Welcome Fàilte
Welcome to the 11th edition of Reach, the College of Arts’ industry engagement newsletter. These are exciting times for the College. Following our earlier consultation, the College of Arts is now about to embark on the design stage of our new building, with the first stage of development due to be completed by 2022.
Prof Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh
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Training Intelligence Analysts
A’ trèanadh Luchd-sgrùdaidh Inntleachd
Exploring the possibilities of the Cross-Genre Essay
A’ rannsachadh chothroman na h-Aiste Thar-Ghnè
The Chinese Art Research Network
Lìonra Rannsachaidh nan Ealain Shìneach
Can you ever know what someone else is thinking? I mean, really know, can we ever fully understand someone else’s intentions? How about what their intentions might be in a month, six months or even a year from now? |
Elizabeth Reeder is a lecturer in English Literature at the University of Glasgow, but first and foremost she is a writer: ‘that’s what I love to do’. Reeder wants to turn our attention to the literary and cross-genre essay, a form that allows us to explore and communicate important things in unique ways. |
There are Chinese cultural artefacts all over UK and Ireland housed in museums, galleries and private collections. Yet, so far there has been little organised communication between Chinese cultural specialists in higher education institutions (HEIs) and those responsible for collecting, curating and conserving these artefacts in the art world. |
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Have your say on the new College of Arts building
Thoir do bheachd air togalach ùr Colaiste nan Ealain
Resourcing higher philosophy
A’Goireasachadh Feallsanachd aig Àrd-ìre
Tackling Exploitative Practices in Children’s Games
A’dèiligeadh ri Dòighean Dubh-shaothrach ann an Geamannan Chloinne
Changes are afoot for the College of Arts. By 2022, the first phase will be complete representing a £36 million investment in a brand new College of Arts building. Situated on the old Western Infirmary site, Dumbarton Road, the investment is part of a £1 billion capital spend that will transform the University of Glasgow. |
Chris Lindsay and Robert Cowan, lecturers in Philosophy, profess to being committed to promoting the benefits of philosophy outside of the academy. What better way to start than by encouraging school pupils to engage with philosophical thinking? |
Lynn Whitaker, a lecturer in Cultural Studies and Cultural Policy, was horrified when she analysed complaints about in-app purchasing in children’s games. One child had managed to spend £4500 in a single week whilst playing an online game accessed via his mother’s social media account. |
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The Scottish Album of the Year Awards
Duaisean Clàr Albannach na Bliadhna
The User-Centred Translation Model
Modail an Neach-cleachdaidh a thaobh Eadar-theangachaidh
Bronze Age Textiles in Britain’s Pompeii
Aodach Fighte an Linn Umha ann am Pompeii na Breatainne
The Scottish Album of the Year Award (SAY Award) was established as a prize for Scottish artists by the Scottish Music Industry Association (SMIA) in 2012. The idea was not only to reward the best Scottish albums annually, but also to promote the innovative, ambitious and exciting music being produced, by Scottish artists across all genres. |
Dr Tiina Tuominen, a lecturer in Translation Studies, is a specialist in subtitling and audiovisual translation Her work aims to improve the usability of translations by encouraging translators and those commissioning the translations to think about their audience or ‘users.’ |
Must Farm is a Bronze Age settlement discovered on the edge of a quarry near Peterborough in 1999. As Susanna Harris, a lecturer in Archaeology explains, the settlement appears to have been abandoned and burned down very suddenly around 900BC. |