University of Glasgow

Regulations for Research Furth of Glasgow


Many research students will want to spend time working away from Glasgow during their period of research.  For the purpose of these regulations, there are two basic categories of work furth of Glasgow:

(a) research in or associated with academic or academic-related institutions other than the University of Glasgow; and

(b) research which entails fieldwork in places away from Glasgow.  Fieldwork may, of course, also take place in or close to Glasgow or in the UK.

The general principles of this policy  - that the University needs to ensure that students are as safe as possible and that the University is apprised of their location and contact details - apply to fieldwork but this policy is specifically for research visits by students to other institutions.

For specific information about policies and procedures that apply to fieldwork, please see the regulations and policies related to Safeguarding in Research.

For a period of research furth of Glasgow to be covered by these regulations, it will normally entail more than one month of continuous time away from the University.  A period of one year of continuous or discontinuous time furth of Glasgow is normally the maximum allowed. Students who are exceptionally approved for a period of research furth greater than one year in duration must contact the Finance Office Insurance Section to discuss their specific requirements.

All normal regulations applying to research students at the University of Glasgow (training, supervision, progress, appeals, etc.) continue to apply to research students working furth of Glasgow. 

1.  General Regulations

These regulations apply to all research students working furth of Glasgow:

1.1 Institutions at which students undertake research furth of Glasgow require approval from the relevant Graduate School and the completion of any risk assessment or other due diligence required. 

1.2 The research student’s supervisor(s) must ensure that they have full details regarding his/her work furth of Glasgow, specifically the dates of the period away and full contact addresses.

1.3 The research student’s supervisor(s) must ensure that all relevant persons in the University (e.g. the Dean of Graduate Study, Head of School, the School Safety Officer, the leader of the research laboratory where appropriate, etc.) are informed of the student’s period away.

1.4 The research student’s supervisor(s) must ensure that he/she leaves a record of the name, address and full contact details of his/her next of kin and that this information is lodged with the Graduate School.

1.5 The research student’s supervisor(s) must ensure that the requirements of the QAA Advice and Guidance for Research Degrees can continue to be met as closely as possible during his/her work furth of Glasgow.
1.6 For insurance purposes, research students must apply for travel insurance when they are working furth of Glasgow and it will involve an overnight stay or air travel within the UK or a journey outwith the UK. Students must be provided with an insurance cover note from the Finance Office prior to his/her departure.

1.7 Permission to work furth of Glasgow must be granted by the Dean of Graduate Study or by his/her representative. To this end, a meeting should be held between the research student, his/her supervisor(s) and the Dean or designated representative, addressing the specific circumstances of the period away and noting how the relevant regulations are to be met.  This meeting should be minuted, and the minutes kept by the DOGS.  Students with collaborative awards should have details of their work placement recorded at this meeting.  Thereafter recording for insurance purposes only is required.

1.8 For periods of work furth of Glasgow which exceed six months in a three-year period, permission is also required from the relevant Graduate School. This regulation applies even if periods furth of Glasgow are discontinuous but which amount in total to more than six months.  Should it be found that a research student has unexpectedly had to spend more than six months in total working away from Glasgow, the relevant Graduate School should be notified retrospectively.

1.8 Where necessary, applications for permission to work furth of Glasgow should be submitted in writing by the research student’s supervisor(s) to the relevant Graduate School, in the form of a letter which outlines how the relevant regulations are to be met.  Such a letter should normally be sent at least two months in advance of the proposed period(s) away.

2. Specific Regulations Applying to Research in Other Academic or Academic-Related Institutions

Many research students will spend periods researching in or associated with institutions other than the University of Glasgow.  If these are not approved institutions, the following regulations apply:

2.1 Where appropriate, a joint supervisor from the host institution can be appointed for the research student (to be agreed in writing). The Graduate School must be informed.

2.2 If a joint supervisor is not appointed, arrangements must be put in place to ensure regular contact between the research student and his/her supervisor(s) in Glasgow (assuming that they are not themselves visiting the other institution).  The nature and frequency of this contact must be agreed upon and specified in writing. Records of supervisory meetings should be kept as normal if this is required.

2.3 Where possible, other sources of academic, administrative, and pastoral support at the host institution should be identified and noted (e.g. researchers in this institution; other academic visitors to the institution, key administrative contacts).

2.4 The quality and suitability of the laboratory or other required facilities at the other institution should be established and noted.

2.5 The quality and suitability of the library facilities at the other institution should be established and noted.
2.6 Any local issues to do with safety and insurance, as relating to the other institution and practices there must have been fully explored and discussed with the research student.

3. Specific Regulations Applying To Research Which Entails Fieldwork

Many research students will spend periods conducting fieldwork, often in places far from Glasgow and often in remote locations far from conventional academic facilities.  Ideally, such fieldwork should not be conducted alone, but it is recognised that lone fieldwork will on occasion be unavoidable.  Sometimes such fieldwork will be conducted from a base in another institution, in which case the regulations in Section 2 above also apply.  Where students are conducting fieldwork, they should refer to the Safeguarding in Research policy