Professor Rebecca Madgin

  • Professor of Urban Studies (Urban Studies & Social Policy)

telephone: 0141 330 3847

25 Bute Gardens, Room 117

Import to contacts


Research interests

Rebecca re-joined Urban Studies at the University of Glasgow in January 2014 following an earlier period as an Urban Studies Foundation Research Fellow. Her research examines the emotional and economic values of heritage in the context of urban development and management. Her ESRC funded PhD focused on the role of industrial heritage in the process of place making and in particular how decisions concerning the demolition or re-use of historic buildings were made. Central to this was an understanding of how historic places were ascribed meaning and value during the process of urban regeneration from the 1970s to the early 2000s, and involved an in-depth analysis of community attachments to threatened historic spaces, a sense of place, and place marketing.

A focus on the meaning of place continued through funded projects which sought to examine place attachment in a number of case studies including de-industrial spaces and Brutalist buildings in Leicester, recreational spaces in Glasgow, historic places in London, rural villages in China, and the design of new buildings in Clydebank. This published work is complemented by the award-winning film ‘You Can’t Move History’ which was funded by the AHRC and was awarded Best Research Film, 2016. Rebecca’s current AHRC project continues this long-standing focus on place attachment and urban heritage by focusing on the relationship between urban change and attachment to historic places since the late twentieth century.

Rebecca has also maintained an interest in comparative urbanism since her PhD research on British and French cities, and has recently published a co-edited book on approaches to comparative and transnational urban history. Rebecca retains an active involvement with a number of planning and heritage organisations at the national and city levels in the UK, including the Editorial Board of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation's professional journal 'Context' She is also an Associate Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute.



Research groups


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
Number of items: 37.


Madgin, R. and Howcroft, M. (2024) Advancing People-Centred, Place-Based Approaches. [Research Reports or Papers]


Madgin, R. and Robson, E. (2023) Developing a People-Centred, Place-Led Approach: The Value of the Arts and Humanities. [Research Reports or Papers]


Madgin, R. (2021) Personalities of Historic Places – Why Do Historic Places Matter? [Audio]

Madgin, R. and Lesh, J. (Eds.) (2021) People-Centred Methodologies for Heritage Conservation: Exploring Emotional Attachments to Historic Urban Places. Series: Critical studies in heritage, emotion and affect. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY. ISBN 9780367364182

Madgin, R. (2021) Emoji as method: accessing emotional responses to changing historic places. In: Madgin, R. and Lesh, J. (eds.) People-Centred Methodologies for Heritage Conservation: Exploring Emotional Attachments to Historic Urban Places. Series: Critical studies in heritage, emotion and affect. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 80-94. ISBN 9780367364182 (doi: 10.4324/9780429345807-6)

Madgin, R. and Lesh, J. (2021) Exploring emotional attachments to historic places: bridging concept, practice and method. In: Madgin, R. and Lesh, J. (eds.) People-Centred Methodologies for Heritage Conservation: Exploring Emotional Attachments to Historic Urban Places. Series: Critical studies in heritage, emotion and affect. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9780367364182 (doi: 10.4324/9780429345807-1)

Madgin, R. (2021) Recognising emotions within urban development. In: Barclay, K. and Riddle, J. (eds.) Urban Emotions and the Making of the City Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Routledge: New York. ISBN 9780367754600

Madgin, R. (2021) Why Do Historic Places Matter? Emotional Attachments to Urban Heritage. [Research Reports or Papers]


Madgin, R. (2020) Urban heritage and urban development. In: Haumann, S., Knoll, M. and Mares, D. (eds.) Concepts of Urban-Environmental History. Transcript: Bielefeld. ISBN 9783837643756 (doi: 10.14361/9783839443750-016)

Ruiz, P., Snelson, T., Madgin, R. and Webb, D. (2020) ‘Look at What We Made’: communicating subcultural value on London’s Southbank. Cultural Studies, 34(3), pp. 392-417. (doi: 10.1080/09502386.2019.1621916)


Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (Eds.) (2019) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781447349778

Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (2019) Transforming post-industrial Glasgow. In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781447349778

Madgin, R. and Kintrea, K. (2019) Beyond the post-industrial – narratives of time and place. In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781447349778

Madgin, R. (2019) A place for urban conservation? The changing values of Glasgow’s built heritage. In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Transforming Glasgow Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press. ISBN 9781447349778 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781447349778.003.0012)


Lincoln, T. and Madgin, R. (2018) The inherent malleability of heritage: creating China’s beautiful villages. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24(9), pp. 938-953. (doi: 10.1080/13527258.2018.1428666)

Madgin, R. , Webb, D., Ruiz, P. and Snelson, T. (2018) Resisting relocation and reconceptualising authenticity: the experiential and emotional values of the Southbank Undercroft London UK. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24(6), pp. 585-598. (doi: 10.1080/13527258.2017.1399283)


Bashforth, M. et al. (2017) Socialising heritage / socialising legacy. In: Facer, K. and Pahl, K. (eds.) Valuing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research: Beyond Impact. Policy Press, pp. 85-106. ISBN 9781447331605

Clark, J. and Madgin, R. (2017) Writing the past into the fabric of the present: urban regeneration in Glasgow’s East End. In: Wise, N. and Clark, J. (eds.) Urban Transformations: Geographies of Renewal and Creative Change. Series: Regions and cities (117). Routledge: Abingdon ; New York, pp. 11-27. ISBN 9781138652095


Madgin, R. , Bradley, L. and Hastings, A. (2016) Connecting physical and social dimensions of place attachment: what can we learn from attachment to urban recreational spaces? Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 31(4), pp. 677-693. (doi: 10.1007/s10901-016-9495-4)

Madgin, R. (2016) Contesting liberty: the place of industrial heritage in Leicester's urban regeneration. In: Rodger, R. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Leicester: A Modern History. Carnegie Press: Lancaster. ISBN 9781859362242

Madgin, R. (2016) The spirit of the city: what is Leicester's genius loci? In: Rodger, R. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Leicester: A Modern History. Carnegie Press: Lancaster. ISBN 9781859362242

Rodger, R. and Madgin, R. (2016) Leicester: A Modern History. Carnegie Press: Lancaster. ISBN 9781859362242


Kenny, N. and Madgin, R. (2015) 'Every time I describe a city’: urban history as comparative and transnational practice. In: Kenny, N. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Cities Beyond Borders: Comparative and Transnational Approaches to Urban History. Ashgate: Abingdon, pp. 3-26. ISBN 9781472434791

Madgin, R. and Taylor, M. (2015) Who do heritage values belong to? Context, 142, pp. 12-14.

Bashforth, M. et al. (2015) How Should Heritage Decisions be Made? Increasing Participation From Where You Are. [Research Reports or Papers]

Hale, A. and Madgin, R. (2015) Discovering the Clyde: Organisational reflective practice. In: Bashforth, M., Benson, M., Boon, T., Brigham, L., Brigham, R., Brookfield, K., Brown, P., Callaghan, D., Calvin, J.-P., Courtney, R., Cremin, K., Furness, P., Graham, H., Hale, A., Hodgkiss, P., Lawson, J., Madgin, R., Robinson, D., Stanley, J., Swan, M., Timothy, J. and Turner, R. (eds.) How Should Heritage Decisions be Made? Increasing Participation From Where You Are. Connected Communities: Arts & Humanities Research Council, pp. 36-39.

Timothy, J. and Madgin, R. (2015) College court: processes and rules versus intuition and interaction. In: Bashforth, M., Benson, M., Boon, T., Brigham, L., Brigham, R., Brookfield, K., Brown, P., Callaghan, D., Calvin, J.-P., Courtney, R., Cremin, K., Furness, P., Graham, H., Hale, A., Hodgkiss, P., Lawson, J., Madgin, R., Robinson, D., Stanley, J., Swan, M., Timothy, J. and Turner, R. (eds.) How Should Heritage Decisions be Made? Increasing Participation From Where You Are. Connected Communities: Arts & Humanities Research Council, pp. 28-31.

