Looking for Careers Support?
You've come to the right place!
As a UofG Alumnus, you can access support wherever you are in the world and whatever stage you're at in your career. We're committed to providing a range of services that help our Alumni on their career journey, whether taking the first step on to it, changing it's direction or building a network along the way.
On this page you'll find ways to take advantage of and explore some of those services.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at alumni@glasgow.ac.uk if you'd like any more information.

Sound Tracks Podcast
Get industry insights, honest advice and top tips from the new Sound Tracks podcast. #UofGSoundTracks brings you sound advice from fellow Glasgow grads, to help keep your career on track!

Careers, Employability & Opportunity
You can still access the Careers Service for two years after you graduate. Browse opportunities on Glasgow Careers and attend online and in-person careers events.

Alumni Spotlight Series
Watch bite-size videos from notable alumni as they share their industry top tips, current projects, and sprinklings of nostalgia. From National Clinical Director to Guiness World Record holder, find inspiration in #TeamUofG.

Discounts on Further Study
University of Glasgow alumni can access a number of discounts on further study, including: