Welcome | Fàilte
Welcome to the third edition of Reach, detailing some of the outstanding work being done by colleagues in the College of Arts with external partners.
Our success in this area was evident at our May Industry Day, where almost half of our 190 delegates came from partner organizations, ranging from Christie’s to VisitScotland...
Cultural Education Foghlam Cultarail
Digital Didseatach
Dress & Textiles Aodach & Obair-aodaich
Glasgow Gaelic Stories
Soillse, the name of an interuniversity project in which the College of Arts plays a pivotal role, is an abstract Gaelic word meaning “light, brightness”.
BlogForever: but will your information be available forever?
BlogForever is an international project involving twelve partners including: ALTEC Software Development S.A., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, CERN...
Heritage Textiles: Knitting is back!
Knit, says Professor Lynn Abrams, is “very, very sexy” right now, and with publicity about her recent project appearing in Vogue Knitting, it is hard to disagree.
Film & Broadcasting Fiolm & Craoladh
Heritage Dualchas
Performing Arts Na h-Ealain Taisbeanail
Scotland:Who Do You Think You Are?
Cara Connolly and Martin Clark are filmmakers who established Connolly Clark Films, and began working with Dr David Archibald after making a short film together.
Landscape & Environment: Policy & Practice
Dr Chris Dalglish and Dr Kenny Brophy have spent several years building up formal and informal networks at local, national, and international levels.
Researching and Recording Historically Informed Performances
According to Professor John Butt, musicians are sometimes right to play the wrong notes in a historical performance.
Visual Arts Na h-Ealain Léirsinneach
Writing & Publishing Sgrìobhadh agus Foillseachadhl
Museum Curators become Affiliates in History of Art
After ten years, the National Collecting Scheme Scotland (NCSS) is coming to an end, but Affiliate, a new pilot project led by Dr Tina Fiske, is to carry on the good work by drawing curators into the research culture of the College of Arts.
Putting Literary Tourism on the Map
It was arguably Sir Walter Scott who helped Scotland to become a prime location for literary tourism. In fact, Jenni Steele from VisitScotland thinks it was the “most fashionable, must-visit tourist destination” at that time.
Guide to engaging with the College
In our current climate, it is imperative that any organisation utilizes all capability and capacity it can leverage to stay ahead of the competition and to provide the best service it possibly can.