Dr Carole Macdiarmid

  • Senior Lecturer (Modern Foreign Languages)

telephone: 01413307161
email: Carole.MacDiarmid@glasgow.ac.uk

R138 Level 1, English for Academic Study, SMLC, Hetherington Building, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-8362-8957

Research interests

  • English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
  • Teacher Development & EAP Teacher Competencies
  • Spoken Academic Discourse
  • Text and Discourse Analysis
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESoL) Methodology 

I am particularly interested in academic language use and in how our understanding of linguistic features can be applied to materials design, both for EAP language learners and for EAP tutor development courses.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012
Number of items: 25.


MacDiarmid, C. and Haghi, I. (2024) Analysing learner needs for effective EAP instruction. In: Topkaya, E.Z. and Çelik, H. (eds.) Teaching English for Academic Purposes: Theory into Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031725456 (In Press)

MacDiarmid, C. , Ross, M. and Szilagyi, M. (2024) Meeting Student Needs: EAP Course Design for Education Students. ELINET 2024 "Global Voices, Local Impact: Education, Language, and Diversity”​, Bragança, Brazil, 24-26 October 2024.

Evans, M., Knox, L., Liu, Y. and MacDiarmid, C. (2024) All things EAP, Episode 3: CPD and Access to Resources. [Audio]

Knox, L., MacDiarmid, C. and Apostolidou, A. (2024) Exploring opportunities for EAP teacher development. In: 4th International EAPCRETE Conference: Options and practices of EAP, ESP and EMI multiliteracies and their pedagogical implications, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 26-28 Apr 2024, pp. 32-45. ISBN 9789609430272 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13329373)

Morrison, B. , MacDiarmid, C. , Williams, A. and Haghi, I. (Eds.) (2024) Proceedings of the 2021 BALEAP Conference: Exploring Pedagogical Approaches in EAP Teaching. Garnet Education. ISBN 9781782609384

MacDiarmid, C. (2024) Designing Constructively Aligned EAP Courses for EMI Contexts: Principles and Practice. 2024 International Conference in Bilingual Education: Rethinking English Language Education at the Tertiary Level Under Taiwan’s Bilingual Education Policy: Synergizing Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, Taipei, Taiwan, 22-23 Mar 2024.


MacDiarmid, C. , Haghi, I. , Di Giallonardo, S., Simbolon, N., Lam, D. and Budzenski, M. (2023) Designing a collaborative EMI and EAP teacher professional development MOOC for vocational Indonesian higher education teachers. BALEAP Conference 2023: Caution! EAP under Deconstruction, University of Warwick, UK, 19-21 Apr 2023.


McGuire, W. , Harrington, O. , MacDiarmid, C. and Zacharias, S. (2022) The TEDM Principle: improving written feedback. Innovative Practice in Higher Education, 4(3),


MacDiarmid, C. , Williams, A., Irwin, K. and Doonan, B. (2021) Integrating a signature pedagogy into a pre-sessional: impact on pedagogy in ESAP. In: MacDiarmid, C. and MacDonald, J. J. (eds.) Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes: Teaching and Learning in International Contexts. Series: New perspectives for English for academic purposes. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350164802

MacDiarmid, C. and MacDonald, J. J. (Eds.) (2021) Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes: Teaching and Learning in International Contexts. Series: New perspectives for English for academic purposes. Bloomsbury Academic: London ; New York. ISBN 9781350164802

Iijima, Y., MacDiarmid, C. , Kao, S.-M., Maswana, S., Kanamaru, T. and Yamada, H. (2021) EAP Quality Assurance and Teacher Training in Context: Suggestions from the UK And Taiwan for Japanese Higher Education. The JACET 60th Commemorative International Convention: English Language Education to Endure Changing Times: Facing the Reality of Society 5.0, Online, 27- 29 Aug 2021.

