Incunabula: bindings index
Listing of bindings by country and then chronologically by century. Follow the shelf-mark link for a full description of each binding.
See listing of bindings from:
England - France - Germany - Italy - Netherlands - Portugal - Scotland - Spain - Switzerland - Place uncertain - Unbound
15th/16th Century
16th Century
Dr.2.11 (item 1); Dr.2.11 (item 2); Dr.2.11 (item 3) (crest of Sir William Boothby, 2nd Bart. (1638?-1707) added in blind to front cover; rebacked in 20th century); Eg6-a.9 (Gibson Roll 1)
16th/17th Century
17th century
Bg.1.13 (item 1) & Bg.1.13 (item 2); Bv.2.1; Bv.2.2 (rebacked in 19th/20th century); Ck.2.1; Cn.1.2 (rebacked in 19th century); Cn.2.21 (item 1) & Cn.2.21 (item 2); Dp-e.4 (rebacked in 19th/20th century)
17th/18th Century
Bg.1.1 (rebacked in 18th century)
18th Century
Ac.4.5 (?); Ah-a.25; Ah-a.29; Ai-a.22 (item 1) & Ai-a.22 (item 2); An-y.17; BD7-b.7; BD9-d.15 (Harleian); Be.1.2, 3 (Harleian); Be.1.5 (Harleian); Be.1.7 (Harleian); Be.1.14 (Harleian); Be.2.1 (rebacked in the 19th/20th century); Be.2.2 (Harleian); Be.2.9 (Harleian); Be.2.11 (Harleian); Be.2.19 (Harleian); Be.2.20; Be.3.4 (Harleian - fragment retained on rebinding); Be.3.17; Be.3.21 (Harleian); Be.3.25 (Harleian); Be.3.27 (Harleian); Bf.1.7, 8 (Harleian); Bf.2.1 (rebacked in the 19th/20th century); Bf.2.9 (Harleian); Bf.2.10 (Harleian); Bf.2.15 (item 1), Bf.2.15 (item 2) & Bf.2.15 (item 3) (Harleian); Bf.2.16 (possible Harleian); Bf.2.19; Bf.3.3 (Harleian); Bf.3.4 (Harleian); Bf.3.5 (Harleian); Bf.3.6, 7 (Harleian); Bf.3.8 (with William Hunter's binding tool of hunting horn); Bf.3.10 (item 1) & Bf.3.10 (item 2); Bf.3.17; Bg.1.3; Bg.1.6 (Harleian); Bg.1.12; Bg.2.2 (with William Hunter's binding tool of hunting horn); Bg.2.3; Bg.2.4 (with William Hunter's binding tool of hunting horn); Bg.2.5; Bg.2.14, 15; Bg.2.16; Bg.2.24 (Harleain); Bg.2.28; Bh.1.2 (item 1) & Bh.1.2 (item 2); Bh.1.3; Bh.1.5; Bh1-d.7; Bh.2.15; Bh.2.16; Bh.2.21; Bh.3.21 (rebacked in 19th/20th century); Bh.3.26; Bh9-d.1; Bh10-d.9; Bh10-d.10; Bh10-d.11; Bh10-d.12; Bh10-d.13; Bv.1.1 (Harleian); Bv.1.2 (Harleian); Bv.1.3 (Harleian); Bv.1.4 (Harleian); Bv.1.5; Bv.1.6; Bv.1.12; Bv.2.7; Bv.2.9; Bv.2.10 (Bridgeman arms in gold on covers; restored and rebacked in 1958); Bv.2.12; Bv.2.13; Bv.2.14 (rebacked in 19th/20th century); Bv.2.16; Bv.2.17; Bv.2.18 (Kent arms in gold on cover; repaired and rebacked, Feb. 1961); Bv.2.19 (item 1) & Bv.2.19 (item 2); Bv.2.20; Bv.2.21; Bv.2.24 (conserved and rebacked 2019); Bv.2.29; Bv.2.30; Bv.3.14; Bw.1.2, 3 (Harleian); Bw.1.4; Bw.1.5 (with gilt book-stamps of Thomas Rawlinson); Bw.1.6 (Harleian); Bw.2.3 (Harleian); Bw.2.4 (Harleian); Bw.2.6 (Harleian); Bw.2.13 (Harleian); Bw.2.14, 15 (Harleian); Bw.2.21 (with William Hunter's binding tool of hunting horn); Bw.3.1 (item 1) & Bw.3.1 (item 2) (Harleian); Bw.3.24; Bw.3.25; Bx.2.1; Bx.2.9 (Harleian); Bx.2.14; Bx.2.16 (Harleian); Bx.2.17 (Harleian); Bx.2.18 (Harleian: repaired and rebacked 20th century); Bx.2.20 (Harleian); Bx.3.22 (item 1), Bx.3.22 (item 2), Bx.3.22 (item 3), Bx.3.22 (item 4) & Bx.3.22 (item 5); Bx.3.26; Bx.3.27 (Harleian?); Bx.3.37; Bx.3.38; Bx.3.45; By.2.2 (rebacked in 19th/20th century); By.2.7 (Harleian); By.2.8 (item 1) & By.2.8 (item 2); By.2.9; By.2.10 (Harleian); By.2.14; By.2.15 (Harleian); By.3.31; By.3.33; Cm.1.5; Dp-e.6 (rebacked in 19th/20th century); Ds.2.3 (repaired and rebacked 1936); Ds.2.4 (restored & rebacked 1965); Ds.2.6-7 (Harleian)
19th Century
Ag-x.11; Ah-a.22; Ah-a.30; Ah-a.31; Al-b.16; Al-b.17 (with gilt arms of Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, 6th Viscount Strangford); Am-z.41; An-y.2; An-y.40 (with crest of George Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of Blandford)); BD7-b.4; BD7-b.10; BD7-c.12 (with gilt crest of John Holmes); BD7-d.7; BD7-d.10; BD7-d.11; BD7-d.20; BD7-e.9; BD7-f.17; BD7-f.18; BD16-e.4; Dt-a.9; Dw-e.18; Eg5-x.1; S.M. 220 (with blind stamps of Sir William Stirling Maxwell); Mu16-d.43; Mu36-a.12; Mu43-a.4; S.M. 104 (with blind stamps of Sir William Stirling Maxwell); S.M. 1435 (with gilt stamps of Sir William Stirling Maxwell); S.M. 1947 (with arms in gilt of Sir William Stirling Maxwell); S.M. 1959 (with gilt arms and mottoes of Sir William Stirling Maxwell); S.M. 1985 (with blind stamps of Sir William Stirling Maxwell); S.M. 1986 (with blind stamps of Sir William Stirling Maxwell); S.M. 1987 (with arms in gilt of Sir John Stirling Maxwell); T.C.L. 451
19th/20th Century
Ah-e.80; An-y.20; An-y.28; Mu48-b.1; Mu48-b.3; Mu48-b.4
20th Century
Al-b.86; Am-z.45; An-c.39; An-y.15; An-y.18; An-y.32; Be.3.4; Bh8-d.4; Bh8-e.8; Bl1-d.11; Bl3-g.7 (item 1), Bl3-g.7 (item 2) & Bl3-g.7 (item 3); Bl6-e.2; Bl9-g.15, 16; Bm1-e.9; Bm8-g.10; Bv.2.31 (item1); Bv.2.31 (item 2); Bv.3.4; Bx.3.15; Bx.3.19 (item 1), Bx.3.19 (item 2), Bx.3.19 (item 3) & Bx.3.19 (item 4); Bx.3.41; Bx.3.41 bis; Bx.3.48; By.2.21; By.3.41; Eg6-d.18; Mu7-x.5; Mu16-f.29