Student Visa Responsibilities
Student visa: your responsibilities
As a Student or Tier 4 Visa holder, there are numerous conditions to which you must adhere.
Attendance and engagement
If you hold a Student Visa or Tier 4 Visa, it is a legal requirement for you to engage with and participate in all areas of your programme of study. As a condition of the University's Student Sponsor Licence, we are required by law to monitor your attendance and engagement. We are also required to notify the Home Office if you withdraw from your programme of study or fail to attend and engage to a satisfactory level.
Engaging with your studies means:
- Attending lessons, lectures, tutorials, labs and seminars
- Sitting tests, exams and assessments
- Meeting your supervisor(s) and/or Academic Advisor
- Submitting your coursework, reports and dissertation
You must evidence your attendance at, and engagement with, your studies throughout your time with us. For undergraduate and postgraduate taught students, this will be done via attendance recording using an app called the SafeZone app.
For postgraduate research students and for postgraduate taught students during the dissertation/project, this will be done using a UofG HelpDesk Engagement form.
For Undergraduate students
If you are an Undergraduate student who is unable to attend a timetabled activity for any reason (eg illness), please see the Student Absence Policy. If you have an issue that may prevent you from engaging with your studies for a longer period, it is very important that you discuss this with your School.
Undergraduate students are not usually required to attend or engage with their studies over the summer holiday period. Please see the University's Academic Policy & Governance webpages for more information on session dates.
For Postgraduate Taught students
If you are a Postgraduate Taught student who is unable to attend a timetabled activity for any reason (eg illness), please see the Student Absence Policy. If you have an issue that may prevent you from engaging with your studies for a longer period, it is very important that you discuss this with your School.
If you are studying a one-year Master's programme on a Student Visa, your Visa will usually be sponsored for study in the UK for the full 12 months of the programme, including the summer period where you will work on your dissertation/project. During this period, you are still classed as a full-time student, and your Visa requires you to remain in Glasgow, study on campus, and continue to engage with your studies as such.
If you wish to have a short holiday of up to 3 weeks away from Glasgow, you are not required to seek permission from your School, provided that you are not required to attend any meetings or preparatory sessions during this time. If you require a longer period of absence from Glasgow, you must seek permission from your School. Please note that such requests may or may not be approved.
If you wish to write and submit your dissertation/project from outside the UK, you must consult with your School first. If you are granted permission, the University will inform UKVI that they are no longer sponsoring your Student Visa, and your Visa will be curtailed. This will not prevent you from completing your programme remotely.
If you are interested in applying for the Graduate Visa, please note that you will be required to study the full 12 months of your programme inside the UK, with the exception the 3-week short holidays mentioned above.
For Postgraduate Research students
If you are Postgraduate Research student, you are required to engage with your studies full time throughout the academic year, with the exception of any brief periods of annual leave.
> Log your meetings via the Helpdesk
Annual leave arranged with the agreement of your supervisors and graduate school will not impact your visa sponsorship. However, if you require a long period of absence, please see below section for how this may impact your visa If you need to leave the UK for personal reasons or for research, please see PGR policy, strategy & support or contact your Graduate School.
For you, engagement also entails:
- Meeting with your supervisor(s)
- Attending research-method or research-panel meetings
- Writing-up seminars or doctoral workshops
- Sitting an oral examination/Viva
- Submitting chapters, research plans, or a full thesis
For All Students: Suspension of Study & Long Periods of Absence
You may need to suspend your studies due to personal, medical, financial, or other reasons.
Suspensions of 60 days or less: If your School or College gives you approval to be absent for a period of 60 days or less, your Visa sponsorship will continue, and your Student or Tier 4 Visa will allow you to stay in or re-enter the UK to resume your studies later.
Suspensions of more than 60 days: If your School or College gives you approval to be absent for more than 60 days, the University is required to withdraw sponsorship of your Visa. If you are in the UK, you will need to leave the UK and apply for a new Visa when you are ready to return to resume your studies. This also applies to suspensions of study requested for maternity leave.
If you are considering suspending or deferring your studies, please contact International Student Support.
Where do I download the app?
Will the app work on my device?
The app will work on iPhones (iOS v13+) and Android phones (Android v7+).
How often do I check in?
Every time you attend a class.
What happens if I forget to check in?
Individual gaps aren’t a problem, just make sure that you check in for your next class.
What if the building I was in had really bad wi-fi, and I wasn’t able to check in?
Individual gaps aren’t a problem, just make sure that you check in for your next class.
Do I need to check out after class?
You will automatically be checked out when you leave the area you checked in to.
There’s no requirement to do this manually, but you can if you wish.
What do I do if my next class is in the same building?
You may find that you are still checked in from your previous class. Simply tap ‘Check Out’ and then ‘Check In’ at the start of your next class to create a new, separate entry for your next class.
