Dr Zara Gladman on public engagement pairing science with creativity and comedy
UofG Degrees: BSc Zoology (2007), PhD Ecology and Environmental Biology (2013)
Job title: Public & Community Engagement Advisor, University of Glasgow
In this episode Zuzia Boguslawska, UofG Careers Intern, gets the low-down on working in science communications and public engagement from Zara Gladman. Strap in as we follow Zara’s journey from volunteering with Glasgow Science Festival to leading Public & Community Engagement at UofG, as she reflects on the ups and downs learnt along the way.
Zara has built her career pairing creativity with science. She talks about taking part in the Bright Club Glasgow, where stand-up comedy meets science. It’s a unique example of taking science communications to places you wouldn’t expect to subvert expectations and reach new audiences. In addition to public speaking and writing, Zara highlights the importance of listening to help get to know your audience, and explains how important it is to empathise with the groups and researchers she works with.
To the listener, she offers some fantastic life advice to help balance our time and commitments: It's okay to say no, and it’s okay to ask for help. Know your limits, remember — nobody benefits from working crazy hours.
Her proudest career achievement is a surprising one... have a listen to find out!
Take your next steps
Sign up to the Jiscmail Science Communication mailing list, a forum for discussion about public engagement with science including details of relevant events, meetings, jobs, conferences and workshops.
Join the Scottish Public Engagement Network on Facebook, a meeting point for everyone with an interest in public engagement in Scotland.
Check out helpful public engagement resources on the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Zara found her (last minute!) PhD on Find a PHD
Watch one of Zara's favourite projects Gravitational Waves - The Musical!