Kenny, N. and Madgin, R. (Eds.) (2015) Cities Beyond Borders: Comparative and Transnational Approaches to Urban History. Ashgate: Abingdon. ISBN 9781472434791


Madgin, R. and Rodger, R. (2013) Inspiring capital? Deconstructing myths and reconstructing urban environments, Edinburgh, 1860–2010. Urban History, 40(3), pp. 507-529. (doi: 10.1017/S0963926813000448)

Madgin, R. (2013) A town without memory? Inferring the industrial past: Clydebank re-built, 1941-2013. In: Zimmerman, C. (ed.) Industrial Cities: History and Future. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3593399140


Madgin, R. (2010) Reconceptualising the Historic Urban Environment: Conservation and Regeneration in Castlefield, Manchester, 1960-2009. Planning Perspectives, 25(1), pp. 29-48.


Madgin, R. (2009) The contemporary value of industrial architecture. In: Charlesworth, I. and Benci, J. (eds.) The British School at Rome: Fine Arts 2008-2009. BSR: London.

Madgin, R. (2009) Heritage, Culture and Conservation: Managing the Urban Renaissance. VDM Verlag: Saarbrucken. ISBN 9783639157895

Madgin, R. (2009) Using culture to turn de-industrial space into post-industrial place: a british-french comparison. In: Eckardt, F. and Nystrom, L. (eds.) Culture and City. Series: Future urban research in Europe (3). Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag: Berlin. ISBN 9783830516408


Madgin, R. (2008) The Rise of Industrial Heritage and its Role in Manchester's Urban Renaissance, 1945-2007. Informationen zur Modernen Stadtgeschichte, 2, pp. 33-36.

Madgin, R. (2008) Making the most of our existing urban assets? New Labour's focus on the historic urban environment. In: Nail, S. and Fee, D. (eds.) Vers une Renaissance Anglaise: dix ans de politique travailliste de la ville. Presse de la Sorbonne Nouvelle: Paris. ISBN 9782878544435

Madgin, R. (2008) Transforming Historic Images and Ascribing Contemporary Values: The Re-Presentation of the City. In: Language And The Scientific Imagination: The 11th International Conference Of The International Society For The Study Of European Ideas (ISSEI), Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 28 July - 2 August 2008,

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 06:07:41 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 37.


Ruiz, P., Snelson, T., Madgin, R. and Webb, D. (2020) ‘Look at What We Made’: communicating subcultural value on London’s Southbank. Cultural Studies, 34(3), pp. 392-417. (doi: 10.1080/09502386.2019.1621916)

Lincoln, T. and Madgin, R. (2018) The inherent malleability of heritage: creating China’s beautiful villages. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24(9), pp. 938-953. (doi: 10.1080/13527258.2018.1428666)

Madgin, R. , Webb, D., Ruiz, P. and Snelson, T. (2018) Resisting relocation and reconceptualising authenticity: the experiential and emotional values of the Southbank Undercroft London UK. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24(6), pp. 585-598. (doi: 10.1080/13527258.2017.1399283)

Madgin, R. , Bradley, L. and Hastings, A. (2016) Connecting physical and social dimensions of place attachment: what can we learn from attachment to urban recreational spaces? Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 31(4), pp. 677-693. (doi: 10.1007/s10901-016-9495-4)

Madgin, R. and Taylor, M. (2015) Who do heritage values belong to? Context, 142, pp. 12-14.

Madgin, R. and Rodger, R. (2013) Inspiring capital? Deconstructing myths and reconstructing urban environments, Edinburgh, 1860–2010. Urban History, 40(3), pp. 507-529. (doi: 10.1017/S0963926813000448)

Madgin, R. (2010) Reconceptualising the Historic Urban Environment: Conservation and Regeneration in Castlefield, Manchester, 1960-2009. Planning Perspectives, 25(1), pp. 29-48.

Madgin, R. (2008) The Rise of Industrial Heritage and its Role in Manchester's Urban Renaissance, 1945-2007. Informationen zur Modernen Stadtgeschichte, 2, pp. 33-36.


