Enrolment sessions for Statistics students

Friday 16th September, 2011

Below are the details of the enrolment sessions for Statistics students.

  • Statistics 1Y/1Z - Class head: Dr. Duncan Lee
    Monday 19th September at 1.00 p.m.
    Main G466 - Gilmorehill
  • Statistics 1C - Class head: Prof. Adrian Bowman
    Monday 19th September at 1.00 p.m.
    Boyd Orr Building, Lecture Theatre 1
    This time is for students intending to do honours Psychology, all others should attend at 12 noon (see below), UNLESS their timetable of other classes makes this impossible.
  • Statistics 1C - Class head: Prof. Adrian Bowman
    Monday 19th September at 12 noon
    Room 325 Mathematics Building
    (see note above)
  • Statistics 2R/S/X/Y - Class head: Dr. Ludger Evers
    Monday 19th September at 9.00 a.m.
    Room 203 Mathematics Building
  • Statistical Studies 3 - Class head: Dr. Nema Dean
    Monday 19th September at 10.30 a.m. - 11.00 am
    Room 203 Mathematics Building
  • Statistics 3H/M - Class head: Dr. Nema Dean
    Monday 19th September at 10.30 a.m. - 11.00 am
    Room 203
  • Statistics 4H/M - Class head: Dr. Vincent Macaulay
    Tuesday 20th September at 11.30 am
    Room 203
  • Statistics Taught Masters - Class head: Prof. Marian Scott
    Monday 19th September at 10.00 am
    Room 409, Boyd Orr Building
  • Erasmus Students - All Statistics Courses - Dr. Ben Torsney
    Monday 19th September at 11.15 am
    Room 203

Lectures for first and second year students will start in the week commencing September 19th. Except for the induction events, lectures for Honours and Masters students will start in the week commencing September 26th.