Will the app drain my battery?
No, the app is designed to be non-intensive with regards to battery usage.
What happens if I am unwell?
If you are unwell for seven consecutive days, you should record this on MyCampus as per the current
Is this process only for student visa holders?
At the moment, yes.
Do I still need to check in to register my attendance on Moodle?
You may be asked to registered attendance at your class by your lecturers. At the moment, you will need to register attendance on the SafeZone app for UKVI purposes and separately for your class lecturer/tutor.
Where is the data about my attendance stored?
Your data is processed securely by University staff in the United Kingdom. SafeZone app information is handled and stored by CriticalArc (the SafeZone app provider).
Will you share my attendance data with anyone else?
Your data will be shared with relevant University staff, CriticalArc (the SafeZone app provider), and UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).
What are the attendance and engagement requirements for UG and PGT students during teaching time?
Aligned to the University About the SafeZone app, all UG and PGT students are expected to attend all timetabled classes and examinations contributing to summative assessment.
Student visa holders are expected to document their attendance at all timetabled teaching events to ensure we have all the information needed for engagement monitoring. The minimum requirement is to document attendance for at least 1 contact point per week during teaching time.
Engagement is measured through recording any of the following contact points:
- A lesson, lecture, tutorial, lab, or seminar
- A test, examination or assessment
- Submitting formative or summative coursework
- Submitting coursework or a (section of a) dissertation for formative feedback
What if my phone doesn’t support SafeZone or I don’t have a mobile phone?
We can, in some cases, help you to purchase a new mobile phone.
This will be done using the Financial Support Fund: https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/registry/finance/funds/finsupfund/
This fund is available to help cover the costs of purchasing a mobile phone, but is limited and will require an application process.
What is changing for the engagement monitoring of sponsored visa students?
All students will continue to have their engagement monitored through the usual local process, which can include displaying QR codes in class meetings.
Additionally, UG and PGT student visa holders must download the SafeZone App and login using their student/@glasgow.ac.uk email address and ‘check in’ during their timetabled teaching events. A student is not able to ‘check in’ from social spaces on campus. Therefore, all student visa holders must check in during the time of their class (10 minutes before and up to 10 minutes after the end of their class) from the building where they are scheduled to attend.
Postgraduate taught (PGT) students during the dissertation/project period/ Postgraduate research (PGR) students
What is changing regarding engagement monitoring for PGR students and PGT students during the dissertation/project period?
From January 2025, PGR students and PGT students during the dissertation/project period the dissertation/project period will be required to fill in a new engagement form in UofG Helpdesk on a monthly basis, which will be approved by the supervisor.
The form should be used by all PGR students and PGT students during the dissertation/project period. This must be used instead of any other forms of documenting engagement and interaction with supervisors.
What types of engagement can be documented through the engagement form?
The engagement form can be used for the following types of engagement, which can be selected from the type of meeting drop-down:
- Supervisor/ Tutor Meeting
- Seminar/ Workshop/ Event (which includes PGR development and training events, seminars, workshops and annual progress reviews (APRs))
- Coursework submission (which includes submitting a [section of a] dissertation for formative feedback)
Where can I find the engagement form?
Students can access the form by searching ‘engagement form’ in UofG Helpdesk.
What is the frequency of engagement that students need to evidence?
Monthly engagements need to be documented via the engagement form. This includes at least a monthly meeting with the supervisor during the research, dissertation/project phases.
Is there a time limit for submitting the engagement form after the meeting?
Yes, students should submit the engagement form on UofG HelpDesk within 5 working days of the engagement taking place. Supervisors then have 15 working days to approve the form.
What contact type would I use for a draft chapter submission?
For this please use the Coursework submission option.
Can my supervisor raise the engagement form on my behalf?
Yes, both students and supervisors can initiate the engagement form.
What happens if the supervisor does not confirm the details of the engagement?
If the supervisor doesn’t confirm the meeting, they will receive reminders to do so. If the supervisor denies the record, this will be escalated to the School/College to investigate.
What are the engagement requirements for PGR and PGT students writing up their final thesis/dissertation/project who choose not to stay in Glasgow?
If the student chooses to write up and submit their final thesis/dissertation/project away from Glasgow, from their home country or elsewhere, they need to request permission from their school. Student visa holders whose request has been granted will no longer require their Student Visa and the University must inform UKVI that we are withdrawing visa sponsorship.
The student would need to leave the UK (if they have not already), and the engagement monitoring requirements that apply to visa holders would no longer apply.
What does a PGR/PGT student need to do in case of an absence?
PGR/PGT students should record absences in MyCampus (). If students are not able to submit a monthly engagement form due to being absent,Immigration Compliance will check if there is any record of approved absence. Students should submit an engagement form as soon as possible after their absence.
