Contributions to the Alumni Bookshelf
A - B
Lesley M. Affrossman (MA, 1985)
The Light at the End
American Goddess
The Unforgiven King
Simon's Wife
The Promise
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Alexander Aiken (BSc 1950)
In Time of War
Adesuyi A L Ajayi (PhD 1986)
Diaspora Medicine
Immigration and Health
Stephen O Akpavie (PhD 1985)
General Veterinary Pathology Notes for undergraduates
Animal Disease Patterns and Protein Supply in Nigeria An Inaugural Lecture, 2007
Dr Kenneth Angus (BVMS 1955, DVMS)
Only the Sound of Sparrows: Poetry for the Seventh Age
Christine Baird (MA 1947)
It doesn't have to be lousy to be printed
Priscilla Barlow (MA 1978)
Wise enough to Play the Fool: A Biography of Duncan Macrae
Dr Colin Barron (MBChB 1979)
The Craft of Public Speaking
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Planes on Film
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Dr James Begg (MBChB 1966)
A Hundred Years of Health in Ayrshire
The Dipper an The Three Wee Deils
Ayrshire Coastal Path: the Official Guide Book
Rescue 177: a Scots GP Flies Search and Rescue with the Royal Navy
Burning and Turning: the Rescue 177 Story Continues
Margaret Beith (MEd 1979)
Computer Aided Embroidery Design
The Story of the WW1 Zeppelin Raid on Eldon
Dr George Bell (BSc 1939)
To Live Among Heroes
Vivienne Belton (MEd)
Cardinal Thomas Winning: An Authorised Biography
David Betteridge (MEd 1984)
A Rose Loupt Oot (Editor)
Granny Albyn's Complaint
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Margaret Blair, nee Telfer (MA 1957)
Gudao, Lone Islet
Shanghai Scarlet
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Rosamund Bourke (MA 1944, MEd)
The Psychology of Musical Ability
Rev Norman Bowman (MA 1935)
Seed Thoughts in Prose and Verse
Dr John Boyd (BSc 1951, DSc, DLitt)
The Song of a Sandpiper - Memoir of a Scottish Naturalist
Hannah Bradby (PhD 1996)
John A Bradley (MRCVS 1953, BVMS)
The Greatest Wealth
Amanda Brock-Duguid (LLM 1998, LLB)
E-Business: The practical guide to the laws (Edition 1 & 2)
Christopher Brookmyre (MA 1989, DLitt) Young Alumnus of the Year 2005
Quite Ugly One Morning
Country Of The Blind
Not The End Of The World
One Fine Day In The Middle Of The Night
Boiling A Frog
A Big Boy Did It And Ran Away
The Sacred Art Of Stealing
Be My Enemy
All Fun And Games Till Someone Loses An Eye
Ellen Brown (MA 1954)
Students Handbook 1951-52
Students Handbook 1950-51
Dr W Watson Buchanan (MBChB 1954)
Place Names in Loch Lomond and the Lennox
Christine Blackwell (MLit 2001)
Bloomfield Hills: Home of Cranbrook
C - E
Sir Vince Cable (PhD 1974)
The Storm
After the Storm
Money and Power
Sir Alexander Cairncross (MA 1933)
Living with the Century
Dr John Calder (MBChB 1966)
The History of Radiology in Scotland 1896-2000
Anne Cameron (MA 1967)
Kingairloch Church and School
Kingairloch Cameos
Dr Donald Cameron (BSc, DEng 2000)
The Purpose of Life: Human purpose and morality from an evolutionary perspective
Ballooning Handbook
Dr Colin Campbell-Fowler (MBChB 1942)
I Angus
Ewan Campbell (BSc 1973)
Saints and Sea-Kings
Karen Campbell (MA 1987, MLitt)
This Is Where I Am
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Jan Chojecki & Michael LoCicero
We Are All Flourishing: The Letters and Diary of Captain Walter JJ Coats MC 1914-1919
Angela Cleland (MA 1999)
And in here, the Menagerie
Waiting to Burn
James A Coghlan (MLitt 2006)
The Impossible Journey. A Novella.
Hunting Pleasure
Susan Corey (PhD 1966)
The Never Ending Quest
Ian Cormack (MA 1952)
Around Old Cambuslang
Helen Cowie (MA 1964)
Bullying Among University Students: Cross-National Perspectives
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Mairi Craw (MA 1972)
Beyond the Hedge - a reality-based fantasy set on the south-west coast of Scotland
Campbell Crawford (BSc 1956)
The Men from the Ministry: Scripts
Professor Robert Crawford (MA 1981)
A Scottish Assembly
Lindsey Deans (LLB 1994)
Professor Michael Delany (DSc 1967)
Animal Quest: A Naturalist on Four Continents
Lewis Woodvine Draper (MBChB 1961)
Jesus The Nazarite?
To purchase a copy, you can write to Dr Draper at Box 1080 Lumsden SK Canada S0G 3C0 or email
Lesley Duncan (MA 1977)
James Miller
Marie Dunn (MA 1907)
Progressive French Composition
David B Edelman (BSc 1978)
Credit Scoring and It's Applications
Readings in Credit Scoring
Statistics For Property People
Jean Evans (MA 1932)
Crooks Tour
Left - Handed Tumfy
Bernese Adventure
Susan's Helping Hand
Susan Rushes In
F - H
Howard Fisher (BSc 1964, PhD)
Waterloo Sunset
John Fletcher (BVMS 1970)
Fletcher's Game: A Vet's Life with Scotland's Deer
David Fraser (BSc 1984, PhD)
Relationships Made Easy: How to get on with people you need to get on with...and stay friends with everyone else.
Elizabeth A M Frost (MBChB 1961)
Comprehensive Guide to Education in Anesthesia (Editor)
The Role of Anesthesiology in Global Health (Editor)
Rosalind Galt (MA 1993)
PRETTY: Film and the Decorative Image
To purchase your copy please visit Columbia University Press
Dr Douglas M. Gebbie (MBChB 1951)
The Second World War as Experienced by a British Schoolboy
A Medical Year in Newfoundland: A Young Physician Works in an Outport in the 50's
The Adventures of Morag and Willow
More Adventures of Morag and Willow
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John Gillies (MA 1966)
Incurably Unromantic Poems
Rodge Glass (MPhil 2003)
No Fireworks
(Shortlisted for the Saltire Society/Royal Mail First Book of the Year Award)
James Graham (MA 1960)
When Certain Fruits Were Ripe
Alasdair Gray
1982 Janine
Stephanie Green (MPhil 2004)
Glass Works
The Lunatic Laundress
Dr Jeremy Haigh (BVMS 1965, MSc)
Wrestling with Rhinos: The Adventures of a Glasgow Vet in Kenya
Porcupines to Polar Bears: Adventures of a Wildlife Veterinarian
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Frank A Haniff (MBChB 1972)
Guyana: My Eldorado
Kathleen Harrison (MA 1955)
Nessie Kommt Nach Kochel
Dr Alexander Harrow (MBChB 1951)
In Dickens Street by William Rankin Thomson
The Christian Idea of God by William Rankin Thomson
Rev Bryce Hartshorn (BD 1972 MEd)
Community Action
Robert G Harvey (BSc 1943)
Head On! Collisions of Egos, Ethics, and Politics in B.C.’s Transportation History
Carving the Western Path, Routes to Remember
Carving the Western Path, By River, Rail, and Road Through B.C.’s Southern Mountains
Carving the Western Path, By River, Rail, and Road Through Central and Northern B.C.
Roy Hay (MA 1965)
Aboriginal People and Australian Football in the Nineteenth Century: They Did Not Come from Nowhere
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Neil Henderson (MA 1977)
Fish Worshipping As We Know It
Michael Heyman (PhD 2002)
This Book Makes No Sense: Nonsense Poems and Worse
Peter Hingston (BSc 1972)
The Outsider
Gill Hoffs (BSc 2002)
The Sinking of the RMS Tayleur
Christopher Hood (BLitt 1971)
A Government that Worked Better and Cost Less?
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Kenneth Hopper (BSc 1946) & William Hopper (MA 1953)
The Puritan Gift
Alexander Hunter (MA 1951)
Competition and the Law
Dr Thelma Hunter (MA 1950, PhD)
Not a Dutiful Daughter: The Personal Story of a migrant academic
Jean Hunter (MA 1955)
The White Rose, The Allerton Affair
Dr Graeme Hunter (BSc 1976, PhD)
Vital Forces: The discovery of the molecular basis of life.
