Professor Simon Naylor

  • Professor of Historical Geography (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences)

telephone: 0141 3305171

School of Geographical, and Earth Sciences, East Quadrangle, Main Building

Import to contacts



I am an historical geographer and historian of science, technology and exploration, with a focus on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I have published my work in geography, sociology and history of science journals. I am the co-editor of Cultural Turns, Geographical Turns: Perspectives on Cultural Geography (Pearson, 2000); New Spaces of Exploration: Geographies of Discovery in the Twentieth Century (IB Tauris 2009); and Anticipatory Histories (Uniform Books, 2011). I am the author of Regionalizing Science: Placing Knowledges in Victorian England (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010). From 2016-202 I served as Editor of Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. I was the most recent holder of the National Library of Scotland’s Graham Brown Research Fellowship. From January 2022 I will commence a Leverhulme Trust-funded Research Fellowship entitled 'Atmospheric Empires: Meteorological Observatories in Victorian Britain'. The Fellowship will allow me to complete my current book project.

I have a number of ongoing research projects: 1) the historical geographies of meteorological observatories in nineteenth-century Britain and its empire; 2) the social histories of extreme weather in Scotland since the late nineteenth century; 3) scientific instruments and museum spaces. Previous research projects have examined the historical geographies of geophysics in the polar regions during the Cold War; the histories and heritage of environmental and climate change; and regional scientific cultures in the nineteenth century.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1997
Number of items: 59.


Naylor, S. (2024) The Observatory Experiment: Meteorology in Britain and its Empire. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781009207232

Tobin, G., Lorimer, H. and Naylor, S. (2024) The art of earth-building: placing relief models in the culture of modern geography in Britain. Journal of Historical Geography, 85, pp. 91-94. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2024.04.005)

Jonell, T. N. , Jones, P. , Lucas, A. and Naylor, S. (2024) Limited waterpower contributed to rise of steam power in British 'Cottonopolis'. PNAS Nexus, 3(7), pgae251. (doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae251)

Naylor, S. (2024) The survey sciences in thin air. Dialogues in Human Geography, 14(1), pp. 143-146. (doi: 10.1177/20438206241230404)[Book Review]


Jonell, T. N. , Calton, I. N., Hurst, M. D. , Jones, P. , Lucas, A. R. and Naylor, S. (2023) Shaping landscapes and industry: linking historic watermill locations to bedrock river knickpoints. Scottish Geographical Journal, 139(3-4), pp. 328-345. (doi: 10.1080/14702541.2023.2205853)

Jones, P. , Jonell, T. N. , Hurst, M. D. , Lucas, A. R. and Naylor, S. (2023) Location, location, location: reassessing W.H.K. Turner’s legacy for industrial geography in Scotland and beyond. Scottish Geographical Journal, 139(1-2), pp. 205-218. (doi: 10.1080/14702541.2023.2178666)

Macdonald, N., Naylor, S. , Bowen, J. P., Harvey-Fishenden, A. and Graham, E. (2023) Understanding weather futures based on the past: a case of Stornoway, Outer Hebrides. Scottish Geographical Journal, 139(1-2), pp. 115-132. (doi: 10.1080/14702541.2022.2158366)


Naylor, S. , Macdonald, N., Bowen, J. P. and Endfield, G. (2022) Extreme weather, school logbooks and social vulnerability: the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Journal of Historical Geography, 78, pp. 84-94. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2022.07.006)


Naylor, S. and Goodman, M. (2020) Atmospheric empire: historical geographies of meteorology at the colonial observatories. In: Mahony, M. and Randalls, S. (eds.) Weather, Climate, and the Geographical Imagination: Placing Atmospheric Knowledges. Series: INTERSECTIONS: histories of environment. University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 25-42. ISBN 9780822946168 (doi: 10.2307/j.ctv10h9g13.5)


Naylor, S. and Schaffer, S. (2019) Nineteenth-century survey sciences: enterprises, expeditions and exhibitions: introduction. Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 73(2), pp. 135-147. (doi: 10.1098/rsnr.2019.0005)

Naylor, S. (2019) Thermometer screens and the geographies of uniformity in nineteenth-century meteorology. Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 73, pp. 203-221. (doi: 10.1098/rsnr.2018.0037)