What are the engagement requirements for students who have sanctioned reasons to be away from Glasgow? (e.g. field work, research placements)
Schools/RIs remain responsible for ensuring that students on placement continue to engage remotely. To satisfy this requirement, students must continue to meet monthly with their supervisor and submit engagement forms as usual. These meetings can be virtual for Research Furth of Glasgow placements (those allowed to conduct research at institutions outside the University of Glasgow).
If my first supervisor is not available for an entire month, who can I engage with for validating the engagement form?
The secondary supervisor can also validate the form in case the first supervisor is not available.
Do students receive a reminder when it’s time to submit the engagement form?
No, the engagement form needs to be initiated by the student or the supervisor. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they document a monthly contact point.
Can I have continued access to the contents of the engagement forms once I have submitted it? Is there space on the form for the supervisor to add comments?
Previously submitted engagement forms can be accessed in MyItems in UofG helpdesk. The supervisor can add comments when responding to the student-initiated form.
Changes to your studies
Your Visa is issued for study on a specific course or programme, and there are only limited circumstances under which you can change to a different one midway through your studies.
UK immigration rules only allow Student Visa holders at the University to change to a different programme if all of the following circumstances are met:
- The new programme must at bachelor's degree level or above
- The new programme must not be at a lower academic level than the previous one
- The student must be able to complete the new programme within their current visa duration (i.e. the new programme must not go beyond the student's visa expiry date)
- If Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) Clearance is required for the new programme, this must be applied for and obtained before the change is made.
Read more about ATAS Clearance
If these circumstances are not met, you may need to obtain a new Visa to embark on your new course. You may or may not be able to apply for a new Visa inside the UK.
Need help with changes to your studies?
Up-to-date personal information
Contact Information
When you register on MyCampus, you must provide us with your term-time contact details.
This should include:
- Your address in the UK
- Your Phone number in the UK
- Your personal email
If any of these contact details change, you must update them by logging onto your MyGlasgow account. Please see Personal Information Updates if you are not sure how to do that.
New Passport or New Visa
If you get a new passport or a new BRP (or other type of physical immigration document) during your studies, please upload a copy here.
If you get a new eVisa (including Settled Status), please get a share code and submit it here.
We recommend linking your eVisa to your most current passport to avoid issues at the border, or when travelling. For further information on this, please see this video.
If you receive a UK Passport or Certificate of Naturalisation from the UK Government during your studies, pleas upload a copy here.
Informing the Home Office of Changes
You are also required to inform the Home Office of any changes.
You must update your UKVI account to reflect any changes in your passport & travel documents, name, address and nationality.
For information on this, please see the International Student Support webpage.
Informing the Home Office of eVisa Errors
If you notice that your eVisa has an error on it, you must report this straight away using the online form on the GOV.UK website.
Errors may include, but are not limited to, things such as:
- Incorrect Name
- Incorrect Photograph
- Incorrect Status (e.g. Student, Dependant, Skilled Worker)
- Incorrect Validity Dates
- Incorrect Restrictions.
Working while studying
Students studying on a Student Visa or Tier 4 Visa at the University of Glasgow are generally allowed to work under the following conditions:
- If your course is at or above Bachelor's-level: up to 20-hours-per-week during term-time;
- If your course is below Bachelor's-level: Up to 10-hours-per-week;
- During University vacation periods and during the Visa 'Wrap-Up' period following the completion of your course: full-time;
- While on work placements that form an assessed and integral part of your course.
For most Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught students, 'term-time' is defined as the University's official semester dates. Some programmes, however, may follow a different calendar. Please consult with your School for more information.
Postgraduate Taught students working on their dissertation/project during the summer semester are still in 'term-time', and are therefore still subject to the weekly working limit. The weekly limit does not apply for students who have completed their programme (this means completed all required classes, submissions and assessments) and where the course end date on their CAS has passed but their visa is still valid. This is known as the Visa 'Wrap-Up' period.
Postgraduate Research students do not have designated vacation periods. Their weekly working limit applies year-round, except for periods of approved annual leave, and the University's period of closure over Christmas and New Year.
If you work for more than one employer and/or more than one University department concurrently, the cumulative number of hours you work must not exceed your total limit. A week is defined as a period of 7 days starting on a Monday and ending on a Sunday.
The following types of work are completely prohibited for Student Visa holders:
- Self-employment/business activity
- Doctor/Dentist-in-training (except for recognised foundation programmes)
- Sportsperson/Sports Coach
- Entertainer
- Any full-time, permanent vacancy (with the exception of Student Union Sabbatical Officer or Doctor/Dentist-in-training on a recognised foundation programme)
Working permissions should always be shown on your Entry Clearance Vignette and/or your BRP. A breach of working conditions is a very serious offence which can result in detention, removal from the UK and automatic refusals of future UK Visa applications.