Madgin, R. (2009) Heritage, Culture and Conservation: Managing the Urban Renaissance. VDM Verlag: Saarbrucken. ISBN 9783639157895

Book Sections

Madgin, R. (2021) Emoji as method: accessing emotional responses to changing historic places. In: Madgin, R. and Lesh, J. (eds.) People-Centred Methodologies for Heritage Conservation: Exploring Emotional Attachments to Historic Urban Places. Series: Critical studies in heritage, emotion and affect. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 80-94. ISBN 9780367364182 (doi: 10.4324/9780429345807-6)

Madgin, R. and Lesh, J. (2021) Exploring emotional attachments to historic places: bridging concept, practice and method. In: Madgin, R. and Lesh, J. (eds.) People-Centred Methodologies for Heritage Conservation: Exploring Emotional Attachments to Historic Urban Places. Series: Critical studies in heritage, emotion and affect. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9780367364182 (doi: 10.4324/9780429345807-1)

Madgin, R. (2021) Recognising emotions within urban development. In: Barclay, K. and Riddle, J. (eds.) Urban Emotions and the Making of the City Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Routledge: New York. ISBN 9780367754600

Madgin, R. (2020) Urban heritage and urban development. In: Haumann, S., Knoll, M. and Mares, D. (eds.) Concepts of Urban-Environmental History. Transcript: Bielefeld. ISBN 9783837643756 (doi: 10.14361/9783839443750-016)

Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (2019) Transforming post-industrial Glasgow. In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781447349778

Madgin, R. and Kintrea, K. (2019) Beyond the post-industrial – narratives of time and place. In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781447349778

Madgin, R. (2019) A place for urban conservation? The changing values of Glasgow’s built heritage. In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Transforming Glasgow Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press. ISBN 9781447349778 (doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781447349778.003.0012)

Bashforth, M. et al. (2017) Socialising heritage / socialising legacy. In: Facer, K. and Pahl, K. (eds.) Valuing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research: Beyond Impact. Policy Press, pp. 85-106. ISBN 9781447331605

Clark, J. and Madgin, R. (2017) Writing the past into the fabric of the present: urban regeneration in Glasgow’s East End. In: Wise, N. and Clark, J. (eds.) Urban Transformations: Geographies of Renewal and Creative Change. Series: Regions and cities (117). Routledge: Abingdon ; New York, pp. 11-27. ISBN 9781138652095

Madgin, R. (2016) Contesting liberty: the place of industrial heritage in Leicester's urban regeneration. In: Rodger, R. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Leicester: A Modern History. Carnegie Press: Lancaster. ISBN 9781859362242

Madgin, R. (2016) The spirit of the city: what is Leicester's genius loci? In: Rodger, R. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Leicester: A Modern History. Carnegie Press: Lancaster. ISBN 9781859362242

Kenny, N. and Madgin, R. (2015) 'Every time I describe a city’: urban history as comparative and transnational practice. In: Kenny, N. and Madgin, R. (eds.) Cities Beyond Borders: Comparative and Transnational Approaches to Urban History. Ashgate: Abingdon, pp. 3-26. ISBN 9781472434791

Hale, A. and Madgin, R. (2015) Discovering the Clyde: Organisational reflective practice. In: Bashforth, M., Benson, M., Boon, T., Brigham, L., Brigham, R., Brookfield, K., Brown, P., Callaghan, D., Calvin, J.-P., Courtney, R., Cremin, K., Furness, P., Graham, H., Hale, A., Hodgkiss, P., Lawson, J., Madgin, R., Robinson, D., Stanley, J., Swan, M., Timothy, J. and Turner, R. (eds.) How Should Heritage Decisions be Made? Increasing Participation From Where You Are. Connected Communities: Arts & Humanities Research Council, pp. 36-39.