Naylor, S. (2017) Historical geography in Transactions. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(4), pp. 485-488. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12222)

Veale, L., Endfield, G., Davies, S., Macdonald, N., Naylor, S. , Royer, M.-J., Bowen, J., Tyler-Jones, R. and Jones, C. (2017) Dealing with the deluge of historical weather data: the example of the TEMPEST database. Geo: Geography and Environment, 4(2), e00039. (doi: 10.1002/geo2.39)

Crampton, J. W., Ginn, F., Kirsch, S., Kobayashi, A., Naylor, S. and Seemann, J. (2017) Teaching the history of geography: current challenges and future directions. Progress in Human Geography, 41(2), pp. 245-262. (doi: 10.1177/0309132515575940)

Bailey, A., Dowling, R., Little, J. and Naylor, S. (2017) Editorial. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(1), p. 1. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12167)


Bailey, A., Dowling, R., Little, J. and Naylor, S. (2016) Editorial. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 41(2), pp. 107-108. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12110)


Naylor, S. (2015) Log books and the law of storms: maritime meteorology and the British Admiralty in the Nineteenth Century. Isis, 106(4), pp. 771-797. (doi: 10.1086/684641)

Naylor, S. (2015) Weather instruments all at sea: meteorology and the Royal Navy in the nineteenth century. In: MacDonald, F. and Withers, C. W.J. (eds.) Geography, Technology and Instruments of Exploration. Series: Studies in historical geography. Routledge: Farnham, pp. 77-96. ISBN 9781472434258

Endfield, G. and Naylor, S. (2015) Climate and cultural heritage: an experiment with the ‘weather memory bank'. In: Harvey, D. and Perry, J. (eds.) The Future of Heritage as Climates Change: Loss, Adaptation and Creativity. Series: Key issues in cultural heritage. Routledge: London, pp. 62-77. ISBN 9781138781832

Endfield, G. and Naylor, S. (2015) Climate and cultural heritage: an experiment with the ‘Weather Memory Bank’. In: Harvey, D. and Perry, J. (eds.) The Future of Heritage as Climates Change:Loss, Adaptation and Creativity. Series: Key issues in cultural heritag. Routledge, pp. 62-77. ISBN 9781138781832


Veale, L., Endfield, G. and Naylor, S. (2014) Knowing weather in place: the Helm Wind of Cross Fell. Journal of Historical Geography, 45, pp. 25-37. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2014.03.003)


Naylor, S. (2011) Historical geographies of provincial science. Journal of Historical Geography, 37(3), pp. 390-392. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2011.06.008)[Book Review]

DeSilvey, C., Naylor, S. and Sackett, C. (Eds.) (2011) Anticipatory History. Uniformbooks: Axminster. ISBN 9780956855923

Naylor, S. and Hill, J. (2011) Museums. In: Agnew, J.A. and Livingstone, D.N. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Geographical Knowledge. SAGE: London, pp. 390-392. ISBN 9781412910811


Naylor, S. (2010) Geological mapping and the geographies of proprietorship in nineteenth-century Cornwall. In: Livingstone, D.N. and Withers, C.W.J. (eds.) Geographies of Nineteenth-Century Science. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL and London, pp. 345-370. ISBN 9780226487267

Naylor, S. (2010) Regionalizing Science: Placing Knowledges in Victorian England. Series: Science and culture in the nineteenth century (11). Pickering & Chatto: London. ISBN 9781851966363


Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. eds. (2009) New Spaces of Discovery: Geographies of Exploration in the Twentieth Century. Series: Tauris historical geography series, 2. I.B. Tauris: London. ISBN 9781848850170

Naylor, S. (2009) Exploration and the twentieth century. In: Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. (eds.) New Spaces of Discovery: Geographies of Exploration in the Twentieth Century. Series: Tauris historical geography series (2). I.B. Tauris: London, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781848850170

Naylor, S. (2009) Fieldwork and the geographical career: T. Griffith Taylor and the exploration of Australia. In: Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. (eds.) New Spaces of Exploration: Geographies of Discovery in the Twentieth Century. Series: Tauris historical geography series (2). I.B. Tauris: London, pp. 105-124. ISBN 9781848850170


Naylor, S. , Dean, K. and Siegert, M. (2008) The IGY and the ice sheet: surveying Antarctica. Journal of Historical Geography, 34(4), pp. 574-595. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2008.07.001)