Dr Robert Hutcheson (MA 1925, PhD)
The University of Glasgow 1920-1974: The memoir of Robert T Hutcheson
Rev Dr Henry Hutchison (PhD 1955)
A Faith that Conquers
God Believes in You
Well, I'm Blessed
I - L
William Innes (BSc 1949)
Under the Shadow of the Swastika, The Gaelic Poetry of Donald John MacDonald
Reverend Euphemia Irvine (BD 1971)
A Journey of Faith
William T Jackson (BVMS 2010)
A Memoir: Dr William Thomas Jackson: Veterinary Surgeon and Barrister
Francesca Jones (MSc 1991)
Gender and Environment Research in Asia: Concerns and Concepts.
Professor David Jasper FRSE (Professor of Literature and Theology)
The Sacred Community: Art, Sacrament, and the People of God
Helen Kelsall (MA 1928)
Graduates: The Sociology of an Elite
Scottish Lifestyle 300 Years Ago
An Album of Scottish Families 1694-96
Scottish Lifestyle 300 Years Ago (Revised Edition)
Higher Civil Servants in Britain
Diary of A Victorian Miss on Holiday
Thomas Kennie (BSc 1974, MAppSci)
Terrain Modelling in Surveying and Civil Engineering
Engineering Surveying Technology
Robert Kerr (BSc 1964)
Donated 'Ballooning Handbook' by Don Cameron
Elizabeth Kerr-Waller (MA 1936)
In Search of Zoroaster
May Kohn BSc (1956, PhD)
Fast and Bonnie: A History of William Fife and Son, Yaughtbuilders
Professor Ralston Lawrie (BSc 1945 DSc)
Lawrie's Meat Science
Dr Sarah Lawson (PhD 1971)
All the Tea in China
Below the Surface and Other Poems
A Fado For My Mother
Jacques Prévert: Selected Poems (Translator)
The Bohemian Pirate
The GWTW Fortnight
The Ripple Effect
The Treasure of the City of Ladies (first English Translation)
The Wisteria's Children
Dr Kean Lim (MBChB 1983)
Diseases of Malaysia
Miss Alison Lindsay (MLitt 1994, MA)
Susan and Friends: The Jane Shaw companion
Professor Graham Lister (MBChB 1960)
Many Changeful Years
Chris Loughlan (BSc 1977, MEd, PhD)
Chris Loughlan (BSc 1977, MEd, PhD)
Imagine at will - Tales of experimentation, curiosity and innovation
Odd-coupling: the creative and innovative power from recombining resources
The Innovation Manifesto: A blueprint for creativity, entrepreneurship and meaningful work
Peter Lovie (BSc 1962)
ETA and its Jackups - Pioneering, Engineering, and Making it in America
Dr Noah Lucas (MA 1951, PhD)
The Modern History of Israel (in Chinese)
M - N
Dr Norman MacDonald (BSc 1955, PhD)
Biological Delay Systems
Reduce for Physicists
Dr Margaret MacDonald (DLitt 1996)
Whistler and Holland
Professor Gary Macfarlane (BSc 1985, MBChB, PhD)
Epidemiological Studies
Dr Lorn Macintyre (PhD 1976)
Adoring Venus
Maclay Days
'This is a hugely enjoyable book. The stories are wise and graceful.'
Elizabeth Sutherland, The Scots Magazine, April 2011
Thomas MacIver (MA 1928)
Croft Remote
Andrew Mackay (MA Soc Sci 1993)
Young Lions
Young Lions Roar
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Dr Ann Maclaren (MA 1994, PhD)
Handle With Care & Other Stories
Lorna Main (MA 1974)
First Generations: The Stirling Area from the Mesolithic to Roman Times
Helen Marwick (MA 1938)
The Listening Silence
Home to Strathblane
A New Kind of Life
The Rocky Island
Strathblane and Away
History on My Doorstep
Vidyavati Math (Certificate in Education, 1994)
The Luminosity of Crystals & Dimensions of the Heart
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The Book of Stamps
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The Luminosity of Energy
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Brian McAvoy (BSc 1970)
The Last, The Least, The Lonely and The Lost
Susan McCallum-Smith (MA 1987)
Slipping the Moorings
John McDermott (BSc 1996, BD)
Glasgow By The Way
University of Glasgow By The Way
Rev William McDonald (MA 1915)
Truth That Sings
Modern Evangelism
Whistler's Mother Cook Book
Lesley McDowell (MA 1989, PhD)
The Picnic
Dr James McGarry (MBChB 1954)
October 1998
Libby McGugan (MBChB 1994)
The Eidolon
William McIlvaney (MA 1959)
Remedy is None
A gift from Nessus
Liam McIlvanney (MA 1990)
Where the Dead Men Go
Douglas McIntyre (BSc 1962)
Prestwick's Pioneer
George McKay (MA 1971)
Red-handed in Aceh
Professor Alexander McLellan (BSc 1964, PhD)
The Consultant Geographer: Private practise and geography
Professor Malcolm McLeod (MA, BLitt)
Jacob Epstein Collector
James McMillan (MA 1951)
The Way we Were 1900-1914
Cameron McPhail (MA 1975, PhD)
The Scottish Nationality Test: How Scottish Are You?
Isabel McPhedran (MA 1946)
Scots Harvest
Communicating in English
Scots Adventuring
Elizabeth McSkeane (MA 1979)
Snow at the Opera House (Poems)
Douglas Mickel (MA 1933)
Homebuilders: Mactaggart and Mickel and the Scottish Housebuilding industry by Miles
Dr Derek Midgley (BSc 1966, PhD)
Potentiometric Water Analysis
Joseph Mills (MA 1989)
Borderline: The Mainstream Book of Scottish Gay Writing
Toward the End
John Moore (BSc 1958)
The Gaiety: A Centenary Celebration 1902-2002,
Gently Flows the Doon: A Guide to the Patna, Dalmellington and Loch Doon Area,
Among Green Braes: A Guide to Cumnock and Doon Valley District,
Doon Valley Diary: The Critical decade 1963-72
Dr Simon Morgan (BSc 1965, PhD)
The Environmental Guide to Pollution Control Technology
Elizabeth Morgan (BSc 1965)
The Environmental Guide to Pollution Control
S. J. Morrison (BSc 1940)
Statistics for Engineers: an Introduction
Dr Edward Mornin (MA 1961, PhD)
Kunst und Anarchismus: "Innere Zusammenhange" in den Schriften - John
John Henry Mackay: Die gedachte Welt
Liebesgeschichte der schonen Magelone und des Grafen Peter Von Provence by Ludwig
Outpourings of an art-loving Friar by Wackenroder and Tieck
Gary D Morton (MA 2007, MLitt)
Chop Suey
Access here.
William Muir (BSc)
Social Change
Helen Murdoch (MA 1953)
Travelling Hopefully: The Story of Molly Urquhart
Donald Murray (MA 1983)
Special Deliverance
William Neilson (MA, 1963)
Residential Care Fees: Defend the Assets!
Professor Dr Michael Nettleton (BSc 1953, PhD)
Gaseous detonations: Their Nature, Effects and Control
Dr Dave Nicol (BVMS 1998)
So you're a what?
John C Nicol (MA 1960, BD)
Helen Nisbet (BSc 1959, MA)
The Raven's Beak
Henry Noble (MA 1965)
200 Years of Helensburgh 1802-2002
Kate Orson (MPhil 2010)
Tears heal: How to listen to our children
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P - R
John Paterson (MA 1964, LLB)
The Eastwood Golf Club: A Centenary History
Sharad P Paul (MPhil 2002)
Cool Cut
Skin: A Biography
To Kill a Snow Dragonfly
Diana Peacock (MA 1952)
The Friendship Garden
Anne Pettigrew (MBChB 1974)
Medicine, Money and Murder
Not The Life Imagined
Costantine Philippou (BSc 1955)
A story of a century 1900-2000
From the archives and the remembrances of Alexander and Constantine Philippou
Marcia Pirie (BSc 1964)
Travellers on a Trade Wind
Ronald Polland (BSc 1989)
I Will Build My Church - A History of Falkirk Baptist Church
Laurence Polli (Dace)
Glasgow As I See It
Dr Angus Pollock (MBChB 1949)
Golf at Seacroft: The first 100 years
Murray Porteous (MA 1965, MEd)
Occupational Psychology
John Powell (MA 1947, MEd)
The Teacher's Craft
Selection for University in Scotland
Ways of Teaching
Anne Punton (MA 1961)
The World Jesus Knew, View of the Land.
Dr. Diane Radford (BSc 1978)
Bless Your Little Cotton Socks
Dr William Reid (MBChB 1933)
Bush Proper 1941-1943
John Reid (MA 1934)
The Dipper an the three wee Deils
Alistair McRae Rennie (MA 1934, BD)
Scotch Broth: A Mix of Memories of Ninety Years
David Ritchie (Diploma 1972)
Philosophical Studies (Awarded as a class prize to William Caldwell Macdonald).
Edna Robertson (MA 1957)
Glasgow's Doctor: James Burn Russell 1837-1904
Jennifer Robertson (MA 1963)
Don't go to Uncle's Wedding: Voices from the Warsaw Ghetto.
