Welcome Fàilte
Welcome to the 9th edition of Reach,the College of Arts' industry engagement newsletter. The College continues to prosper, enjoying a variety of successes in research and teaching, as well as knowledge exchange activities working closely with our partners.
Prof Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh
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The Radical Film Network Festival and Unconference
Fèis Lìonra Fhilmichean Radaigeach agus Co-labhairt Fhuasgailte
Are We Really Dying Well?
A bheil sinn ga-rìreabh a’ bàsachadh gu math?
Making Soundwaves - Developing Parat+
A’ Dèanamh Thuinn-Fhuaime - A’ Leasachadh Parat+
The Radical Film Network (RFN) Film Festival and Unconference were held at Glasgow University and in venues across the city from the 29th April-2nd May 2016. Glasgow seemed like the perfect host for a radical film event. It is a city which prides itself in its own radical heritage, it has a vibrant alternative film culture, and, in the wake of the 2014 Independence Referendum, a feverish spirit of voluntarism. |
That may sound like a strange question, but death is nonetheless an important part of all of our lives which we don't like to talk about. Perhaps we don't even know how. Ben Colburn, a senior lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Glasgow thinks we are failing as a society to really engage with what he calls the 'circumstances of a good death.' |
Creating sound using computer technology is just like playing a musical instrument, according to Nick Fells. Whilst computers provide musicians great opportunities for creating and controlling sound, they also present constraints and limitations, just like instruments - as any musician will recognise from learning to play. Fells is a composer and a Professor of Sonic Practice in the subject area of Music. |
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Origins of Art
Tùs Ealain
Set in Stone
Stèidhte sa Chloich
Unearthing Iona
A’ Cladhach an Eilean Ì
Have you ever found yourself standing before a beautiful work of Chinese art, admiring its colours, tones and textures, with your feet firmly planted in the UK? If you've visited the Burrell Collection, the National Museum of Scotland, or the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, it's highly likely. If so, did you pause to consider how it got here? |
In Scotland, carved stone monuments are all around us. They shape our sense of place and identity, and tell us much about past peoples, their identities, beliefes, tastes technologies and lives. But how would you classify carved stones? While many still stand in the landscape as monuments, often they are, or have become portable (in theory if not always in the practical sense!), yet they are not readily thought of as artefacts. |
The tranquil Isle of Iona, nestled amongst the Inner Hebrides, has drawn visitors in search of its natural beauty and on pilgrimage for generations. At one point, the island was perhaps the most significant place in all of medieval Scotland. |
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage?
Thig Gaol ro Phòsadh?
What do you think of when you hear the term ‘marriage’? Traditionally, the Christian interpretation of marriage is that of a union between ‘one man and one woman’. But what does that union really mean, and how does that impact upon the church’s view on same-sex marriage.

Reflecting on Shestov
A’ Beachdachadh air Shestov
In 1886 Lev Shestov was born into a Jewish family in Kiev, in what was then known as Russia. He later emigrated to France in 1921 following the October Revolution. It was during his years in Paris that Shestov established himself as a writer and scholar renowned for approaching literary topics from the perspective of an existential philosopher.