Turchetti, S., Dean, K., Naylor, S. and Siegert, M. (2008) Accidents and opportunities: a history of the radio echo-sounding of Antarctica, 1958–79. British Journal for the History of Science, 41(03), pp. 417-444. (doi: 10.1017/S0007087408000903)

Dean, K., Naylor, S. , Turchetti, S. and Siegert, M. (2008) Data in Antarctic science and politics. Social Studies of Science, 38(4), pp. 571-604. (doi: 10.1177/0306312708090693)

Naylor, S. , Siegert, M., Dean, K. and Turchetti, S. (2008) Science, geopolitics and the governance of Antarctica. Nature Geoscience, 1(3), pp. 143-145. (doi: 10.1038/ngeo138)

Naylor, S. (2008) Seismic waves. In: Yusoff, K. (ed.) Bipolar. Arts Catalyst, pp. 46-47. ISBN 9780953454662

Turchetti, S., Dean, K., Naylor, S. and Siegert, M. (2008) In principio fu la Guerra Fredda. Sapere, 74, pp. 24-34.

Turchetti, S., Naylor, S. , Dean, K. and Siegert, M. (2008) On thick ice: scientific internationalism and Antarctic affairs, 1957–1980. History and Technology, 24(4), pp. 351-376. (doi: 10.1080/07341510802357419)


Naylor, S. (2007) Provincial authorities and botanical provinces: Elizabeth Warren’s 'Hortus Siccus of the Indigenous Plants of Cornwall'. Garden History, 35(Sup 2), pp. 84-95.


Naylor, S. (2006) Nationalizing provincial weather: meteorology in nineteenth-century Cornwall. British Journal for the History of Science, 39(03), pp. 407-433. (doi: 10.1017/S0007087406008399)


Naylor, S. (2005) Introduction: historical geographies of science – places, contexts, cartographies. British Journal for the History of Science, 38(1), pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.1017/S0007087404006430)

Naylor, S. (2005) Writing the region: Jonathan Couch and the Cornish fauna. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 30(1), pp. 33-45. (doi: 10.1179/030801805X19708)


Naylor, S. (2004) Henry Walter Bates. In: Lightman, B. (ed.) Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists. Thoemmes Press: Bristol, pp. 136-139. ISBN 9781855069992

Naylor, S. (2004) Jonathan Couch. In: Lightman, B. (ed.) Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists. Thoemmes Press: Bristol, pp. 492-493. ISBN 9781855069992

Naylor, S. (2004) Richard Couch. In: Lightman, B. (ed.) Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists. Thoemmes Press: Bristol, pp. 493-494. ISBN 9781855069992

Naylor, S. (2004) Richard Rawlinson Vyvyan. In: Lightman, B. (ed.) Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists. Thoemmes Press: Bristol, pp. 2076-2077. ISBN 9781855069992


Naylor, S. (2003) Collecting quoits: field cultures in the history of Cornish antiquarianism. Cultural Geographies, 10(3), pp. 309-333. (doi: 10.1191/1474474003eu277oa)

Naylor, S. (2003) Exploration and field work. In: Heilbron, J.L. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 288-291. ISBN 9780195112290

Naylor, S. (2003) Mosques, temples and gurdwaras: new sites of religion in twentieth century Britain. In: Gilbert, D., Matless, D. and Short, B. (eds.) Geographies of British Modernity: Space and Society in the Twentieth Century. Series: RGS-IBG book series. Blackwell: Oxford, UK, pp. 609-603. ISBN 9780631235002


Naylor, S. (2002) The field, the museum and the lecture hall: the spaces of natural history in Victorian Cornwall. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 27(4), pp. 494-513. (doi: 10.1111/1475-5661.00067)

Naylor, S. (2002) Curiosity and curiosities in early modern England. Journal of Historical Geography, 28(4), pp. 609-613. (doi: 10.1006/jhge.2002.0506)[Book Review]

Dewsbury, J.D. and Naylor, S. (2002) Practising geographical knowledge: fields, bodies and dissemination. Area, 34(3), pp. 253-260. (doi: 10.1111/1475-4762.00079)

