Occupational Health Review

Occupational Health provide an advisory service regarding fitness for work to line managers. Where there are concerns that work could be affecting a member of staff's health or that a health concern could be affectng an employee's ability to do their job, advice and assistance in managing such concerns effectively can be obtained through a referral to Occupational Health.

It is not the purpose of Occupational Health to provide diagnosis or treatment, but to provide support to employees, to interpret medical information and to present it to managers in a useful way that allows them to consider work-related issues such as timescales of absences or adjustments which may be required to support employees in their place of work.

Occupational Health can provide advice across a range of areas, including (but not limited to):

  • The potential impact a medical condition may have on an employee’s ability to attend work/carry out their duties
  • Likely return to work timescales
  • Whether or not workplace adjustments may be considered

Occupational Health clinical staff are trained health professionals and are governed by the same moral, professional and ethical codes of conduct to which all medical and nursing professionals have to adhere.  Confidentiality is fundamental.

Please be assured that your best interests and wellbeing are of primary concern to all of us in the OHU.  Therefore we aim to make your visit to the department as straightforward and comfortable as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access Occupational Health Premises?

Occupational health is located between Classics and School of Nursing at 63 Oakfield Avenue, across from Hillhead High School. There are steps at the entry to the building, If the front door is locked, please ring the bell, and staff will open the main door.

Use the  for directions to Occupational Health.

On arrival, please report to reception, who will book you as having arrived for your appointment, this informs the clinician that you have arrived.

Waiting Area
There is a waiting area on the ground floor. Please note there are no toilet facilities on the ground floor and walking up several stairs is required to access the toilet. Please contact Occupational Health to discuss if you have concerns regarding mobility and we will arrange a suitable alternative venue.

Disabled Access
There is disabled parking behind the building in the car park, however, as with all University car parks, this is subject to availability, which occupational health has no control over.

There is no disabled access to occupational health, and should you require an appointment to be scheduled in a building at ground level, please contact occupational health to advise, and we shall arrange an appointment in the Barclay Medical Practice, on campus.

Why have I been referred?

Your line manager should have discussed the purpose of the referral with you before contacting Occupational Health.

The following are the common (but not exhaustive) reasons/circumstances where a manager might wish to refer an employee to Occupational Health:

  • Where an employee has been absent from work on a number of occasions in recent weeks/months (e.g. meeting one or more of the Review Points)
  • Where an employee is absent on a long-term basis (over 4 weeks) 
  • Where particular trends have been identified in an employee’s absence pattern
  • Where a potential health problem has been identified which is affecting an employee at work and it would be helpful to know more about it, its impacts and what can be done to support the employee 
  • Where an Occupational Health assessment is required prior to an employee’s return to work 

Normally an appointment should lead to advice for you the individual and your line manager regarding the likely duration of sickness absence (if relevant), the possible impact of your ill health on your work, and suggest rehabilitation approaches for return to work or reasonable adjustments to enable people to remain at work where appropriate.

What will happen when I arrive for my appointment?

An initial assessment usually lasts about 45 minutes and aims to collect sufficient information to provide an accurate, objective and useful opinion regarding fitness to perform the job. Please note that you may not be with the clinician for the entire duration, as part of the time will be allocated for the clinician to document clinical notes and, with your consent, prepare a report

The clinician will introduce themselves to you and explain the purpose of the assessment. The discussion is usually in response to referral questions and the clinician will typically ask you about:

  • The health problem and any concerns that you may have, as well as any treatment that you may be receiving. 
  • The work you undertake and any difficulties arising from your health or other reasons 
  • Any relevant activities out with work. 

What will be said afterwards to my manager?

Occupational Health reports are advisory only and released with your consent.  The content of a report will depend on the reason for the referral, the specific questions that have been asked and any necessary specific recommendations. The report generated by a referral will be based on the information provided to Occupational Health Service at the time of assessment and the questions on the referral form. 

The report may include the following information: 

• Opinion on fitness for work. 

• Nature of the reported health condition, injury or illness. 

• Expected time frame for recovery and/or return to work. 

• Potential modified duties and/or workplace adjustments. 

• Return to work plan. 

• Recommendations to address any identified issues/barriers. 

• Functional education and guidance on health condition management. 

• Opinion on applicability of Equality Act provisions in terms of; timescales, effect on daily activity, and their effect on functions at work. This will allow for the line manager to give consideration to adjustments, although the reasonableness of these is an employer’s decision and will be likely to require some input from People & OD. 

Following the assessment Occupational Health may recommend further case management/review assessments to help assess progress/recovery and/or return to work. 

Who will see my Occupational Health records?

The standards of confidentiality for records held by your general practitioner or any hospital specialist you may have seen also apply to occupational health records. Consequently, neither your manager nor People & OD staff has access to your records. Details of your records will only be released at your request or, in exceptional circumstances, as a legal or ethical requirement.

Further information on Confidentiality and Medical Records.

Can I have a copy of the letter from Occupational Health to my manager?

You will be able to access the report securely within the Ivanti System.

Will Occupational Health write to my general practitioner/hospital specialist for information?

In some instances it may be necessary to request further information from your general practitioner (GP) and / or hospital specialist.  If this is the case the reason will be explained to you and you will be asked to sign a consent form allowing Occupational Health to approach your GP and / or hospital specialist for this information.

You have the right to see the GP/hospital specialist's report before it is sent to Occupational Health.  

What if I have already returned to work or my GP has given me a date to return within the next few days?

Contact your line manager to discuss any ongoing need for an OH appointment. There may still be a need for your line manager to receive Occupational Health advice in support of your return to work.

What if I do not feel able to attend an appointment in OH?

If you feel unable to undergo the assessment you should inform your line manager. Alternatively Occupational Health will discuss any concerns you may have about the appointment on the day but will not proceed further without your consent. 

Without the benefit of guidance from Occupational Health your line manager may need to make decisions regarding your situation based on the information available to them.

What if I cannot make this particular appointment date?

If you are unable to attend a scheduled appointment or wish to reschedule, kindly contact us as far in advance as possible. This provides an opportunity to offer this appointment to other service users.

If you do not attend or reschedule an appointment for an occupational health referral, the referring manager and P&OD Business Partner shall be notified.

Can I self-refer to Occupational Health?

It is not possible to self-refer to occupational health. Discussion should take place with the relevant line manager to discuss the circumstances and any need for a referral.

How do I refer to Occupational Health?

Line Managers can refer and employee to Occupational Health using the electronic Occupational Health Referral Form. The referral should be discussed with the employee in advance and further information is available in Guidance - Occupational Health Referrals.

How do I write an occupational health referral?

Occupational Health Referrals are made via the electronic Occupational Health Referral Form
More detailed guidance on the OH Referral process and what to include in a referral can be found in Guidance - Occupational Health Referrals.

How long will it take to receive an occupational health report back?

The Occupational Health Unit will endeavour to see referred employees within a week of receiving the referral. Reports are then typically sent to the referring manager within 2-3 days.