3rd Soft Tissue Modelling Workshop

Monday 12th June, 2017

The third workshop on Soft Tissue Modelling was held at the University of Glasgow from Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th June. Following successful Soft Tissue Modelling Workshops in Glasgow in 2012 and 2015, this third workshop continued the research forum for modelling specialists and medical experts. The three-day workshop provided an environment to discuss and exchange ideas on state-of-the-art developments and challenges in the field of soft tissue modelling, with particular applications to tissues in the cardiovascular system and tissues affected by cancer.

The event included presentations from a number of world leading researchers in soft tissue mechanics, including plenary lectures by Prof Mark Chaplain (St Andrews), Prof Rhian Touyz (Glasgow), Prof Gerhard Holzapfel (TU Graz), Prof Alastair Thompson (Anderson Cancer Center, Texas), Prof Jay Humphrey (Yale) and our own Prof Ray Odgen. The event also included a number of talks by PhD students from our School and across the UK.

Prizes were awarded for the best PhD student talks, chosen by a distinguished judging panel, with two of our own students taking two of the top prizes. The winners were:

  • 1st prize: Mr. Liuyang Feng, School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow
  • 2nd prize: Ms Adela Capilnasiu, Imaging Sciences & Biomedical Engineering, King’s College London
  • 3rd prize: Miss Mihaela Paun, School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow

Congratulations to all of the students who presented their work.

The workshop was organized and sponsored by SofTMech, an EPSRC-funded Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Healthcare. Find out more by visiting the event webpage here http://www.softmech.org/events/thirdworkshoponsofttissuemodelling/