Emergence and Grounding (25 & 26 May 2015)
The Glasgow Emergence Project is pleased to announce the Emergence and Grounding Conference to be held at the Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience on 25 & 26 May 2015.
The conference papers will explore the connections between the notions of grounding and emergence. The choice of topic is prompted by the great progress that has recently been made in the elucidation and regimentation of the notion of grounding. It can be thought that the concept can be fruitfully applied to the study of emergence, and conversely, that considering putative cases of emergence might help us gain a better understanding of grounding. Workshop contributions might consider questions such as: Can grounding and emergence be understood as different species of some generic relation of dependence? Is emergence usefully characterized in terms of grounding (or the lack thereof)?
Day 1 (25th May 2015)
09:00 Registration
09.30 Paul Noordhof (University of York) - “Two... or Three Kinds of Emergence?”
11:00 Tea/ Coffee
11:30 Umut Baysan (University of Glasgow) - “Is Emergence a Variety of Dependence?”
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Tim O'Connor (Indiana University) - “Persons in Reality’s Fundaments”
16:00 Tea/Coffee
16:30 Jessica Wilson (University of Toronto) - “Overcoming Overabstraction in the Metaphysics of Emergence”
20:00 Dinner: Cafe Andaluz West End
Day 2 (26th May 2015)
10.00 Neil McDonnell (University of Glasgow) - "Difference Making and Emergence"
11:30 Tea/Coffee
12:00 Stephan Leuenberger (University of Glasgow) - "Emergence and Failures of Supplementation"
13:30 Lunch
15:00 David Chalmers (ANU / NYU) - “Grounding and Emergence”
16:30 Tea/Coffee
Registration and Practical Information
The delegate fee will be £35 without lunch, or £50 including lunch. Those wishing to attend
should register at the following link:
Payment instructions will be sent after registration.
For queries, please contact the conference organisers Umut Baysan
(emin.baysan@glasgow.ac.uk) and Neil McDonnell (neil.mcdonnell@glasgow.ac.uk).
*** Registration has now closed. ***
We would like to thank Scots Philosophical Association, Mind Association, Aristotelian Society, and Analysis Trust for their generous support.