1969 Engineering reunion
Published: 11 June 2019
Engineering graduates from 1959, 1961 & 1969 returned to campus
Following a successful night at the James Watt Engineering Dinner, members of the 1969 reunion group returned to campus for a visit. The group were also joined by Engineering graduates from 1959 and 1961.
The day started with a presentation from the UK development team about the campus redevelopment and the exciting future plans of the engineering department. The group were also shown around the current Engineering building.
After a communal lunch in the Ferguson room, the group met for their official tour of the University taken by one of the SRC student ambassadors. The group enjoyed returning to campus and hearing all about the future development of the University.
For further information about planning a reunion or attending a tour, contact the Development and Alumni office at alumni@glasgow.ac.uk
First published: 11 June 2019