for the NSIA (separate legislation, see below)
  • The UK list of controlled technology category headings are here, “materials, chemicals, micro-organisms and toxins” is particularly relevant. The full list can be searched either via the Goods Checker OR the PDF version. This is a highly technical task.
  • Although ATAS is a separate process and consideration, areas that require ATAS are a strong indicator that Export Controls needs consideration (e.g. Medical Physics)


The Export Control and Sanctions policy (PDF) has the following:

  • Heads of School/Institute in the relevant disciplines are required to support awareness raising and to ensure that individuals in their School / Institute are made aware of and undertake the training available particularly in identified high risk areas of research. Heads of School/Institute should include export control matters in their Risk Registers and review the issues regularly at Heads of School/Institute meetings”
  • Researchers in relevant disciplines are responsible for understanding export control regulations as they apply to their research and for obtaining export control licences where these are required in connection with activities relating to projects for which they are Principal Investigator (PI). The PI is responsible for ensuring that all members of their research team understand and comply with export control regulations.”

General Activity Review

There are wider considerations of information security and access. Working through policy and process is challenging and taking time to identify stakeholders and policy owners. Areas under review include:

  • PGR activity, including visiting PGRs and research furth = a paper going to PGREX + KPMG Audit starting in 2024
  • Affiliates and honorary staff
  • Information security for overseas travel: for example, COSE IT issue blank laptops and phones
  • TNE and other teaching partnerships & associated security concerns
  • There is a new flag in ARCP/Agresso to catch funded projects: unfunded research and informal collaborations are the greater challenge.

NSIA (National Security and Investment Act)

This is newer and more challenging legislation that controls the acquisition of IP or control over a UK entity in scope (see the 17 areas of the economy). The duty is on the acquirer to notify the government. HE considerations can be viewed here. We have made one voluntary notification to date. 

Nagoya Protocol

Using non-human genetic material or traditional knowledge: the Nagoya protocol gives you a route to address this, depending on the country of origin of the genetic material or traditional knowledge. This is about ensuring fair and equitable benefits to communities, avoiding extraction.

Information is on the website.


Our team can provide any additional training or manage on a case-by-case basis. We welcome help to make our training and comms targeted for MVLS disciplines and activities.

Contact us: compliance-support@gla.ac.uk