MacDiarmid, C. and Rolinska, A. (2021) Harnessing online course development skills: a crisis- prompted but carefully planned EAP course. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(2), pp. 159-168. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i2.490)

Dangeni, *, Elliot, D. L. and MacDiarmid, C. (2021) Audio diaries: a creative research method for higher education studies in the digital age. In: Cao, X. and Henderson, E. F. (eds.) Exploring Diary Methods in Higher Education Research. Series: Research into Higher Education. Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9780367345211

MacDiarmid, C. (2021) Exploring Approaches to Teacher Observation on an Intensive EAP Pre-Sessional Course. In: BALEAP Conference: Innovation, Exploration and Transformation, University of Leeds, 12-14th April 2019, (In Press)


Marren, A. , MacDiarmid, C. , Chen, J., Ling, X., Newman, I., Yi-Hsuan Tsai, A. and Xue, X. (2020) TransFORMing Feedback to TransFORM Learning. 13th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 25 Aug 2020.

McGuire, W., Harrington, O. , MacDiarmid, C. and Zacharias, S. (2020) Showing; Not Telling: Modelling Student Feedback to Improve Satisfaction. BERA 2020, Liverpool, UK, 08-10 Sep 2020.

McGuire, W., Harrington, O. , Zacharias, S. and MacDiarmid, C. (2020) The Problem with Feedback. ECER 2020, Glasgow, UK, 24-28 Aug 2020 [Event cancelled]. (Unpublished)


Ferreira, M. M. and MacDiarmid, C. (2019) Resources for English for Academic Purposes: Teacher Education. [Research Reports or Papers]


MacDiarmid, C. (2018) ‘I was interested to see you'd…’: Tasks that Engage Learners on an Online Course. 11th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 28-29 Mar 2018.

MacDiarmid, C. (2018) I Don’t Know I Mean ….Stance Bundles in Student Discussions. No Innocent Bystanders: Stance and Engagement in Academic Discourse, St. Andrews, UK, 24 Feb 2018.


MacDiarmid, C. (2017) Keywords and an Academic Discipline: What can Keyword Analysis Tell Us About Medical Genetics and Problem-based Learning? Corpus Linguistics and Cross-Disciplinarity, Glasgow, Scotland, 11 Dec 2017.


MacDiarmid, C. and Rolinska, A. (2015) Transition to Academic Writing. [Website]


Kirk, S., MacDiarmid, C. , Pallant, A. and Rogers, L. (2013) Competently Brought to Life. BALEAP 2013 The Janus Moment in EAP: Revisiting the Past and Building the Future, Nottingham, UK, 19-21 April 2013.

MacDiarmid, C. (2013) Investigating Student-centred Academic Discourse: Problem-based Learning Sessions in Medical Genetics. BALEAP 2013 Conference: The Janus Moment in EAP: Revisiting the Past and Building the Future, Nottingham, UK, 19-21 April 2013.


MacDiarmid, C. and Elmslie, R. (2012) Integrating Projects Into a Year-round Pre-sessional: Practice and Perceptions. In: 46th International IATEFL Conference: IATEFL 2012, Glasgow, UK, 19-23 March 2012, ISBN 9781901095425

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 16:46:23 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 25.


McGuire, W. , Harrington, O. , MacDiarmid, C. and Zacharias, S. (2022) The TEDM Principle: improving written feedback. Innovative Practice in Higher Education, 4(3),

MacDiarmid, C. and Rolinska, A. (2021) Harnessing online course development skills: a crisis- prompted but carefully planned EAP course. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 9(2), pp. 159-168. (doi: 10.14297/jpaap.v9i2.490)

Book Sections

MacDiarmid, C. and Haghi, I. (2024) Analysing learner needs for effective EAP instruction. In: Topkaya, E.Z. and Çelik, H. (eds.) Teaching English for Academic Purposes: Theory into Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031725456 (In Press)

MacDiarmid, C. , Williams, A., Irwin, K. and Doonan, B. (2021) Integrating a signature pedagogy into a pre-sessional: impact on pedagogy in ESAP. In: MacDiarmid, C. and MacDonald, J. J. (eds.) Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes: Teaching and Learning in International Contexts. Series: New perspectives for English for academic purposes. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350164802

Dangeni, *, Elliot, D. L. and MacDiarmid, C. (2021) Audio diaries: a creative research method for higher education studies in the digital age. In: Cao, X. and Henderson, E. F. (eds.) Exploring Diary Methods in Higher Education Research. Series: Research into Higher Education. Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9780367345211