George Robertson (BSc 1943)
Normal Error Model Analysis Charts
Paul Roddie (MA 1994)
No Holds Bard (Poems)
S - T
Professor Herbert Saravanamuttoo (BSc 1955, PhD)
Gas Turbine Theory (4th & 5th edition)
Selah Saterstrom (MTh 1998)
The Pink Institution
John Scanlon (LLB 1979)
Always trying: Mark Johnston - A trainer's year
Rachel Seiffert (MLitt 2000)
The Dark Room
Field Study
Robert Sheils (MEng 1980)
Controlled Drugs: Statutes and Cases
Controlled Drugs (2nd Edition)
Law Basics: Student Study Guide
Offensive Weapons
Offensive Weapons (2nd Edition)
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995
Dr Maurice Silver (BSc 1957, PhD)
I wish I'd said that!
On-line Computing for Small Businesses - Silver's Wall
Alastair Sim (MLitt)
Rosslyn Blood
J David Simons (LLB 1973)
The Credit Draper
The Liberation of Celia Kahn
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David Sinclair (BSc 1966)
Railways at the End of the World
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Tracey Sinclair (MA 1993)
Hugh Skillen (MA 1939)
The Enigma Symposium 2000, The Enigma Symposium 2001
Jolyon Sloggett (BSc 1955)
Shipping Finance (2nd Edition)
Aileen Smart (MA 1950)
Villages of Glasgow Vol 1, Villages of Glasgow Vol 2.
Alasdair Soussi (MA 2002)
In The Shadow Of The Cotton Tree
David Starr-Glass (BSc 1980)
Gathered Stones
The Simple Guide to Customs and Etiquette in Israel
The Simple Guide to Judaism
Zoe Strachan (MA 1996, MLitt)
Negative Space
Kevin Sulivan (MA 1980)
Out of the West
Irene Tait (MA 1963)
Slim, Volume 1
Fiona Thackeray (MA 1993)
The Secret's in the Folding (Short Stories of Brazil: Long-listed for the Edge Hill University and Frank O'Connor Prizes)
Bernard Theobalds (BSc 1969)
Landing on Solid Ground
Georghios Theodoulou (MA 1952, MTh)
The Church-State Relations in Cyprus with Special Reference to the Modern Era
Valerie Thornton (MA 1976)
Working Words - Scottish Creative Writing, Catacoustics.
Kenneth Torrance (PhD 1966)
Potentimetric Water Analysis
Kate Tough (MLitt 2008)
Head for the edge, keep walking
Katy Turton (PhD 2004)
A Fistful of Ashes
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Blackbird's Song
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U - Z
Barry A. Vann (PhD 2006)
The Forces of Nature; Our Quest to Conquer the Planet
Alexander Walker (MPhil 1979)
The Kingdom Within
George Wallace (MA 1960)
Collected Poems of Ian Wallace
Dr David Watson (PhD 1984)
Of Fish and Men
John R Watson (PhD 1966)
The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology
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Carsten Weerth FLS FZS FRGS (BSc 1994)
Das Neue Ausfuhrverfahren
Der Neue Zollkodex
Einheitliche Anwendung des Gemeinsamen Zolltarifs beim Zugang zum Europäischen Binnenmarkt?
Gemeinsamer Zolitarif der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
Geschichte des Zolitarifs in Deutschland und der EG
Die Internetzollanmeldungen bei Einfuhr, Versand und Ausfuhr
Das Neue Ausfuhrverfahren, Handbuch mit zahlreichen Tipps fur die Praxis
Zollstrafrecht und Zollordnungswidrigkeitenrecht innerhalb der EU-27 Vergleich der unterschiedlichen Sanktionierung und Ausblick auf den Modernisierten Zollkodex
EU-Verträge Kommentar nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon
GABLER Wirtschaftslexikon
CITES und Zollverwaltung in Deutschland
Deutsche National Bibliotek
Dr Alasdair Wham (BSc 1974, PhD)
The Lost Railway Lines of Galloway, The Lost Railway Lines South of Glasgow.
Jonathan Whitelaw (BSc 2008)
Morbid Relations
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Graeme Williamson (MA 1995)
Strange Faith
Andrew Wilson (BSc 1949)
From Steam to Space: Contributions of Mechanical Engineering to Canadian
Gang Zhou (MBA 2004)
This is the UK (到英国去)