Read more about working permissions
Students with Short-term Study Leave are not permitted to work in the UK, including on work placements.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degrees: changes in academic year 2024/25
Based on the integrated and international delivery of our EMJMD programmes, a large proportion of teaching does not take place on our UK campus. For this reason, we are unable to ensure that all engagement and attendance monitoring responsibilities related to the Student Visa can be met.
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degrees are therefore no longer eligible as a sponsorship option under the UKVI Student Visa.
For more information, see below.
What alternative immigration options are available to support my study in Glasgow?
Typically, EMJMD students study in Glasgow for 1 or 2 non-consecutive semesters. As each semester is less than 6 months in duration, you can apply for a Standard Visitor Visa University of Glasgow - International students - International student support - Visas and Immigration - Standard Visitor Route.
Can I remain in Glasgow to write up my dissertation in my final semester?
If you are already in Glasgow in AY 2024/25, for the final taught element of your course for this semester and are completing your dissertation here as well, then you can remain here under the University’s visa sponsorship.
You will be required to record monthly interactions with your supervisor, some of which must be face-to-face.
Under which immigration status do I enter the UK to attend my Graduation ceremony?
You can apply for a Standard Visitor Visa to attend your graduation ceremony in Glasgow University of Glasgow - International students - International student support - Visas and Immigration - Standard Visitor Route
If you don’t need a visa to enter the UK for graduation, you can enter as a Standard Visitor (provided you meet all entry requirements) with an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA).
I intend to take on campus classes or dissertation support at UofG in my final semester in AY 2025/26, can I apply for a Student Visa?
As your semester of study is less than 6 months, UofG would recommend that you use the Standard Visitor Visa. However, if you are ineligible for this Visa, we can consider issuing you with a CAS for the period of time that you will be in Glasgow for classes. An online application form for CAS will be available to request a CAS based on exceptional circumstances from May for the following Semester 1 and October for the following Semester 2.
You will be required to record monthly interactions with your supervisor, some of which must be face-to-face https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/registry/tier4/responsibilities/#forpostgraduatetaughtstudents
Do I have to check in with Safezone?
If you hold a Student Visa sponsored by the University of Glasgow and are on a UG or PGT programme in Glasgow, you must check in on the Safezone app any time you have an on-campus class.
If you hold a Student Visa sponsored by the University of Glasgow and are on a PGT programme in Glasgow, for the purpose of dissertation support, you will record regular engagement with your supervisor via a UofG Helpdesk Engagement Form.
How did you determine the reimbursement amount? / Why am I not receiving a full refund of the Student Visa and IHS?
We are keen to ensure that you are reimbursed for the additional costs related to the Student Visa compared to those associated with the Standard Visitor route. The reimbursement amount is calculated by taking the difference in cost between the Student Visa and Standard Visitor Visa fees, and the difference in cost between the Immigration Health Surcharge fee for one year and two years, and adding these differences together.
EMJMD Students - Will leaving the UK in my final semester impact my student status or ability to complete my programme?
No – you will be able to continue your dissertation at another partner university on your programme. If you are a student from a ‘Partner Country’ and receive an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, you will need to return to another partner university in a ‘Programme Country’ to continue to receive your Scholarship payments.
Can I apply for a Student Visa if I am studying for a full Academic Year at the University of Glasgow?
Yes, if your study in Glasgow will last more than 6 months, the University will sponsor a Student Visa. This will cover you for 2 consecutive semesters of on-campus teaching at the University of Glasgow. An online application form for CAS will be available to request a CAS based on exceptional circumstances from May for the following Semester 1 and October for the following Semester 2.
Who can I contact to discuss my current immigration status?
If you have any questions about your current immigration status, please email immigrationcompliance@glasgow.ac.uk. For immigration or visas advice, please contact internationalstudentsupport@glasgow.ac.uk.
Who can I contact to discuss any impact on my studies?
Your Erasmus Mundus School co-ordinators are also on hand to work with you on how this change may impact your studies. They can be reached by contacting the relevant programme mailbox:
CEERES: imceeres@glasgow.ac.uk
GLOCAL: socpol-glocal@glasgow.ac.uk
IMSISS: imsiss@glasgow.ac.uk
ILGSPD: ilgspd@glasgow.ac.uk
TourDC: tourdc@glasgow.ac.uk
EDUMaH: edumah@glasgow.ac.uk
CLMCE: clmc@glasgow.ac.uk
Who can I contact to discuss any impact on other aspects of student life at Glasgow?
If you wish to discuss anything else not related to immigration, visas or studies, then you can contact your Student Support Officer.