Timothy, J. and Madgin, R. (2015) College court: processes and rules versus intuition and interaction. In: Bashforth, M., Benson, M., Boon, T., Brigham, L., Brigham, R., Brookfield, K., Brown, P., Callaghan, D., Calvin, J.-P., Courtney, R., Cremin, K., Furness, P., Graham, H., Hale, A., Hodgkiss, P., Lawson, J., Madgin, R., Robinson, D., Stanley, J., Swan, M., Timothy, J. and Turner, R. (eds.) How Should Heritage Decisions be Made? Increasing Participation From Where You Are. Connected Communities: Arts & Humanities Research Council, pp. 28-31.

Madgin, R. (2013) A town without memory? Inferring the industrial past: Clydebank re-built, 1941-2013. In: Zimmerman, C. (ed.) Industrial Cities: History and Future. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 978-3593399140

Madgin, R. (2009) The contemporary value of industrial architecture. In: Charlesworth, I. and Benci, J. (eds.) The British School at Rome: Fine Arts 2008-2009. BSR: London.

Madgin, R. (2009) Using culture to turn de-industrial space into post-industrial place: a british-french comparison. In: Eckardt, F. and Nystrom, L. (eds.) Culture and City. Series: Future urban research in Europe (3). Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag: Berlin. ISBN 9783830516408

Madgin, R. (2008) Making the most of our existing urban assets? New Labour's focus on the historic urban environment. In: Nail, S. and Fee, D. (eds.) Vers une Renaissance Anglaise: dix ans de politique travailliste de la ville. Presse de la Sorbonne Nouvelle: Paris. ISBN 9782878544435

Edited Books

Madgin, R. and Lesh, J. (Eds.) (2021) People-Centred Methodologies for Heritage Conservation: Exploring Emotional Attachments to Historic Urban Places. Series: Critical studies in heritage, emotion and affect. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY. ISBN 9780367364182

Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (Eds.) (2019) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Policy Press: Bristol. ISBN 9781447349778

Rodger, R. and Madgin, R. (2016) Leicester: A Modern History. Carnegie Press: Lancaster. ISBN 9781859362242

Kenny, N. and Madgin, R. (Eds.) (2015) Cities Beyond Borders: Comparative and Transnational Approaches to Urban History. Ashgate: Abingdon. ISBN 9781472434791

Research Reports or Papers

Madgin, R. and Howcroft, M. (2024) Advancing People-Centred, Place-Based Approaches. [Research Reports or Papers]

Madgin, R. and Robson, E. (2023) Developing a People-Centred, Place-Led Approach: The Value of the Arts and Humanities. [Research Reports or Papers]

Madgin, R. (2021) Why Do Historic Places Matter? Emotional Attachments to Urban Heritage. [Research Reports or Papers]

Bashforth, M. et al. (2015) How Should Heritage Decisions be Made? Increasing Participation From Where You Are. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Madgin, R. (2008) Transforming Historic Images and Ascribing Contemporary Values: The Re-Presentation of the City. In: Language And The Scientific Imagination: The 11th International Conference Of The International Society For The Study Of European Ideas (ISSEI), Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 28 July - 2 August 2008,


Madgin, R. (2021) Personalities of Historic Places – Why Do Historic Places Matter? [Audio]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 06:07:41 2025 GMT.


Funded Projects

Heritage Lottery Fund, Townscape Heritage Initiative: (£1.1m) ‘Living and Working in the Old Town’. Led by Leicester City Council with Dr Rebecca Madgin named as project partner.

Economic and Social Research Council: (£740,000) The Re-Making of Chinese Urban Neighbourhoods: Socio-Spatial Transformation and Access to Public Services (Co-I).

Arts and Humanities Research Council: (£184, 567) Why does the Past Matter: Emotional Attachments to the Historic Urban Environment (PI).

Arts and Humanities Research Council: You Can Make History: Extending and Developing Youth Engagement in Cultural Heritage (Follow-on funding) Member of Steering Group.

