Scottish Catholic Studies

Aim of the Scottish Catholic Studies Arts Lab

The Scottish Catholic Studies Arts Lab (SCAL) will bring together expertise from across the University of Glasgow and beyond to engage with the Catholic contribution to Scottish intellectual and cultural life. SCAL will be a forum for scholarly interaction and high-profile internal and public-facing events. It will interact with staff from existing academic units in the University of Glasgow and develop a programme of events for both internal and external audiences.

Catholic Studies as an Academic Initiative

Catholic Studies is an interdisciplinary academic initiative to explore critically the Catholic contribution to culture, education and society. Originating in the higher education institutions of the Catholic Church in the United States of America in the final decades of the twentieth century, Catholic Studies is a creative response to questions around how the Catholic Church’s intellectual traditions can be part of the landscape of higher education.

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A Scottish Catholic Studies MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) should be available by Spring 2025. When the course page is available it will be posted here.