Edited Books

Morrison, B. , MacDiarmid, C. , Williams, A. and Haghi, I. (Eds.) (2024) Proceedings of the 2021 BALEAP Conference: Exploring Pedagogical Approaches in EAP Teaching. Garnet Education. ISBN 9781782609384

MacDiarmid, C. and MacDonald, J. J. (Eds.) (2021) Pedagogies in English for Academic Purposes: Teaching and Learning in International Contexts. Series: New perspectives for English for academic purposes. Bloomsbury Academic: London ; New York. ISBN 9781350164802

Research Reports or Papers

Ferreira, M. M. and MacDiarmid, C. (2019) Resources for English for Academic Purposes: Teacher Education. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference or Workshop Item

MacDiarmid, C. , Ross, M. and Szilagyi, M. (2024) Meeting Student Needs: EAP Course Design for Education Students. ELINET 2024 "Global Voices, Local Impact: Education, Language, and Diversity”​, Bragança, Brazil, 24-26 October 2024.

MacDiarmid, C. (2024) Designing Constructively Aligned EAP Courses for EMI Contexts: Principles and Practice. 2024 International Conference in Bilingual Education: Rethinking English Language Education at the Tertiary Level Under Taiwan’s Bilingual Education Policy: Synergizing Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, Taipei, Taiwan, 22-23 Mar 2024.

MacDiarmid, C. , Haghi, I. , Di Giallonardo, S., Simbolon, N., Lam, D. and Budzenski, M. (2023) Designing a collaborative EMI and EAP teacher professional development MOOC for vocational Indonesian higher education teachers. BALEAP Conference 2023: Caution! EAP under Deconstruction, University of Warwick, UK, 19-21 Apr 2023.

Iijima, Y., MacDiarmid, C. , Kao, S.-M., Maswana, S., Kanamaru, T. and Yamada, H. (2021) EAP Quality Assurance and Teacher Training in Context: Suggestions from the UK And Taiwan for Japanese Higher Education. The JACET 60th Commemorative International Convention: English Language Education to Endure Changing Times: Facing the Reality of Society 5.0, Online, 27- 29 Aug 2021.

Marren, A. , MacDiarmid, C. , Chen, J., Ling, X., Newman, I., Yi-Hsuan Tsai, A. and Xue, X. (2020) TransFORMing Feedback to TransFORM Learning. 13th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 25 Aug 2020.

McGuire, W., Harrington, O. , MacDiarmid, C. and Zacharias, S. (2020) Showing; Not Telling: Modelling Student Feedback to Improve Satisfaction. BERA 2020, Liverpool, UK, 08-10 Sep 2020.

McGuire, W., Harrington, O. , Zacharias, S. and MacDiarmid, C. (2020) The Problem with Feedback. ECER 2020, Glasgow, UK, 24-28 Aug 2020 [Event cancelled]. (Unpublished)

MacDiarmid, C. (2018) ‘I was interested to see you'd…’: Tasks that Engage Learners on an Online Course. 11th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, UK, 28-29 Mar 2018.

MacDiarmid, C. (2018) I Don’t Know I Mean ….Stance Bundles in Student Discussions. No Innocent Bystanders: Stance and Engagement in Academic Discourse, St. Andrews, UK, 24 Feb 2018.

MacDiarmid, C. (2017) Keywords and an Academic Discipline: What can Keyword Analysis Tell Us About Medical Genetics and Problem-based Learning? Corpus Linguistics and Cross-Disciplinarity, Glasgow, Scotland, 11 Dec 2017.

Kirk, S., MacDiarmid, C. , Pallant, A. and Rogers, L. (2013) Competently Brought to Life. BALEAP 2013 The Janus Moment in EAP: Revisiting the Past and Building the Future, Nottingham, UK, 19-21 April 2013.

MacDiarmid, C. (2013) Investigating Student-centred Academic Discourse: Problem-based Learning Sessions in Medical Genetics. BALEAP 2013 Conference: The Janus Moment in EAP: Revisiting the Past and Building the Future, Nottingham, UK, 19-21 April 2013.