Recently Completed Projects

Arts and Humanities Research Council (£31,800), Learning from the Utopian City: An international network on alternative histories of India's urban futures' (Co-I):

Arts and Humanities Research Council (£36,198) Sensory Cities: Researching, Representing and Curating Sensory-Emotional Landscapes of Urban Environments (Member of Steering Group): 

Arts and Humanities Research Council (£55,000), 'You Can't Move History. You Can Secure the Future': Engaging Youth in Cultural Heritage (Co-I):

Arts and Humanities Research Council (£515,000)   Affective Digital Histories: Re-creating Britain's De-industrial Places, 1970s to the Present (Co-I):

Arts and Humanities Research Council (£102,000) ‘How Should Decisions about Heritage be Made? Co-designing a research project’. (Co-I) Project partners include Royal Commission of Ancient and Historic Monuments, Science Museum, National Centre for Co-coordinating Public Policy Engagement, Leicester City Council, Heritage Lottery Fund and local community heritage organisations:

Arts and Humanities Research Council(£250,000): ‘Archives, Assets and Audiences: New Modes to Engage Audiences with Archival Content and Heritage Sites’. (Co-I):

Arts and Humanities Research Council(£20,000): ‘Building Shared Heritages: Cultural Diversity in Leicester’ (Phase 1) (Co-I)

Arts and Humanities Research Council(£55,000) ‘Building and Enriching Shared Heritages’ (Phase 2) (Co-I)

Arts and Humanities Research Council, Cultural Engagement Fund (£10,000) ‘Valuing the Historic Core of Leicester’ (Project Manager)

JISC (£102,000): ‘Manufacturing Pasts: Industrial Change in Twentieth Century Britain’ with Prof Simon Gunn and Ben Wynne (University of Leicester):

Admiral (4,500): ‘History of Admiral Sportswear’. (PI)


Rebecca has also been funded by a number of public, private and voluntary sector organisations to evaluate government policies, organisational structures and development, housing, heritage and place attachment.


Current PhD Students

Simon Sadinsky-Heisler (from September 2016) ‘Capturing and Engendering Notions of Place Attachment and Identity in the Process of Urban Regeneration: A Study of the Clyde Waterfront Regeneration Project in Glasgow’. 

Taylor Sawyer (from September 2016) ‘The Role of Young People in Constructing Heritage: Examining De-industrialised Spaces in the UK. Taylor holds a College of Social Sciences PhD Scholarship from the University of Glasgow’.

Linda Shetabi 'Urban Conservation and Environmental Sustainability in Scottish Urban Planning Policy and Practice'. Linda holds a College of Social Sciences PhD Scholarship from the University of Glasgow.

Yang Wang 'Mapping Place Attachment: Towards a Psychological Approach to Historic Environment Conservation in Cities'. Yang holds an Urban Studies Foundation Scholarship.

Rebecca has also supervised PhD students in a variety of areas such as globalisation, the British New Towns, urban conservation, and architectural symbolism and would welcome students who wish to pursue doctoral research on:

  • urban conservation
  • place attachment
  • cultural urban policy
  • urban history
  • Burrows, Erin
    Monuments of Glasgow: Shaping Public Identity, Cultural Memory and Social Cohesion
  • Maurer, Olivia
    Capturing Felt Experience of Place


Course Convenor


  • URBAN5098: Urban Design and Development (Joint Graduate School Course with Nankai University)


  • SPS3003: Researching the City: Developing an Urban Profile

Teaching Contributions


  • URBAN5050: Urban Design Policy and Practice
  • URBAN5041: Regenerating Cities
  • URBAN5087/95: Housing, Inequality and Society


  • PUBPOL1011: Understanding Glasgow
  • PUBPOL2010: Perspectives on Public Policy: Conflicting Ideas and Changing Agendas

Additional information

  • Research Group Leader: Governance, Space, and Place (Urban Studies)
  • Editorial Board Member of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation’s professional journal, Context:
  • Associate Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Conference Chair for the Urban History Group:
  • Member of the Board of Directors for the Urban History Association
  • UK Academic Lead for the 2014/15 Arts and Humanities Research Council and Indian Research Council for Historical Research (Newton Fund) initiative entitled 'Cultural Heritage and Rapid Urbanisation in India'.