
The Association was established in August 2018, to enable alumni to stay connected with each other and the University of Glasgow. If you'd like to join, please get in touch via


The University of Glasgow has a long tradition of welcoming students from Singapore and we are currently in contact with around 2000 alumni in Singapore.

In January 2011 the University continued this tradition by forming an exciting new partnership with the Singapore Institute of Technology to deliver University of Glasgow degree programmes in Singapore. University of Glasgow Singapore (UGS), the first subsidiary in Glasgow’s history, started operation at Ngee Ann Polytechnic campus on 8 August 2011 and was officially marked open in Singapore on 6 September 2011.

Further information about the degree programmes offered can be found online.

Alumni Association Committee

The Singapore Alumni Association has recently formed a new alumni Committee.

  • President: Eliyathamby Narasinghan (BEng 2005, MSc 2007)
  • Vice President: Satish Khanna (BEng 1994)
  • Vice President: Edmund Kwok (Beng 1994)
  • Event Coordinator: Brandon Yit Herng Lau (BEng 2023)
  • Membership Coordinator: Sherwin Lim Kenh (BSc 2018)

You can also follow the Association on Telegram and join the Facebook group.

If you would like to get involved we would love to hear from you!

Please contact us via:


Thai students have studied at the University since 1910. The International Story website highlights a number of links about Thailand's links to Glasgow.

Our Thailand Alumni Association was formed early in 2017, and continues to help alumni in the area connect with each other, so if you are based in Thailand, why not join?

Alumni Contacts

Kittinand Pithayapriechagul (MSc 2014)

Maichanok Krapookthong, (MSc 2016)

Thailand Alumni Association group photo