Hot Animation 4: The Red Turtle (Dudok de Wit, 2016)
The fourth screening (The Red Turtle - Dudok de Wit, 2016) as part of a month-long series that give cultural expression to heat and changing temperatures, held at the University of Glasgow.
Hot Animation | Thinking Culture | School of Culture & Creative Arts | College of Arts & Humanities
Date: Friday 16 February 2024
Time: 17:00
Venue: Andrew Stewart Cinema
Category: Films and theatre, Academic events, Student events
Hot Animation is a month-long series of screenings that give cultural expression to heat and changing temperatures. Screening the films Rango (Verbinski, 2011), Kirikou (Ocelot, 1998), Children of the Sea (Watanabe, 2019) and The Red Turtle (Dudok de Wit, 2016) in the depth of a Glasgow winter, might provide a little respite from the cold. But also, these films provide ground to engage with significant environmental humanities questions around the cinematic representation of temperature, imagined futures, human and more-than-human relations, and ways of living during the climate crisis.
Part of Thinking Culture, a cultural programme supported by the School of Culture & Creative Arts, University of Glasgow.