Results & Resits
Notification of Exam Results
Your exam results will be automatically sent to your student email inbox from MyCampus as soon as they become available. Additionally, you can view your results on MyCampus.
We kindly request that you refrain from contacting Registry via telephone or email to enquire about the publication of your results. Please note that members of staff are not authorised to disclose results over the phone or via email.

Resit Examination Enrolment Process
If you are eligible for resit examinations, it is essential to verify your enrolment status on your MyCampus student record to ensure accuracy. If you have any enquiries regarding enrolments, please reach out to the IT Helpdesk, who will direct your query to the appropriate school.
To verify your enrolment status, follow these steps:
- Log in to your MyCampus Student Record
- Access the Student Centre
- Navigate to the Enrolment Link
- Select the 'Enrol for Resits' tab
- You will be directed to the 'Exams Enrolled to Resit' screen
- All resit examinations you are enrolled for will be listed, with a tick mark indicating enrolment in the resit box

Resit Exams Lists & Special Circumstances
Please examine the resit exams list meticulously. If you find any exams listed that you do not wish to resit or if any exams you wish to resit are missing, please communicate this information via email to the Exams Team at reg.resit@glasgow.ac.uk before Friday, 27 June 2025.
In your email, include the following details:
- Exam name
- Exam code
- Your full name
- Student number
In exceptional situations, your School or Research Institute may necessitate a resit examination for a course in which you have already attained an overall course grade of D3 (undergraduate non-Honours) or C3 (PGT). Alternatively, you may receive advice to resit an exam taken in a prior academic session.
If this applies to you, your School will have provided guidance accordingly. In such cases, please reach out to reg.resit@glasgow.ac.uk with the same information noted above before Friday, 27 June 2025.
International Resit Examination Application Process
University of Glasgow students have the opportunity to apply for an International Resit Examination. Applications will re-open for 2024/25 on Monday, 2 June 2025 and must be submitted by Friday, 27 June 2025.
Eligibility Requirements
Before applying, please ensure you meet the following criteria:
- You are an international student.
- You are enrolled to resit examinations in August 2025.
- You have submitted your application and payment before the deadline of Friday, 27 June 2025.
- Your application form is completed accurately.
Exceptional Circumstances for UK Residents
UK residents may apply for an International Resit Examination under exceptional circumstances, including:
- Bereavement.
- Serious medical grounds.
- Work commitments integral to an official work placement required by your course.
Such applications will require the approval of the Clerk of Senate as well as the appropriate Head of School, which will be sought after you submit a completed application.
If you are undertaking other commitments, including work and holidays, during the designated resit exam period, you are doing so at your own risk and will be ineligible for an International Resit Examination.
Application Procedure
- The cost of an International Resit Examination is £100 per exam, payable to the University.
- Payment must be made in full before the deadline. Failure to pay via MyCampus will result in application refusal, notified via email.
- Any charges by an international examination centre are your responsibility.
- Refunds will be issued if international resit arrangements cannot be made, typically within 2-3 weeks.
Arrangements & Venue Confirmation
- The Exams Team will organise your resit exam(s) and confirm the venue, time, and date via email. Please check your email regularly until receiving confirmation.
- If a suitable venue cannot be found, you may need to travel to the nearest British Council or return to the University of Glasgow for the exam.
Exam Logistics
- International Resit Examinations must be taken simultaneously with those in Glasgow. Exceptions may be considered, subject to approval by the Clerk of Senate.
- International Resit Examination applications must be submitted by email to registry-overseas-exams@glasgow.ac.uk by Friday, 27 June 2025.
- Late applications cannot be accepted due to the time required for arranging examinations outside the UK.
Service Provision
- The Exams Team will endeavor to find a suitable venue for your resit exams in your home country and obtain necessary approvals. If we cannot find a suitable venue, we will ask you to provide us with the details of one.
- If your application is successful, the Exams Team will ensure the hosting venue contacts you via the email you provided in your application. Please contact the hosting venue with any questions surrounding their fees.
Outcome & Rejection Criteria
- Not all international resit arrangements can be guaranteed.
- If arrangements are not approved, you may have to return to the University of Glasgow for your exam.
- Reasons for rejection may include unsuitable venue, prohibitive time difference, or insufficient time for satisfactory arrangements.
Result Publication
- Following the examination, answer books will be returned to the University for marking.
- Results will be published on MyCampus as usual.
International resit exam eligibility & application
The option to apply for an International Resit Examination for 2024/25 will re-open to University of Glasgow students on Monday 2 June 2025. Applications must be submitted by Friday 27 June 2025.
Before you apply, there are eligibility requirements and they are listed below:
- You are an international student;
- You are enrolled to resit examinations in August;
- You have provided an application and payment before the deadline of Friday 27 June 2025; and
- You have completed the form correctly.
If you are an ordinary resident of the UK, you may apply for international exam arrangements in exceptional circumstances:
- Bereavement;
- Serious medical grounds; or
- Work commitments that are part an official work placement as required by your course
All International Resit Applications made by ordinary residents of the UK will require the approval of the Clerk of Senate as well as the appropriate Head of School, which will be sought after you have submitted a completed application.
If you are undertaking other commitments, including work and holidays, during the designated resit exam period, you are doing so at your own risk and will be ineligible for an International Resit Exam.
- The cost of sitting an international resit exam incurs a fee of £100 per exam by the University
- You will be asked to pay this fee in full, prior to the deadline date. Any students that has not paid via MyCampus will not have their application processed and will be notified via email it has been refused
- Any charges made by an international examination centre is payable directly to them by you
- We do not guarantee that we will be able to make international resit arrangements. If we are unable to do so, you will be refunded the total of your international resit exam fee. Refunds will take approximately 2-3 weeks.
- The Registry Examinations Team will make arrangements for the examination and confirm the details by e-mail with you and the venue. You must regularly check your e-mail until you receive an e-mail from us to confirm the arrangements for your examination.
- If a suitable venue cannot be found, you must travel to the nearest British Council or return to the University of Glasgow to undertake the exam.
- Examinations must be taken simultaneously with those held in Glasgow. Where this is not possible an overlap in the time may be permitted subject to approval by the Clerk of Senate. Please note: Where there is a time difference of +/- 4hrs GMT it can be difficult to secure a location in which to hold the examination at the same time as Glasgow and therefore it may not be possible to hold examinations in these countries.
Further information on the application process and how to obtain an application form will be available before the application opening date on 2 June 2025. The closing date will be Friday 27 June 2025. We regret that we are unable to accept applications after this date due to the time it takes to arrange examinations outside the UK. If you do not submit your application before the deadline you will have to return to Glasgow in order to take your examination.
Our Service:
To provide you with the option to take your resit exams in your home country, subject to your eligibility during the August diet. Registry will look for a suitable venue for the examination and seek all necessary approvals on your behalf. If we cannot find a suitable venue, we will ask you to provide us with the details of one.
Should you be successful in your application, we will put the venue in touch with you via the email you provided in your application. Please contact the hosting venue with any questions surrounding their fees.
We do not guarantee that we can make international resit arrangement for every student. If your examination arrangements are not approved by the Director of Registry (or nominee) you will be required to return to the University of Glasgow to take your exam. Reasons for rejection may include;
- unsuitable venue;
- prohibitive time difference, or
- insufficient time to put satisfactory arrangements in place prior to the examination taking place.
Following the examination your answer books will be returned to the University of Glasgow to be marked. Results will be published on MyCampus in the normal way.