Class Giving
We look forward to welcoming you and your classmates to campus. Class reunions continue to be one of the most treasured alumni traditions at the University of Glasgow. This is also a great opportunity to give back to the University and help its current students.
The University’s Class Giving Programme allows alumni to celebrate their respective milestone year reunions by supporting the priorities of the institution that brought them together in the first place. Through the generosity of reunion classes, funds raised can collectively make a significant difference.
This guide presents an overview of how to plan a class giving campaign.
We hope that you enjoy the experience of advancing your class’s fundraising activity. Please let our team know how we can support your efforts.
Emily Howie
Head of Alumni & Supporter Engagement

Giving Process
We recognise that every class is different. Here you will find some general guidelines for setting up your class giving campaign. This framework provides flexibility for each class campaign and its stage in life.
The Alumni & Supporter Engagement team is here to help and guide you along the way.
Access our Class Giving Guide here.

Type of Gifts
Gifts raised from you and your classmates can go towards any of our current campaigns. Whichever fund you choose to donate to will support your alma mater in continuing to be the world-changing institution it is today, and provide life-changing opportunities for many more students to come.
Please visit our Giving to Glasgow page to find out more about the current campaigns.

Gift Information
We can help you set up a bespoke Class Giving campaign page on the Hubbub platform, the University's crowdfunding site. Through this site, you will be able to gather gifts and see the live total raised by your classmates. We also accept multi-year pledges and match-fund campaigns.
Please get in touch with us at alumni@glasgow.ac.uk to discuss your needs and get advice on setting up your bespoke Hubbub page.

Gift Recognition
The University recognises all gifts in our annual supporter magazine, we would be delighted to recognise your class gift in the next issue.
If you wish to discuss anything further, please email the staff member you have been in touch with regarding the organisation of your reunion, or contact alumni@glasgow.ac.uk.