Celebrate 50 years of Statistics at Glasgow

Tuesday 9th August, 2016

We would be delighted if you could join us on the evening of Saturday 10th September 2016 for drinks, canapes and conversation to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Statistics at the University of Glasgow and the long-lasting achievements of current and former students in Statistics, and to highlight our current work and future ambitions.

We anticipate this will be a popular event and places are limited. Tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis. After that we will operate a waiting list.

Tour: 5pm, School of Mathematics and Statistics

Reception: 6pm, Hunterian Museum

Evening Ends: 8pm

Tickets: 10UKP

You are most welcome to join us for both the tour and reception, but we will still be very pleased to see you even if you can come to only one of the venues. We very much hope that you will be able to join us on what promises to be a very enjoyable evening.

Places are limited. Register here now to avoid disappointment.