Gale, R. and Naylor, S. (2002) Religion, planning and the city: the spatial politics of ethnic minority expression in British cities and towns. Ethnicities, 2(3), pp. 387-409. (doi: 10.1177/14687968020020030601)

Naylor, S. and Ryan, J.R. (2002) The mosque in the suburbs: negotiating religion and ethnicity in South London. Social and Cultural Geography, 3(1), pp. 39-59. (doi: 10.1080/14649360120114134)


Naylor, S. (2001) Discovering nature, rediscovering the self: natural historians and the landscapes of Argentina. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 19(2), pp. 227-247. (doi: 10.1068/d207t)


Naylor, S. (2000) "That Very Garden of South America": European surveyors in Paraguay. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 21(1), pp. 48-62. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9493.00063)

Cook, I., Crouch, D., Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. (Eds.) (2000) Cultural Turns/Geographical Turns: Perspectives on Cultural Geography. Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780582368873

Naylor, S. (2000) Society and nature: an introduction. In: Cook, I., Crouch, D., Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. (eds.) Cultural Turns/Geographical Turns: Perspectives on Cultural Geography. Prentice Hall, pp. 261-264.

Naylor, S. (2000) Spacing the can: empire, modernity, and the globalisation of food. Environment and Planning A, 32(9), pp. 1625-1639. (doi: 10.1068/a32166)


Naylor, S. (1999) Spatial regulation of British emigration to Argentina. In: Edkins, J., Persram, N. and Pin-Fat, V. (eds.) Sovereignty and Subjectivity. Series: Critical perspectives on world politics. L. Rienne: Boulder, CO, pp. 71-87. ISBN 9781555878030


Naylor, S. and Jones, G.A. (1997) Writing orderly geographies of distant places: the regional survey movement and Latin America. Ecumene, 4(3), pp. 273-299. (doi: 10.1177/147447409700400302)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 23:06:02 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 59.


Tobin, G., Lorimer, H. and Naylor, S. (2024) The art of earth-building: placing relief models in the culture of modern geography in Britain. Journal of Historical Geography, 85, pp. 91-94. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2024.04.005)

Jonell, T. N. , Jones, P. , Lucas, A. and Naylor, S. (2024) Limited waterpower contributed to rise of steam power in British 'Cottonopolis'. PNAS Nexus, 3(7), pgae251. (doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae251)

Jonell, T. N. , Calton, I. N., Hurst, M. D. , Jones, P. , Lucas, A. R. and Naylor, S. (2023) Shaping landscapes and industry: linking historic watermill locations to bedrock river knickpoints. Scottish Geographical Journal, 139(3-4), pp. 328-345. (doi: 10.1080/14702541.2023.2205853)

Jones, P. , Jonell, T. N. , Hurst, M. D. , Lucas, A. R. and Naylor, S. (2023) Location, location, location: reassessing W.H.K. Turner’s legacy for industrial geography in Scotland and beyond. Scottish Geographical Journal, 139(1-2), pp. 205-218. (doi: 10.1080/14702541.2023.2178666)

Macdonald, N., Naylor, S. , Bowen, J. P., Harvey-Fishenden, A. and Graham, E. (2023) Understanding weather futures based on the past: a case of Stornoway, Outer Hebrides. Scottish Geographical Journal, 139(1-2), pp. 115-132. (doi: 10.1080/14702541.2022.2158366)

Naylor, S. , Macdonald, N., Bowen, J. P. and Endfield, G. (2022) Extreme weather, school logbooks and social vulnerability: the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Journal of Historical Geography, 78, pp. 84-94. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2022.07.006)

Naylor, S. and Schaffer, S. (2019) Nineteenth-century survey sciences: enterprises, expeditions and exhibitions: introduction. Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 73(2), pp. 135-147. (doi: 10.1098/rsnr.2019.0005)

Naylor, S. (2019) Thermometer screens and the geographies of uniformity in nineteenth-century meteorology. Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 73, pp. 203-221. (doi: 10.1098/rsnr.2018.0037)

Naylor, S. (2017) Historical geography in Transactions. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(4), pp. 485-488. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12222)

Veale, L., Endfield, G., Davies, S., Macdonald, N., Naylor, S. , Royer, M.-J., Bowen, J., Tyler-Jones, R. and Jones, C. (2017) Dealing with the deluge of historical weather data: the example of the TEMPEST database. Geo: Geography and Environment, 4(2), e00039. (doi: 10.1002/geo2.39)

