Research furth of Glasgow

‌'Furth' of Glasgow refers to postgraduate research student placements off-campus at other institutions. You can read University's detailed guidance on this policy here.

Subject to certain conditions and agreement, a period of research 'furth of Glasgow' may range from one month of continuous time up to a maximum of one year.

For shorter periods of less than one month, contact your School/Graduate School to discuss if it is classed as a placement.

In both scenarios, you need to inform on dates, place, current supervisor and a contact/supervisor where you are visiting.

The information on this page covers the essential points relevant to graduate students of the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences.


The graduate student’s supervisor(s) must ensure that they have full details regarding the work furth of Glasgow, specifically the dates of the period away and full contact addresses.  Provisions apply to multiple short visits as well as continuous periods of time away from Glasgow.  The Research Furth permission and Fieldwork Risk Assessment forms require all the essential detail.

Permission to work furth of Glasgow must be granted by the relevant School and the completed forms sent to the Graduate School which will issue the formal approval note (this applies even of the student is on a taught course: all research furth is channelled through this route to ensure comparable treatment).

The student’s supervisor(s) must ensure that all relevant colleagues (e.g. School, Postgraduate Convenor, the School Safety Officer, the leader of research laboratory, etc.) are informed of the student’s period away.

The student’s supervisor(s) must ensure the student has updated his or her details of emergency contacts. This information will be taken as correct if it has to be used in emergency.

The provisions of the University’s Code of Practice for research student supervision and Graduate School guidance continue to apply during research furth of Glasgow.

Appropriate insurance must be in place (see “Insurance for work abroad” below).

You are expected to follow the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s advice on travel abroad.  Its advice is continuously updated and is on its website at

Even if you are going away for a period shorter than requiring research furth permission, you should be properly insured and follow Foreign and Commonwealth Office advice if going abroad.

Visa Engagament Requirements

Schools remain responsible for ensuring that students on placement continue to engage remotely.

To satisfy this requirement, students must continue to meet monthly with their supervisor and submit engagement forms as usual. These meetings can be virtual for Research Furth of Glasgow placements (those allowed to conduct research at institutions outside the University of Glasgow).

This is mandatory and non-negotiable. Instructions come from the UKVI and the Home Office.

Work in other institutions

The general principle is that the student should be working in circumstances with at least the same levels of safety and supervision standards we maintain.

For institutions which are not recognised institutions, a joint supervisor from the host institution should be agreed in writing by the Glasgow supervisor.

If a joint supervisor is not appointed, arrangements must be put in place to ensure regular contact between the research student and supervisor(s) in Glasgow (assuming that they are not themselves visiting the other institution). The nature and frequency of this contact must be agreed and specified in writing.

Where possible, other sources of academic support at the host institution should be identified and noted (e.g. researchers in this institution; other academic visitors to the institution).

The quality and suitability of the laboratory facilities at the other institution should be established and noted.

Training in any new techniques or apparatus (which are often the point of the research furth) must be suitable and sufficient.


In general, fieldwork should be avoided when alone.

A formal risk assessment must be undertaken (see “Obtaining permission” below), and must be considered at a meeting of the research student and supervisors and any local colleagues with relevant specialist knowledge.  For details of risk assessment requirements see the Fieldwork Risk Assessment form.

It must be confirmed that all possible training for fieldwork has been identified and completed prior to the research student entering the field.  Where specialist training is required which goes beyond generic training in the Graduate School courses, arrangements should be made by the supervisor(s) to ensure that such training is provided. Any external regulations (e.g. for diving) must be followed.  The Graduate School provides an annual Fieldwork Safety course.

Specifically, it must be confirmed that the research student is trained in all appropriate first aid and emergency procedures. Again, if the generic training on offer is insufficient, arrangements should be made by the supervisor(s) to ensure that such training is provided.

Clear and agreed arrangements should be put in place to ensure that communication can be maintained, if at all possible, between the research student in the field and supervisor(s) in Glasgow: i.e. by e-mail, telephone, fax, post (all addresses for such communication should be logged in advance). (It is recognised that on occasion students may be in the field with their supervisor(s), in which case this regulation does not apply).

Specifically, definite procedures should be established in advance whereby the research student can report a fieldwork problem to his/her supervisor(s) as swiftly as possible.

Obtaining Permission

Permission should be sought well in advance of intended departure.  Applications for permission to do research furth of Glasgow will be considered by the relevant Institute or School Postgraduate Convenor, and the appropriately signed forms then forwarded to the Graduate School which will issue a formal approval note.  All the necessary checks should be made at School level.  The research furth provisions also apply to graduate students on taught courses who (for instance) may wish to undertake a project furth of Glasgow.

To apply for permission to conduct research furth of Glasgow please complete the Research Furth Application Form

If fieldwork is involved you must also complete and submit a Research Furth Fieldwork Risk Assesment.

Permission should be sought also for repeat short visits, for instance day trips away from Glasgow for sample collection or field surveys.

Insurance for work abroad

If travel and staying abroad is involved, graduate students must ensure they have adequate insurance cover.
Graduate Students are covered by the University’s travel insurance policy provided that they have registered their travel in advance. See for further detail and a link to the online application form for travel insurance.  All the relevant information is there but please note that you should apply for cover at least five working days before departure.  However, this is only travel insurance and separate medical cover is essential.  In EU countries there are reciprocal arrangements for access to medical services and you should obtain an European Health Insurance Card (EHIC; for which application forms are available from Post Offices).  For other countries you will have to arrange separate medical cover.

Recognised Institutions currently are:

  • Animal Diseases Research Association, Moredun Research Institute
  • Central Public Health Laboratory, Colindale
  • Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
  • Department of Clinical Physics and Bioengineering of the West of Scotland Health Boards
  • Scottish Association for Marine Science, Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory
  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg
  • Fisheries Research Services Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen
  • Fisheries Research Services Freshwater Laboratory, Pitlochry
  • Glasgow and West of Scotland Blood Transfusion Service
  • Glaxo SmithKline, Stevenage
  • Institute for Animal Health
  • Ifakara Health Institute of Tanzania
  • Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
  • National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
  • Natural History Museum, London
  • NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Laboratories
  • Papworth Hospital
  • Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
  • Scottish Agricultural College
  • Scottish Crops Research Institute, Invergowrie
  • Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre
  • Specialist Virology Laboratory, Gartnavel General Hospital
  • Universities Marine Biological Station, Millport