Mature Students Association
Whether you are an undergraduate, a postgraduate, or on an access course, as long as you were 21+ at the start of your course you are welcome to join the Mature Students Association (MSA). We are exclusively run by UofG mature students, for UofG mature students.
So why join the MSA?
We have a wide range of facilities to offer: quiet study space, a computer room with PCs on the University network, Wi-Fi throughout the building, cheap printing, a group study room, lockers, a lounge and kitchen facilities for heating and preparing meals, and very cheap hot drinks! Since 2022 we have also created a community pantry so none of our members ever have to struggle.
The building can also be accessed 24/7, which can be a great asset if you find studying at home difficult, or simply don’t have personal internet, especially around deadline/exam time.
The MSA is a very supportive environment – you will always find other mature students studying similar courses and who probably have similar life circumstances and experiences. We also have a dedicated Welfare Officer as part of our Team who will be on hand for a chat or to point you in the right direction if you need support, deadlines are piling up, or you just need to vent.
So, whether you’re looking for new friends, study partners, or simply the reassurance of knowing you’re not the only mature student at the University, all can be found here!
Get involved
Membership is only £15 per year. We have an enthusiastic and very active committee, who are approachable and helpful. Committee members are elected annually, so if you have the drive to be involved put your name forward for a position.
How to join
Check out our SRC webpages for details on how to join the MSA.
SRC webpages
We look forward to welcoming you!

Contact us
GU Mature Students Association
Mature Students’ Association