The UofG Alumni Club of Aberdeen hosts regular informal pub nights, group outings and an annual dinner. To find out more, contact the Club Secretary: Evelyn Dobson (MA 1967) evelyndobson8@gmail.com
The newly former Azerbaijan Alumni Association are keen to connect and meet with alumni in Baku and the surrounding area. To get in touch with the group, please contact Farid Nasirli (LLM 2022) at faridnasirli@hotmail.com.
You can find the group on social media:
All alumni from Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg are invited to join activities in the region and connect with their fellow alumni. We are currently in contact with over 500 graduates in the area, and more are always welcome.
If you would like to get involved in local alumni activity contact alumni@glasgow.ac.uk
For further information about any forthcoming alumni activities, please get in touch with Andrew Watt (BSc 1984) at strangiatoyyz@gmail.com.
We are currently in contact with approximately 140 graduates in Cyprus. For further information about any forthcoming alumni activities please contact Constantinos Taliotis (BAcc 1992) c.taliotis@cy.pwc.com
We would be pleased to hear from any fellow alumni based in Denmark. We are currently in touch with over 130 graduates and if you are interested in helping out with or attending alumni activities in your local area, please get in touch via alumni@glasgow.ac.uk.
Alumni Contact
For further information about any forthcoming alumni activities please contact Alex Athanassoulas (MBA 1992) hellenicalumniuog@gmail.com
Dr P Eve Athanasekou
You can also join the Association's Facebook group by visiting www.facebook.com/groups/HAAUoG/
Glasgow University Women's Club (GUWC) London
Alumni Contact
For further information about any forthcoming alumni activities please contact Marjorie Bremner marjorie.bremner@gmail.com
The London Alumni Association regularly host informal pub nights, ceilidh dancing nights, quizzes and fun, relaxed activities in the city. You can find the group on social media:
Instagram (@uofg_london_alumni)
Email alumni@glasgow.ac.uk to be added to their WhatsApp group
The Oxford Society of Glasgow University Graduates (OSGUG) has been in existence since the early 1990s making it one of our most established UK alumni groups. The group's membership include alumni and former staff living in Oxford and the surrounding counties, including Berkshire, Buckingham, Northamptonshire, Wiltshire, Hampshire and Gloucestershire. The group organise regular pub lunches, outings and an annual lunch in the city of Oxford.
If you are based in Russia, why not join our University of Glasgow Russian Alumni Association?
This is a great way to maintain your connection with fellow alumni and the University, whilst giving you opportunities to attend social activities, build personal networks and support the University of Glasgow in achieving its objectives.
Interested in joining? Please get in touch!
Alumni Contacts
Maria Petrenko petrenkomaria@gmail.com
Alyona Kuzmenko alyonakuzmenko@gmail.com
Nailia Zakieva nzakieva@gmail.com
The newly former Uzbekistan Alumni Association are keen to connect and meet with alumni. To get in touch with the group, please email Azizbek Toyirov (LLM 2022) at azizbektoyirov7@gmail.com.
Social Media Account:
- WhatsApp Channel: //chat.whatsapp.com/Hcn5TTGy9HyHFFRWGKHyEZ
- Instagram Page: @uofg_uzaa (University of Glasgow Uzbekistan Alumni Association)
- LinkedIn Page: University of Glasgow Uzbekistan Alumni Association