Crampton, J. W., Ginn, F., Kirsch, S., Kobayashi, A., Naylor, S. and Seemann, J. (2017) Teaching the history of geography: current challenges and future directions. Progress in Human Geography, 41(2), pp. 245-262. (doi: 10.1177/0309132515575940)

Bailey, A., Dowling, R., Little, J. and Naylor, S. (2017) Editorial. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(1), p. 1. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12167)

Bailey, A., Dowling, R., Little, J. and Naylor, S. (2016) Editorial. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 41(2), pp. 107-108. (doi: 10.1111/tran.12110)

Naylor, S. (2015) Log books and the law of storms: maritime meteorology and the British Admiralty in the Nineteenth Century. Isis, 106(4), pp. 771-797. (doi: 10.1086/684641)

Veale, L., Endfield, G. and Naylor, S. (2014) Knowing weather in place: the Helm Wind of Cross Fell. Journal of Historical Geography, 45, pp. 25-37. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2014.03.003)

Naylor, S. , Dean, K. and Siegert, M. (2008) The IGY and the ice sheet: surveying Antarctica. Journal of Historical Geography, 34(4), pp. 574-595. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2008.07.001)

Turchetti, S., Dean, K., Naylor, S. and Siegert, M. (2008) Accidents and opportunities: a history of the radio echo-sounding of Antarctica, 1958–79. British Journal for the History of Science, 41(03), pp. 417-444. (doi: 10.1017/S0007087408000903)

Dean, K., Naylor, S. , Turchetti, S. and Siegert, M. (2008) Data in Antarctic science and politics. Social Studies of Science, 38(4), pp. 571-604. (doi: 10.1177/0306312708090693)

Naylor, S. , Siegert, M., Dean, K. and Turchetti, S. (2008) Science, geopolitics and the governance of Antarctica. Nature Geoscience, 1(3), pp. 143-145. (doi: 10.1038/ngeo138)

Turchetti, S., Dean, K., Naylor, S. and Siegert, M. (2008) In principio fu la Guerra Fredda. Sapere, 74, pp. 24-34.

Turchetti, S., Naylor, S. , Dean, K. and Siegert, M. (2008) On thick ice: scientific internationalism and Antarctic affairs, 1957–1980. History and Technology, 24(4), pp. 351-376. (doi: 10.1080/07341510802357419)

Naylor, S. (2007) Provincial authorities and botanical provinces: Elizabeth Warren’s 'Hortus Siccus of the Indigenous Plants of Cornwall'. Garden History, 35(Sup 2), pp. 84-95.

Naylor, S. (2006) Nationalizing provincial weather: meteorology in nineteenth-century Cornwall. British Journal for the History of Science, 39(03), pp. 407-433. (doi: 10.1017/S0007087406008399)

Naylor, S. (2005) Introduction: historical geographies of science – places, contexts, cartographies. British Journal for the History of Science, 38(1), pp. 1-12. (doi: 10.1017/S0007087404006430)

Naylor, S. (2005) Writing the region: Jonathan Couch and the Cornish fauna. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 30(1), pp. 33-45. (doi: 10.1179/030801805X19708)

Naylor, S. (2003) Collecting quoits: field cultures in the history of Cornish antiquarianism. Cultural Geographies, 10(3), pp. 309-333. (doi: 10.1191/1474474003eu277oa)

Naylor, S. (2002) The field, the museum and the lecture hall: the spaces of natural history in Victorian Cornwall. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 27(4), pp. 494-513. (doi: 10.1111/1475-5661.00067)

Dewsbury, J.D. and Naylor, S. (2002) Practising geographical knowledge: fields, bodies and dissemination. Area, 34(3), pp. 253-260. (doi: 10.1111/1475-4762.00079)

Gale, R. and Naylor, S. (2002) Religion, planning and the city: the spatial politics of ethnic minority expression in British cities and towns. Ethnicities, 2(3), pp. 387-409. (doi: 10.1177/14687968020020030601)

Naylor, S. and Ryan, J.R. (2002) The mosque in the suburbs: negotiating religion and ethnicity in South London. Social and Cultural Geography, 3(1), pp. 39-59. (doi: 10.1080/14649360120114134)