Conference Proceedings

Knox, L., MacDiarmid, C. and Apostolidou, A. (2024) Exploring opportunities for EAP teacher development. In: 4th International EAPCRETE Conference: Options and practices of EAP, ESP and EMI multiliteracies and their pedagogical implications, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 26-28 Apr 2024, pp. 32-45. ISBN 9789609430272 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.13329373)

MacDiarmid, C. (2021) Exploring Approaches to Teacher Observation on an Intensive EAP Pre-Sessional Course. In: BALEAP Conference: Innovation, Exploration and Transformation, University of Leeds, 12-14th April 2019, (In Press)

MacDiarmid, C. and Elmslie, R. (2012) Integrating Projects Into a Year-round Pre-sessional: Practice and Perceptions. In: 46th International IATEFL Conference: IATEFL 2012, Glasgow, UK, 19-23 March 2012, ISBN 9781901095425


Evans, M., Knox, L., Liu, Y. and MacDiarmid, C. (2024) All things EAP, Episode 3: CPD and Access to Resources. [Audio]


MacDiarmid, C. and Rolinska, A. (2015) Transition to Academic Writing. [Website]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 16:46:23 2025 GMT.


UK-Brazil Collaborative Bid (British Council, University of Sao Paulo and University of Glasgow) £10,000; (2019)

  • Facilitating Internationalisation in Brazilian Higher Education contexts: Developing expertise in teaching English for academic purposes (needs analysis project) 

University of Glasgow Blended and Online Development (BOLD) project (2015)

  • To convert the TESOL masters Teaching EAP option course to online format as part of the University’s online BOLD initiative;  £6,622.94; 2015 (TEAP online course)

University of Glasgow Learning & Teaching Development fund (2014)


2016 Erasmus + TEMPUS funded project ‘Foreign Languages for Professional Practices’. Project Reference: 544293-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AZ-TEMPUS-JPCR

  • Developing language courses to accompany professional degrees in universities in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Kyrgygistan. Input on ESAP specific materials and course design. 



MEd & MSc TESOL Dissertation supervisor

I am available to co-supervise postgraduate PhD students in the areas of: 

  • English for academic purposes (teaching, teacher competencies, academic discourse)
  • Course and Materials Design
  • TESOL methodology
  • Teacher Development in TESOL

I am currently co-supervising the following PhD projects

Abdulaziz Mutlaq Al-matrafi: ESP Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Own Language Use in English Language Classrooms


  • EAP Manager (Teacher Development)
  • MSc & MEd TESOL Co-Programme Leader
  • Course Convener & Lecturer:
  • Lecturer:
    • Descriptions of Language and Applications - Discourse Analysis (MEd & MSc TESOL)
  • MEd & MSc TESOL Dissertation supervisor
  • PhD supervisor
  • Academic English for Lecturers

Additional information

Academic qualifications & Awards

  • PhD. English Language (University of Glasgow), July 2017.

Thesis Title:  Interaction and engagement in problem-based learning sessions: a corpus-based analysis.  

  • MSc in Teaching English for Specific Purposes, Aston University 
  • Post-graduate Certificate in British Cultural Studies, University of Warwick.
  • Cambridge/RSA DTEFLA, International School, Istanbul.
  • Cambridge/RSA CTEFLA, International House, Hastings.
  • MA (Hons) in Politics and Social and Economic History (Joint Honours), University of Edinburgh

Academic Roles & Responsibilities

Internal (University of Glasgow)

  • Member of Postgraduate Taught Committee (School of Education) and Postgraduate Committee (School of Modern Language and Cultures- SMLC).
  • Co-EAS representative on SMLC Executive.


  • Assessor & committee member for the BALEAP Accreditation Scheme (insitutional) & Menotr/Assessor for the BALEAP TEAP  Fellowship Award. 
  • External Examiner for UG Preparatory Certificate, University College London (since 2017).

Previous roles:

  • Elected Member of Senate (2016- 2019).
  • Subject Moderator & member of Joint Academic Management Board for English and Study Skills components of foundation programmes, Kaplan, Glasgow International College, 2013 -2019.


