The College of Arts & Humanities Advising and Wellbeing Team
The College of Arts & Humanities has a dedicated Advising and Wellbeing Team who are the first port of call for students who need any kind of advice. The Advising and Wellbeing Team will act as a valuable source of advice and support throughout your time at the University of Glasgow.
The Advising and Wellbeing Team comprises a Chief Adviser, Assistant Chief Advisers and Senior Advisers who are experienced academic staff that are associated with each of the Schools within the College. They are supported by the Student Services Manager, Advising Support Coordinator and a dedicated team of Advising Support Administrators.
Advisers are there to help you with any problems you might experience which affects your ability to study, as well as issues relating to academic progress and curriculum choices.
All new undergraduate students attend a group-advising session during the first weeks of University. You will be able to meet other new students, most of them studying the same subjects as you do, and you will be able to ask any questions you have about the academic community to which you belong and any studying-related issues which may be of concern to you.
Contact us
College of Arts & Humanities Advising and Wellbeing Office
6 University Gardens
Room 101 (Ground Floor)
Email: coah-advising-wellbeing@glasgow.ac.uk
Telephone: 0141 330 8474