Naylor, S. (2001) Discovering nature, rediscovering the self: natural historians and the landscapes of Argentina. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 19(2), pp. 227-247. (doi: 10.1068/d207t)

Naylor, S. (2000) "That Very Garden of South America": European surveyors in Paraguay. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 21(1), pp. 48-62. (doi: 10.1111/1467-9493.00063)

Naylor, S. (2000) Spacing the can: empire, modernity, and the globalisation of food. Environment and Planning A, 32(9), pp. 1625-1639. (doi: 10.1068/a32166)

Naylor, S. and Jones, G.A. (1997) Writing orderly geographies of distant places: the regional survey movement and Latin America. Ecumene, 4(3), pp. 273-299. (doi: 10.1177/147447409700400302)


Naylor, S. (2024) The Observatory Experiment: Meteorology in Britain and its Empire. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781009207232

Naylor, S. (2010) Regionalizing Science: Placing Knowledges in Victorian England. Series: Science and culture in the nineteenth century (11). Pickering & Chatto: London. ISBN 9781851966363

Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. eds. (2009) New Spaces of Discovery: Geographies of Exploration in the Twentieth Century. Series: Tauris historical geography series, 2. I.B. Tauris: London. ISBN 9781848850170

Book Sections

Naylor, S. and Goodman, M. (2020) Atmospheric empire: historical geographies of meteorology at the colonial observatories. In: Mahony, M. and Randalls, S. (eds.) Weather, Climate, and the Geographical Imagination: Placing Atmospheric Knowledges. Series: INTERSECTIONS: histories of environment. University of Pittsburgh Press: Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 25-42. ISBN 9780822946168 (doi: 10.2307/j.ctv10h9g13.5)

Naylor, S. (2015) Weather instruments all at sea: meteorology and the Royal Navy in the nineteenth century. In: MacDonald, F. and Withers, C. W.J. (eds.) Geography, Technology and Instruments of Exploration. Series: Studies in historical geography. Routledge: Farnham, pp. 77-96. ISBN 9781472434258

Endfield, G. and Naylor, S. (2015) Climate and cultural heritage: an experiment with the ‘weather memory bank'. In: Harvey, D. and Perry, J. (eds.) The Future of Heritage as Climates Change: Loss, Adaptation and Creativity. Series: Key issues in cultural heritage. Routledge: London, pp. 62-77. ISBN 9781138781832

Endfield, G. and Naylor, S. (2015) Climate and cultural heritage: an experiment with the ‘Weather Memory Bank’. In: Harvey, D. and Perry, J. (eds.) The Future of Heritage as Climates Change:Loss, Adaptation and Creativity. Series: Key issues in cultural heritag. Routledge, pp. 62-77. ISBN 9781138781832

Naylor, S. and Hill, J. (2011) Museums. In: Agnew, J.A. and Livingstone, D.N. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Geographical Knowledge. SAGE: London, pp. 390-392. ISBN 9781412910811

Naylor, S. (2010) Geological mapping and the geographies of proprietorship in nineteenth-century Cornwall. In: Livingstone, D.N. and Withers, C.W.J. (eds.) Geographies of Nineteenth-Century Science. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL and London, pp. 345-370. ISBN 9780226487267

Naylor, S. (2009) Exploration and the twentieth century. In: Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. (eds.) New Spaces of Discovery: Geographies of Exploration in the Twentieth Century. Series: Tauris historical geography series (2). I.B. Tauris: London, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781848850170

Naylor, S. (2009) Fieldwork and the geographical career: T. Griffith Taylor and the exploration of Australia. In: Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. (eds.) New Spaces of Exploration: Geographies of Discovery in the Twentieth Century. Series: Tauris historical geography series (2). I.B. Tauris: London, pp. 105-124. ISBN 9781848850170

Naylor, S. (2008) Seismic waves. In: Yusoff, K. (ed.) Bipolar. Arts Catalyst, pp. 46-47. ISBN 9780953454662

Naylor, S. (2004) Henry Walter Bates. In: Lightman, B. (ed.) Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists. Thoemmes Press: Bristol, pp. 136-139. ISBN 9781855069992

Naylor, S. (2004) Jonathan Couch. In: Lightman, B. (ed.) Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists. Thoemmes Press: Bristol, pp. 492-493. ISBN 9781855069992