  • External Examiner for UG Advance Diploma in British and European Studies Pre-masters course, University of Oxford (2017-2020).
  • External Examiner for Pre-sessional Law courses and summer Pre-sessional: Kings College London, 2011-2014.
  • External Examiner for Foundation Business and Engineering modules, INTO at Glasgow Caledonian University, 2009-2011.
  • ELT representative on the University Council for Modern Languages (2016-2019).
  • Member of BALEAP Teaching English for Academic Purposes (TEAP) working party (during TEAP Fellowship portfolio award design period).
  • Cambridge ESOL CELTA Tutor and Assessor & Cambridge ESOL DELTA tutor; Cambridge ESOL Main Suite oral examiner; IELTS examiner.

 Conferences & Resources (since 2000)

  • Keywords and academic disciplines: what can keyword analysis tell us about medical genetics and problem-based learning? Short talk at a Corpus Linguistics in Scotland event: Corpus linguistics and cross-disciplinarity, University of Glasgow, December 2017.
  • TEAP Online. Talk at a BOLD (the Blended and Online Learning Development) Showcase Event: Transitions into Blended and Online Learning, University of Glasgow, May 2017 (with Anna Rolinska).
  • Reflecting the academy in EAP course designTalk at BALEAP Accreditation Scheme Event- Syllabus Design, Sheffield Hallam, May 2017.
  • Exploring spoken academic discourse. Workshop at Understanding Languages across transnational spaces conference, Kazan Federal University, Russia, May 2016.
  • Types of talk in problem-based learning sessions. Short talk, University of Glasgow TESOL conference, April 2016.
  • EAP course design. Key-note at Understanding Languages across transnational spaces conference, Kazan Federal University, Russia, May 2016.
  • Summative assessment and the pre-sessional. Workshop presented at the University of St. Andrews EAP conference, February 2015.
  • CPD: encouraging teacher innovation and exploration. Paper presented at the University of St. Andrews EAP conference, March 2014.
  • Investigating student-centred academic discourse (problem based learning sessions in medical genetics). Work in progress paper, TESOL Seminar series, University of Glasgow, May 2015.
  • Investigating student-centred academic discourse (lexical bundles in PBLs). Work in progress paper, SMLC Seminar series, University of Glasgow, February 2014.
  • Competently brought to life. Workshop presented at BALEAP conference, University of Nottingham, 2013 (with Steve Kirk, Louis Rogers, and Anne Pallant).
  • Integrating projects into a year-round pre-sessional: practice and perceptions. Paper presented at IATEFL Glasgow, 2012 and in T. Pattison (ed.) IATEFL 2012 Glasgow Conference Selections (with Rachel Elmslie).
  • Opening Doors: Pre-arrival Teacher Induction Introducing EAP & TEAP via a VLE. Paper at   IATEFL ESP/ EAP SIG EVENTEAP in university settings: teacher and learner competencies.  Paper presented at  Bilkent University, Turkey, June 2010.
  • The TEAP Framework in Pre-arrival  Induction.   Presentation at BALEAP Professional Development Day, Southbank University, May 2010.
  • Learning to Use the Learning Object Creator (LOC). Co-presenter on LOC pilot at E-learning Symposium, University of Southampton, January 2008 (with David Donnarumma).
  • Inter-cultural Communicative Competence.  Paper presented at  IATEFL SIG Conference, Istanbul, 2002.
  •  Lexical Phrases and Collocations- adapting materials. Paper presented at  IATEFL, York 2002.
  • Teaching Collocations and Lexical Phrases. Paper at A Fresh Look at Grammar and Vocabulary: A Quest for Alternative Teaching Approaches?, 7th International Bilkent University School of English Language Teaching ELT Conference (BUSEL). January 2002.
  • Academic Writing- designing and using a web site as a tool for an academic writing research project. Paper at  Koc Cybertools, Istanbul, 2001.
  • Goal Setting and Learner Strategies. Paper at  Teachers Develop Teachers Research (TDTR) , Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, September 2001.
  • Collocations. Paper presented at  Creativity within Constraints, Isik University ELT Conference, Istanbul, 2001
  • Reflective practice- a tool for self-development.  Paper at  Global Problems, Local Solutions,  Isik University, ELT Conference.  Istanbul, May 2000.