Postgraduate Research Committee
Membership |
Dean for PGR Studies (Convener) Professor Stuart Nicklin |
Associate Dean for PGR Studies |
School PG Conveners (or their Deputies/Representatives) |
Clerk Ms Lesley Dinning PGR Manager |
To discuss, advise and make recommendations to College on matters relating to postgraduate research programmes across the College, including educational policy, strategy and resource issues in relation to the development and enhancement of postgraduate research provision.
Specifically to:
Develop and maintain effective communications about PGR matters with staff and students in the College and Schools
- ensure that policy and procedures are followed for all postgraduate research degrees
- develop and maintain effective communications about PGR matters with staff and students in the and Schools (Schools from 1 August 2022)
- respond to consultations, to disseminate information and to implement recommendations for College Graduate School Board, PGR Executive, Academic Standards Committee and the Research Planning and Strategy Committee
- be a forum for the coordination and delivery of PGR programmes, studentships and PGR training across the College
- support the coordinated delivery of supervisor training and practice and to ensure that appropriate pastoral arrangements are in place within each School