Naylor, S. (2004) Richard Couch. In: Lightman, B. (ed.) Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists. Thoemmes Press: Bristol, pp. 493-494. ISBN 9781855069992

Naylor, S. (2004) Richard Rawlinson Vyvyan. In: Lightman, B. (ed.) Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Scientists. Thoemmes Press: Bristol, pp. 2076-2077. ISBN 9781855069992

Naylor, S. (2003) Exploration and field work. In: Heilbron, J.L. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 288-291. ISBN 9780195112290

Naylor, S. (2003) Mosques, temples and gurdwaras: new sites of religion in twentieth century Britain. In: Gilbert, D., Matless, D. and Short, B. (eds.) Geographies of British Modernity: Space and Society in the Twentieth Century. Series: RGS-IBG book series. Blackwell: Oxford, UK, pp. 609-603. ISBN 9780631235002

Naylor, S. (2000) Society and nature: an introduction. In: Cook, I., Crouch, D., Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. (eds.) Cultural Turns/Geographical Turns: Perspectives on Cultural Geography. Prentice Hall, pp. 261-264.

Naylor, S. (1999) Spatial regulation of British emigration to Argentina. In: Edkins, J., Persram, N. and Pin-Fat, V. (eds.) Sovereignty and Subjectivity. Series: Critical perspectives on world politics. L. Rienne: Boulder, CO, pp. 71-87. ISBN 9781555878030

Book Reviews

Naylor, S. (2024) The survey sciences in thin air. Dialogues in Human Geography, 14(1), pp. 143-146. (doi: 10.1177/20438206241230404)[Book Review]

Naylor, S. (2011) Historical geographies of provincial science. Journal of Historical Geography, 37(3), pp. 390-392. (doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2011.06.008)[Book Review]

Naylor, S. (2002) Curiosity and curiosities in early modern England. Journal of Historical Geography, 28(4), pp. 609-613. (doi: 10.1006/jhge.2002.0506)[Book Review]

Edited Books

DeSilvey, C., Naylor, S. and Sackett, C. (Eds.) (2011) Anticipatory History. Uniformbooks: Axminster. ISBN 9780956855923

Cook, I., Crouch, D., Naylor, S. and Ryan, J. (Eds.) (2000) Cultural Turns/Geographical Turns: Perspectives on Cultural Geography. Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780582368873

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 23:06:02 2025 GMT.


  • 2022 Atmospheric Empires: Meteorological Observatories in Victorian Britain. Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship; £40000, Naylor PI.
  • 2020-2022 Building Climate Resilience through Community, Landscapes and Cultural Heritage. AHRC; £320,000K, Naylor Co-I. Part of the UKRI Climate Resilience Programme.

  • 2020-1 Canadian SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, ‘Reassembling Ontario’s “Near North”: Reparation through university-museum-Indigenous research partnerships’; grant period 2 years; International Collaborator; $200000 (PI Kirsten Greer, Nipissing University).

  •  2019-20 Graham Brown Research Fellowship, National Library of Scotland; £5000.

  •  2019 SGSSS / ESRC Interdisciplinary competition studentship grant, ‘Exploring the social, historical and environmental legacies of steel slag’, grant period 4 years; £14413 per year.

  •  2018 AHRC CDP studentship grant, with Historic Scotland, ‘From Water to Steam: The transition from renewable energy to coal during Scotland’s industrial revolution’; grant period 3 years; £14413 per year.

  • 2013 AHRC Standard Grant, Care for the Future Theme, ‘Spaces of experience and horizons of expectation: the implications of extreme weather events, past, present and future’; grant period 3 years; £1,052,745; Co-applicant (PI Professor Georgina Endfield, Nottingham University).

  • 2013 AHRC Follow On Funding Grant, ‘Snow Scenes: Exploring the Role of Place in Weather Memories’, grant period 14 months until 30 April 2014; £60213; Co-Investigator (PI Professor Georgina Endfield, Nottingham University).

  • 2012 British Academy / Leverhulme Trust Small Research Grant, ‘The Meteorological Crusade: Britain’s Colonial Weather Observatories’; grant period 2 years until August 2014 (extended to April 2015); £6120; Principal Investigator.

