Eventful Art Markets

Eventful Art Markets

School of Culture & Creative Arts | College of Arts & Humanities | Thinking Culture
Date: Wednesday 23 October 2024 - Friday 25 October 2024
Time: 9:30 - 15:00
Venue: Advanced Research Centre
Category: Academic events
Website: https://thinkingculture.gla.ac.uk/event/eventful-art-markets/

The workshop, Eventful Art Markets is part of the International Workshops Series “Tools for the Future: Researching Art Market Practices from Past to Present,” jointly founded by Elisabetta Lazzaro (Business School for the Creative Industries – University for the Creative Arts, UK), Nathalie Moureau (University Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3) and Adriana Turpin (IESA Art & Culture, Paris and the Society for the History of Collecting, London). This 9th edition, hosted by Thinking Culture at the University of Glasgow, explores the role of events in contemporary and historical art markets and the ways in which events such as biennials, lotteries, major auctions, world expos, and other events relate to the broader art market.


Wednesday 23 October

9.30  Welcome by Dr.Nikki Kane, University of Glasgow

10.00     Keynote by Prof. Sophie Raux, Professor of Art History, University of Lyon 2 and Head of the Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA)

Chair: Adriana Turpin

11.00 -11.30 Break

11.30-13.00 Session 1: Tools for Understanding Art Market Events

Dr. Simone Santoni (City, University of London), Dr. Stoyan V. Sgourev (EM Normandie), Erwanghao Yu (City, University of London)“Things Fall Apart, the Center Cannot Hold”: A Spatial-Relational Analysis of Modern Art Exhibitions (1905-1914)

Dr. Terje Gaustad and Matilde Balatti, Kristiania University College, School of Arts, Design, and Media, Norway, Understanding the Role of Events in Art Markets: Transaction Cost Analysis Tools

Marek Claaßen, ArtFacts, Berlin &Prof. Elisabetta Lazzaro, University for the Creative Arts, UK, Saturation in the international market for contemporary art? A geo-temporal overview

13.00-14.30 Lunch

14.30-16.30 Panel 2:  Auctions and exhibitions as art market events

Irene Micheletti,  Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa,  La Peau de L’Ours or the “Hernani of painting”: on the origins of the avant-garde art market

Dr, Jonathan Adeyemi, Jue-Prayses Art Agency, UK,  After the Hammer Fell: How Auctions Redefined the Nigerian Art Market

Summer Austin, UCL Institute of Archaeology, University College London,  The Blockbuster Effect: how blockbuster exhibitions effect the antiquities market

Francesa Stocco, Nottingham Trent University, The role of private gallery shows in the resurgence of textiles and fibre art in the 21st  century London art market

16.30-17.00 Break

17.00-18.00 Round table discussion


Thursday 24 October

9.30-11.00 Panel 3:  Alternative spaces

Dr. Cecilia Paolini, University of Teramo;  A forgotten women’s history: how the Società Promotrici di Belle Arti supported the women’s art market after the Italian National Unification

Stephanie Dieckvoss, Courtauld Institute, Institutional Critique at the Art Fair

Sofie Frederix, Ghent University, Belgium, Initiatief 86: The Ghent art market and internationalisation

11.00-11.30 Break

11.30-13.00 Panel 4:  Creating a buzz

Diana Berzina, Maastricht University, Netherlands , Affective Atmospheres of Art Market Events

Dr. Megan Hoetgerm, University of California, Berkeley, ‘The Kunstmarkt Affair’: Experimental Screening Events and/in West Germany’s Postwar Art Market

Dr. Grischka Petri, University of Tübingen, Legal events: potentials of disruption
and valorisation of trust

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00 -15.30 Panel 5:  The art fair and the future

Dr. Anne-Sophie Béliard, Grenoble-Alpes University, France and Dr. Sidonie Naulin, Sciences Po Grenoble, France, From Waste to Wonder: Greening the Cultural Event Scene

Georgia Gerson, University of York., Assessing the Importance of Live Events in a Digital Art Market

Julius YIs, PhyXels Virtual Fine Art Gallery, Navigating the Digital Shift: The Future of Art Markets in the Era of Virtual Events

16.00-17.00 Roundtable Discussion

Friday 25 October

10.30-15.00 Tour of arts venues and exhibitions in Glasgow city centre, led by Dr. Nikki Kane


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