University lunchtime organ recitals featuring Umberto Noè

Thursday 1st June, 2017

Statistics postgraduate student Umberto Noè was asked to give a recital in the University of Glasgow Lunchtime organ recitals series on Wednesday 12th April. He played pieces by M. E. Bossi, J. Pachelbel, F. Mendelssohn, A. Vivaldi, J. F. Dandrieu and V. Bellini on a beautiful organ built by Henry Willis, who also built the organ in the Royal Albert Hall, London.

Short Biography

Umberto Noè started playing the piano at six years old. At the age of nine, he switched to the organ studying with Wladimir Matesic and Gian Paolo Bovina in the organists’ school of the Cathedral of Bologna. He has been organist in a church in Bologna for 10 years, starting at the age of nine years old, playing a traditional Italian organ built by Antonio Colonna in 1622.

Meanwhile he studied Statistics in the University of Bologna, graduating with 110/110 cum Laude, and was chosen to complete the double-degree exchange programme with the University of Glasgow, graduating here with a first class degree in Statistics. Umberto is now a 3rd year PhD student in Statistics at the University of Glasgow, funded by the Biometrika Trust.

He has been playing during Morning Prayers in the University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel since October 2013.