Skills & Training
- Graduate Skills Pathway
- Booking courses
- Mandatory courses
- MVLS PGR Course A-Z
- Training for Graduate Teaching Assistants
- Graduate Teaching Assistant Portal
- Skills Training & Conference Funding Support
- Glasgow Science Festival Internships
- Research Furth Policy, Procedure and Application Form
- Research Culture: How We Engage and Interact with Others
- Researcher Development: Training, Activities and Reflective Work

Your Thesis
- Thesis Mentoring Programme
- Generative AI Guidance for Researchers and Writing Your Thesis
- Formatting your thesis
- Self-plagiarism
- Thesis by Alternative Format guidance
- Intention to submit process
- Submitting your final thesis
- The Viva process
- After your Viva - submitting your corrected thesis
- Award letter and Graduation
- Late submission and fee
- Extension to submission
- Appeal against your viva outcome
- FAQs

Support Services
- Absence and what to do if you're ill
- Suspension of studies
- How to extend your submission deadline
- Support for your health & welfare
- Fitness to Study
- Disability Services
- Student Support Services
- Student reps and where to find them
- Travel booking services
- Finances
- Student Expenses Policy
- Certified Letters
- Appeal Procedure
- Maternity, Paternity, Parental, Adoption Pay and Leave Policy
- Absence, Suspension and Extension Policy
- HEAR Transcripts
- MLS Peer Wellbeing Support
- Dispute Resolution and Dealing With problems
- Change from full time to part time and vice versa
- Student Absence/Annual Leave Process

PGR Notice Board
The notice board, is a space for the graduate school, staff and students to upload relevant announcements and highlight events.
If you have anything you wish to share on the notice board, contact the graduate school at mvls-gradschool@glasgow.ac.uk.
If it's appropriate we will post it, if not we will be in contact.