  • 2012 AHRC Follow On Funding Grant, ‘Weather talks, Weather Walks: Exploring Popular Climate Histories and Futures’; grant period 1 year until end of January 2013; £90000; Co-applicant (PI Professor Georgina Endfield, Nottingham University).

  • 2010 AHRC Network Grant, ‘Anticipatory Histories of Landscape and Wildlife’; grant period 1 year; £30000; Principal Investigator (Co-applicant Dr Caitlin DeSilvey, University of Exeter).


Current PhD Students, all externally funded by UKRI, government bodies or charities like Leverhume. 

  • Iara Calton, From Water to Steam: The transition from renewable energy to coal during Scotland’s industrial revolution. University of Glasgow; 2018-2022; Funded by AHRC CDP studentship grant, with Historic Environment Scotland, second supervisor Paul Bishop.

  • George Tobin, A Historical Geography of Relief Models. University of Glasgow; 2017-2020; Funded by AHRC CDP studentship, with Royal Geographical Society.

  • Tom Sefton, Lord Kelvin and the Earth Sciences. University of Glasgow; 2016-2019; Funded by Leverhulme Trust Collections grant; second supervisor Nicky Reeves.

  • Jenna Kirk, Exploring the social, historical and environmental legacies of steel slag. University of Glasgow; 2019-2023; Funded by Scottish Graduate School for the Social Sciences; other supervisors John Macdonald and Kenny Brophy.
  • Brown, Jennifer
    Title: Modelling innovation and ‘improvement’: the histories and geographies of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland’s models collection
  • Kirk, Jenna
    Exploring the legacies of steel slag at Glengarnock, North Ayrshire: a situated interdisciplinary account of an anthropogenic geomaterial
  • Yang, Xin
    A tool for scientific governance? The historical geography of China’s Arctic research station

Professional activities & recognition

Research fellowships

  • 2019 - 2020: Graham Brown Research Fellowship, National Library of Scotland

Grant committees & research advisory boards

  • 2014 - 2021: ARHC, Peer Review College

Editorial boards

  • 2014 - 2020: Editor, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
  • 2014 - Present: Editor, Routledge Research in Historical Geography series.
  • 2010 - Present: Editorial Board Member, Journal of Historical Geography.

Professional & learned societies

  • 2012 - 2014: Trustee and Council Member, British Society for the History of Science

Selected international presentations

  • 2015: Managing Cultural Heritage in a Climate Change(d) Future (Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute)
  • 2017: Unsettling Settler Colonialism: Canada at 150 (University of Nipissing, Ontario, Canada)


  • Formal academic advisor to a major BBC2 series, Icons of the Twentieth Century, particularly relating to explorers.

Additional information


  • 2021 Invited speaker, Promises of Precision: Questioning 'Precision' in Precision Instruments, 
    Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.
  • 2019 Invited International Speaker, Fourth Conference in the History of Meteorological Science and Technology, China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Beijing, China.
  • 2018-19 Formal academic advisor to a major BBC2 series, Icons of the Twentieth Century.
  • 2018  Inaugural lecture, ‘The history of science in Cornwall’, at the Royal Institution of Cornwall’s 200th anniversary celebrations, Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro.
  • 2017 Invited talk and workshop participation, ‘Unsettling Settler Colonialism: Canada at 150’, University of Nipissing, Ontario, Canada.
  • 2015 Invited talk and workshop participation, ‘Managing Cultural Heritage in a Climate Change(d) Future’, Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute in collaboration with and funded by the AHRC, Washington DC.
  • 2014 Invited talk, ‘Regional geographies of scientific knowledge: A case-study from nineteenth-century England’, López Piñero Institute for the history of medicine and science, University of Valencia.
  • 2011 Invited talk and workshop participation, ‘Historical Geographies of Weather and Climate’, South Asian Historical Records and Climate Workshop, AHRC and British Library funded event, Bangalore, India.


  • 2019-  Deputy Head, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow

  •  2019-  Head of Human Geography Research Group, University of Glasgow

  • 2016-20  Editor, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers   

  • 2014- Editor, Routledge Research in Historical Geography Series

  • 2010- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Historical Geography.

  • 2006-10 Book Review Editor, Journal of Historical Geography

  • 2014-21 Member of AHRC Peer Review College

  • 2012-14 Council Member and Trustee of the British Society for the History of Science.