Our mission is to catalyse interdisciplinary research that creatively and critically engages with digital and immersive technologies. We aim to support the development of a richer understanding of digital media experiences in the Arts and Humanities. 

In pursuit of this mission we support academic researchers, artist-practitioners and related communities through the provision of events, resources and opportunities that facilitate engagement, understanding and future research.This lab emerges through and is informed by the shared interests of its co-directors, which include: digital care, interactive, nonhierarchical and inclusive applications of technology in everyday life, human perception and haptic imagery, philosophical and creative enquiries on the role and impact of technology on society, sound spatialisation and auditory perception, embodied narrative in artistic practices, audio-visual technologies. 

Altering perception (2022)

Altering Perception (2022), double screen installation, Studio 2, Vancouver​, Azadeh Emadi