National Identities – A Scottish-Bavarian comparison
Thursday 17 May 2012, University of Glasgow
Gannochy Room, Wolfson Medical School Building
14.00 Introduction and Welcome - Prof Sönke Neitzel, University of Glasgow
14.15 Between States: historical perspectives on being Scottish - Prof Dauvit Broun, University of Glasgow and Dr Catriona MacDonald , University of Glasgow
14.45 Discussion
15.15 "A Thousand Years and more of History": Bavarian Identities and Politics - Prof Ferdinand Kramer, University of Munich
15.45 Discussion
16.15 Break
16.45 Bavaria and Germany and Europe. Annotations to his present-day position and identity - Dr Ludwig Spaenle, Bavarian Minister for Culture and Education
17.15 Discussion
18.00 End of the conference