M&S staff and student nominated for Student Teaching Awards

Monday 4th April, 2022

Congratulations to Oliver Stoner for being nominated for a Student Teaching Award for “Best College Teacher – CoSE”: his nomination reads:

“Oliver has spent a lot of time over the past year running Seminars, multiple focus sessions, different days for office hours and a lab in a week, every week, even when ill to ensure his students did not miss any essential learning experiences. A lot of students can struggle with Maths and Stats, but one nominee noted how Oliver makes the subject fun, easier to understand and interesting to learn.”

And to the School’s SRC-rep Michalis Stavrou who was nominated for Best Student Representative, with his nomination reading:

“Michalis has been instrumental in maintaining an excellent dialogue between staff and students in the school of Maths and Stats and is to be commended for his work in representing student interests as we moved to a model of blended learning.”